Translated by Lyran1

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35-Part 2.02. Elder Brother, see the town

The next morning, I woke up and opened the window of the room.

The fresh air and the voice of little birds. Townscape shining in the morning sun. it is a very happy morning.

Although it is incomparable with my home, this building also has a garden where I can practice my body, Roy came when he was changing into the exercise clothes he brought after doing light and flexible exercise. (TN: 自宅とは比べるべくもないが、この館にも一応体を動かせるだけの庭はあるので、軽く柔軟運動をしてから持ってきた運動用の服に着替えているとロイがやって来た。)

After a little practice, I told him I would have breakfast, and goes out to the garden with a wooden sword in his hand.

As a habit, I wanted to run, but it’s a problem if I go out the mansion and something happens, so I gave up and practiced swinging and leg movement, followed the style assumed to be and opposite person and I was sweating. (TN: 習慣としては走りたいのだが、流石に館の外に出て何かあっては問題なので諦めて素振りと脚捌きの練習、対人を想定した型を一通りこなし、汗を流した。)

I realize that my sword’s skill will stop at the second-class at best. Nevertheless, even it is for the sake of health, I want to be close to the first class as possible even in the same second class.

From my point of view, it’s better not to be in a serious situation, but there is absolutely no such a thing in the world. Besides, even if I can’t overcome the crisis directly with my sword, I feel that it is realistic that I want to acquire as much power as possible to gain time until a strong ally comes to help.

For the time being, I went around a small garden for a while, thinking that I wanted to have enough leg strength to run and escape from any situation.

After washing my sweat in the prepared bath, I headed to the dining room, the Baron greeted me in front of the obvious excessive items.

[Good morning, your Excellency. It’s a good Idea to start training in the morning] (TN: 朝から鍛錬をなさるとは流石でございますな)

The baron, it’s hard to smile while holding an explosive that shouldn’t be thrown, looking at the table I had a headache.  (TN: 男爵の、放り投げてはいけない爆発物を持たされている上での笑顔にもげんなりだが、食卓の上を見て俺は頭痛を覚えた。)

Large white bread, grilled chicken meat, ham and sausage, soup also contains meat. In contrast, there are not many vegetables.  You can see onions and carrots in the soup—That’s the information!  It’s a regular menu of the time when I was heading for a round pig……

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What’s going on with this world’s communication?

[Oh, Baron Teneriza]

I said holding my forehead with one hand.

[Didn’t you like it!? I heard that it was your favorite breakfast]

To have him pay regard and it’s bad, but the information is old.

[Ah, I used to like this kind of breakfast, but now I prefer a smaller amount and more vegetables]

[That, it was disrespectful! I’ll prepare it immediately!]

The Baron disappears to the kitchen in a hurry. I don’t have to worry about it so much……

Although there was a trouble like that, I was able to have a breakfast with more vegetables safely, so I decided to go to the city tour immediately,

[Are you going now? You just arrived yesterday, and that you may as well take it slowly]

The baron told me.

[Thank you for your concern, but it would not make any sense to extend the day. I need to go on inspection at once, I would like to find out what is needed in this city, so please I need your help]

I replied, hastily started preparing. I wonder if it is something that I am troubled by being seen? (TN: 何か見られて困るようなものでもあるのだろうか?)

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Or maybe it was based on old information that I was a lazy person. (TN: それとも、単に俺がものぐさ太郎だという古い情報に基づいて行動しただけなのか。)

The baron seemed to have taken it seriously, and the carriage was prepared and escorted in a short time.

The first one to be shown was the main street in the town. Although it is incomparable to the royal capital or the dukedom capital, but it was still a lively town center. (TN: 王都や公都とは比べものにならないが、それでも一応は街の中心、それなりの賑わいを見せていた。) The expression for both the people who run the stores and the people who were shopping were bright.

It’s a very lively town. However, I was worried that there was a lot of garbage on the roadside. Well, it’s an unavoidable problem when it comes to a large avenue. Actually, even the royal capital is quite messy.

It’s fine that filth is not thrown away, but I felt that there was a difference between the common sense of the previous life about the concept of hygiene or morality about the treatment of other unnecessary things.

The carriage continues to the entrance gate of the town to inspect the neighboring villages. (TN: 続いて、近隣の村を視察する為に馬車を街の入り口の門へと走らせる。)

Although the town is slightly different, there are generally large gates in the north, south, east, and west, and between them there are a total of 8 smaller gates.

The carriage passed through the main street from the east gate. The east gate is the most magnificent gate facing the dukedom and royal capitals. The carriage then goes east for a while before heading south.

As I proceeded, I saw a small village, but I felt uncomfortable when I saw the wall of the town in the distance. I can see the gate. I don’t know if it’s the south gate or the southeast gate because it’s a long distance, but obviously it’s probably closer to passing through that gate.

The read leading to the gate is thinner that the east-west road, but it is not impossible for a carriage to pass. What does this mean. (TN: これはどういうことだろう。)

While having doubts, I look at the state of the field from the carriage.

As an amateur, I do not know what the situation of the cultivation of wheat is, but the ears that shine in the late summer sunshine seemed to be growing abundantly. The farmers who worked here also have a relaxed atmosphere. At least there was no sign of fear of poor crop.

According to the knight of the escort, who is the lord of this village, we can expect a normal harvest this year. Poor crops occur about once every 10 years, and it seems that they can manage it with their usual stockpile.

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It seemed to me that there is not much I should do in agriculture. Whether the knowledge of the previous life is effective or not in this world unless you experiment to some extent, and if there are not so many problems at  present, it would be better not to do bad things.

[Your excellency, it’s about time for lunch, shall we return to the mansion?]

Suggest the Baron.

[Well, let’s go back. Ah, please come back from that gate. I’d like to see the other side of the street]

When I said so, the Baron look blatantly troubled.

[…… Is it from there?] (TN: ……あちらからでございますか)

[Something wrong?]

The Baron paused for a moment and began to speak of his motive. (TN: 男爵はしばらく口ごもっていたが、観念したのか話し始めた。)

[If you enter through that gate, there is a risk that you may see something unsightly your Excellency……]

[Unsightly things…… What are you talking about? If there is something to be improved for the city, it is more necessary to see. Please show me around]

[I’m ashamed to say that orphans roosting/nest near the wall. tI try not to get close to the north, south, east, and west gates leading to the main street, it might be hanging around the southeast gate there……] (TN: 大通りに通じる東西南北の門の側には寄らせないようにしているのですが、あちらの南東の門の近くはうろちょろしているかもしれず……)

I expected it to some extent, but orphans? (TN: ある程度予想はしていたが、孤児達か。)

[Show me at once]

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I told the Baron my firm intention to know the current situation.

Yes, I think it’s better to talk to a certain level of authority.

Then we went through the southern gate.

The gatekeeper was quite surprised to see the carriage with the lord’s crest, it’s really rarely passes there.

The surroundings, indeed, are quite different from the main street, and there is a gloomy air. There are more trash than the main street, in the alley I saw suddenly a rat like creature gnawing something. It seems that garbage bags are also thrown away.  Speaking of which, it doesn’t smell……

[It’s pretty rough]

[I’m ashamed to say……]

As I spoke with the Baron, something moved in the corner of my field of view.

In the back of the alley, the rat suddenly turns over. It’s due to stone throwing. Surprisingly, a lump of rags suddenly approaches and collects the rat. The extended arm is thin.

From the alley on the other side, two small children wearing rags are watching this situation. The feet peeking through the cloth are barefoot.

They are orphan……

[Baron change the schedule. It’s alright to have lunch late, so head to the church in this town]

I felt like I had decided what I should do in this town.

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