Translated by Lyran1

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36-C2.03. Elder Brother, visit the Church

The Church was off the main street.

The building itself is about two stories high, but the floor area is slightly larger than that of a normal single house, it is about the size of two ordinary single-family buildings connected together.

The building itself was about that, but it was surrounded by trees and the site seemed to be in its reasonable. I get the impression that it is hidden somewhere. (TN: どこか隠されているような印象を受ける。)

Since the Church in my previous life knowledge was an image of the Town, I thought it was more like a shrine.

I entered the Church with the Baron and the guard knight.

The priest inside was unaffected by the sudden visit of the Baron and the Lord’s son, and when he learned that we hadn’t had lunch yet, he recommended lunch.

I’m going to have him sit down with me because I’m on the right track. (TN: 折角なのでと同席させてもらうことにする。)

Unexpectedly, I noticed that the Baron had an expression that he didn’t know what to do. Oh, he might be worried for me having lunch at the church.

The church is an independent place in this Kingdom. In any small village has a corresponding to its size, the Lord is obligated to hold it as a place of prayer. The amount of the management fund is determined by the size of the location, and basically it is covered by the donations from those who visited the previous year, but the shortfall can be billed to the lord.

It seems easy to hear that much, but it seems that the life of the priest in the actual Church is extremely poor.

For example, a fixed number of clothes are provided, which are repaired and used for a fixed period of time. (TN: 例えば衣服は決まった数が支給され、それを修繕しながら定められた期間使うそうだ。)

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As for the meal, it seems that white bread is served only once a week, the rest of the six days are followed by barley porridge, black bread and no stable food alternately.

It is the same for the priest who is in charge, the other servant and guests, the food served will remain unchanged regardless of whether the lord son and the Baron comes. (TN: それは責任者である神父も他の下働きの者も客人も同様で、今回のように代官や領主の息子が来ようが振る舞われる料理は変わらない。)

So, the Baron seems to be at loss whether to let me eat an obviously poor meal.

Even though the Church is a non-aggression area, so it is impossible for the Baron to complain, even so, he must be afraid that he may have overlook it without saying anything and later be known to father. (TN: そもそも教会は不可侵領域なので代官程度が文句をつけることなどできないのだが、それでも何も言わずに見過ごしてしまって後から父上に知れたらと怯えているのだろう。)

…… I wish the Baron would soon know that I wouldn’t tell my father. For each other’s sake.

While I was thinking about that, the dishes were brought.

Barley porridge and vegetables, above. (TN: 麦粥と野菜、以上。)

I watched and imitate the prayer gesture of the Priest and the church people and took a bite of barley porridge. Yeah, it tastes thin and simple, but it’s not bad. Besides, barley porridge is rich in vitamins and quite nutritious.

For me, I’m not dissatisfied, but I am sure it may be inappropriate as a dish to treat the lord’s son.

[Well, you wanted to ask me about the orphans in this town, what should we star with?] (TN: さて、この街の孤児達の事について聞きたいとのお話でしたが、何からお話しましょうか?)

The priest speaks to me without unnecessary shrinking. There is an atmosphere of aloofness. (TN: どこか超然として雰囲気をまとっていた。)

[Yes, the first question is, does this church protect orphan?]

[Hmm…… it’s not that we haven’t, is it adequate?] (TN: ふむ……していないわけではない、というのが適切でしょうか)

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The Baron is nervous. (TN: 男爵がおろおろする。)

Certainly, it is a somewhat pompous answer, I want him to calm down because it doesn’t make me feel that much. Well, when I was a round pig, I’m sure I would make a blunter……

[And do you say so?] (TN: と、いいますと?)

[First, we protect infants. That doesn’t mean we accept it indefinitely.  In the case of the death of a parent we contact other relatives to pick them up as soon as possible. However, if an unidentified person dies and a child is left behind, they will be protected here, from there we work with each church and if there is a family that wants to adopt, we let them]

I nodded. At this point I think they are well protected; the problem is—

[However, orphans and families seeking adoption are not always balanced]

That’s right.

[Until spring and approximately 6 years old they will be kept here and given education while looking for a place to be taken in and employed or an orphanage in a big city, if not found, based on their origin we move them out]

Move out, when? (TN: 退去、ときたか。)

[Specifically, we declare that we will no longer be able to support them and will not be allowed in the Church building. However, in the first week we only give them meals. The next week we stop serving dinner. The following week, we will not allow access to the Church grounds and meals are only served in the morning.  The last week we only give breakfast for the first 3 days and do nothing after that. This will leave most of them]

The priest spoke plainly. It was like listening to an explanation of how a machine or something works.

[I see, I understand the meaning of your words earlier]

I nodded slowly.

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[Hmm, you don’t blame us. Even though some orphans who have left this Church sin to live]

The priest showed what seemed to be an emotion for the first time here.

[Are you working hard to do what you can with the authority you have been given? On the other hand, you can’t be blamed for not being able to save them all. As for the orphan’s crimes, it hurts my heart when I think of the victims. The appropriate punishment should be given under the law. But the thing such as give priority to kill all orphans because there is a possibility that a sin is committed, I can’t say that. I still don’t know if that’s right, but….]

[……I’m here. Yes, empathy is the most enduring thing] (YN: 肯定され、共感される事が最も堪える)

The priest smiled bitterly.  This person instinctively thinks that no matter who forgive him, he will not forgive himself.

[As a member of Duke Alderton family, I have to make “The first Alms” in this town. It’s presumptuous to save the orphans, but I want to do something that will at least be better than it is now. And that would be good for the whole town. So, I would like to ask your cooperation]

[If there is anything you can do in this Church, please tell us. As far as I can tell, the crimes of orphans are limited to stealing food. I want to do something before it pile up anymore]

When I bowed, the priest also bowed to me for the first time.

[Incidentally, how many children are being protected at this Church currently]

[Currently, there are 2 infants and 3 children of 2-4 years old. I’m planning to bring one person from a neighbouring village next week] (TN: あとは来週、近隣の村から1人連れられてくる予定です)

[How many people can you protect in this Church?]

[10 people will be the limit. However, children under the age of 6 will be raised by relying on believers somehow. On the other hand, if it becomes older than that, they will be moved out even if there is a vacancy]

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The priest said that there were 3 children who had been moved out this spring as well, using the procedure described earlier.

[even if you can afford it…… I see, you don’t want to hurt another child] (TN: 余裕があっても……。そうか、別な子を恨ませない為か)

When I muttered so, the priest looked surprised.

[Quick-sighted, thank you very much. That’s exactly what it is. If we can afford it, we can protect them forever, the impetuous to move out will be the arrival of a new orphan. If that happen, then the expelled child will resent the new one. As someone took their place] (TN: 慧眼、恐れ入ります。)

Perhaps unconsciously, the priest used the term child to be expelled. (TN: 無意識だろうか、神父は追い出される子という言い方をした。)

[If that happens, they won’t leave anymore, in the worst case, tragedies will occur that will harm the younger child. For the orphans in the city, the enemy is us adults, the Church us the one who drove them out and the new one must be the same discarded companion]

He dared to be covered in mud (TN: I’m not really sure of the meaning あえて泥を被るというわけだ。)

[Of course, there no sweet story that all orphans can help each other. There are many orphans who do not go through the Church. I also heard that there is a conflict between groups of orphans. However, it is our Church policy to avoid having children continue to hold indelible grudge against younger children]

The priest said with a hidden emotion.

[I understand your situation. That’s my policy from now on–]

I checked the number of orphans that the Church knows about, confirmed the cooperation involved in childcare, consulted with the Baron, who was completely out of the net about the financial affairs.

[Alright, first of all, it’s the building]

The Baron asked if that was all he needed for lunch, but I answered that there is no problem and send him to the Merchant Guild.

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