Yu Fan leaned against the wall, propped up his elbows, his head in the palm of his hand. He tried his best not to close his eyes.

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He was not so sleepy, but today the sun is so good that it warms him up.

This is a math class.

Zhuang Xingqin spits out a pile of numbers and formulas that he does not understand, which is tantamount to playing a lullaby in his ear.

After fishing for ten minutes, Yu Fan’s head suddenly went down and was just about to fall on the table.

A slightly cool touch supported his head.

Yu Fan opened his eyes vaguely and confronted Chen Jingshen’s fingers with a pen between his legs.

Looking through the fingers he could see Chen Jingshen’s cold jaw line is slightly raised, and his Adam’s apple line protruding. If he hadn’t put a hand on his forehead, he would have felt that the man was listening carefully.

The next moment, Chen Jingshen glanced down at the corner of his eyes. They looked at each other briefly for two seconds in the spring sun.

The place that was held by the back of the hand was numb, and the numerous drowsiness flew away.

He regained his senses, removed Chen Jingshen’s hand and adjusted his position on the chair with a straight face.

Zhuang Xingqin originally thought that Yu Fan just omitted the wake-up call process between them and missed the next two classes of other teachers. When he quietly patrolled the corridor, Yu Fan was awake.

Every time they looked at each other through the window, there was some subtlety in their faces.

School ends at noon.

As soon as Zhang Xianjing looked back, she saw Yu Fan and Wang Luan fall on the table together with the bell.

“what can I do for you two?” Zhang Xianjing fixed lipstick and said, “You don’t sleep in class and sleep after school?”

Wang Luan wanted to sleep forever, but he was so hungry that he cooed.

“do you think I’m stupid?” He struggled and crawled. “isn’t that someone trying to roll me up? Sitting like a bamboo stick all morning, asking my discipline officer deskmate to look after me. He would wrete down my name so who dares to sleep? ”

Wang Luaan knocked on Yu Fan’s desk and said, “What’s the matter with you today? you haven’t touched the desk all morning?”

It’s not because someone’s asking for trouble–.

Next to him came a short sound of someone buckling the lid of a pen.

“I.” Yu Fan clenched his teeth, sat down again, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, “not sleepy.”

Wang Luan: “……”

If you’re don’t have this grave face, I’ll believe you.

“Then let’s go and eat in the cafeteria. I’m starving.” Wang Luan rubbed his belly, “come back to sleep after eating.”

Yu Fan said “uh-huh” lazily, tilting his head on the table looking for a cell phone that he didn’t have the energy to touch all morning.

“wait a minute, I’ll go with you.” Zhang Xianjing tidied up her school uniform. Yu Fan caught a glimpse of the person sitting at the back and asked casually, “high achiever, do you want to go to the cafeteria for dinner?”

“mm-hmm.” Chen Jingshen put his textbook in the drawer, dropped his eyes, then suddenly turned his head and whispered, “can I go?”

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Zhang Xianjing: “?”

Wang Luan: “……?”

Yu Fan stuffed his cell phone into his pocket, turned his head and walked towards the back door of the room, throwing down a cold sentence. “it’s up to you. I don’t own the canteen.”

Yu Fan is so famous in the school that he attracts the silent attention of some students every time he enters the canteen. After all, he became famous first in this place.

This time, with the addition of the first grade who is as handsome as Yu Fan, as soon as Wang Luan walked into the canteen, he felt that all the students present had stopped their chopsticks.

This kind of attention greatly satisfied Wang Luan ‘s vanity, and his sleepiness vanished in an instant.

The canteen was crowded with students, the doors and windows were open but still hot, and the shabby wall fans on the wall twisted their heads and whined.

Zuo Kuan came early and has already occupied the seats for them.

After the meal, Zhang Xianjing beckoned Chen Jingshen to sit beside her. As soon as Wang Luan loosened his hand, he put the meal plate directly in front of her.

Zhang Xianjing could only watch Chen Jingshen sit on the opposite side of her

Chen Jingshen sat down and glanced at the opposite man’s lunch.

Two dishes and one meat, it looks healthy.

“Yu Fan,” Zuo Kuan opened his mouth and said mysteriously, “guess who was sitting opposite me just now?”


“Ding Xiao!” Zuo Kuan slapped his thigh and said, “fantastic. As soon as Sun Jing saw you enter the cafeteria, he ran away without eating. I just sat down and ate for two hours. ”

Yu Fan said without any care: “Oh.”

“Tsk. No fun.”

Zuo Kuan asked, “by the way, Wang Luan, did your head teacher also receive the picture of ktv?”

“Yes, I was called to the office early in the morning.” As soon as his name was mentioned he answered,

“Hey, Zuo Kuan, what’s going on with the Q-picket Q-group? Aren’t you the leader of the group? do you know who spread it? ”

Zuo Kuan: “if I knew, wouldn’t I tell you?”

Wang Luan said vaguely with rice in his mouth, “Why am I so unlucky recently? I was also caught arrested last week…. ”

Yu Fan did not say anythig.

He didn’t get enough sleep, and his face was smelly. Wvery classmate who subconsciously passed him was silent, for fear that he would shake his head on the rice plate.

His speed of eating is a habit he developed last year.

On the other side, Chen Jingshen sat straight on his back, he ate properly and there was a grain of corn on his spoon. He looked like he was eating a 168 yuan shrimp corn in a western restaurant.

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The people next to him are still talking about the photos.

In the middle of eating, Yu Fan could not bear it and looked up: “….. What do you think? ”

“Nothing.” Chen Jingshen’s spoon’s sank back into the rice, he filled his spoon with a lot of foof Yu Fan, and ate it.

Two cute girls walked up and down the aisle behind their table three times.

Everyone else was talking and didn’t notice, but Zhang Xianjing noticed it. Following the girl’s line of sight, her eyes fell on Chen Jingshen’s face.

She took a sip of yogurt, raised her chin and whispered, “high achiever, look at those two girls, did they study with you before?”

Chen Jingshen took a look: “maybe they did.”


Looks like you don’t like beautiful girls with good grades.

On a whim, Zhang Xianjing suddenly put down her chopsticks and asked, “high achiever, have you never liked anyone else?”

Without waiting for Chen Jingshen to answer, Zuo Kuan frowned.
“Nonsense, certainly not.” Zuo Kuan said in a cool way, “do you think high achiever looks like a person who would be in a puppy love? He is the type of person who only wants to study, and he will definitely think about this kind of thing only when he is working, so don’t bother with it. ”

Chen Jingshen said nothing.

Zhang Xianjing frowned and asked Zuo Kuan why he was interrupting.

“Not really.” Chen Jingshen said faintly, “I have someon I like.”


He swallowed so quickly that Yu Fan choked on the rice. he turned his head and coughed in surprise.

The others at the table were quiet for a few seconds.

Wang Luan: “Fuck.”

Zuo Kuan: “…”

“Fuck.” Zhang Xianjing immediately put down the chopsticks. “really? Who is it? ”

Yu Fan turned his head. He couldn’t say anything because he keeps on coughing.

Chen Jingshen: “it’s not convenient to say.”

“I can’t see it, high achiever!” Wang Luan exclaimed, then reached out and patted the person next to him on the back.

“Yu Fan, what’s the matter with you?”Is everything all right? ”

Zhang Xianjing was dying of curiosity: “reveal one thing, is the person from our school? What kind? Have you been together for a while? ”

“No, it’s unrequited love.” Chen Jingshen’s expression was calm, and his words seemed to answer her question, “cute type.”

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Yu Fan coughs fast and smokes.

Everyone didn’t realize that he would speak so bluntly. It was a surprise.

Do you need to have a secret love even if you look like this?
Zuo Kuan looked deeply at Chen Jingshen and suddenly felt that high achiever was ten thousand times more pleasing to the eye.

“hiss, who has such a high vision? High achiever, are you shy and did not condess? ” Zhang Xianjing said, “you have to attack bravely!”

Who is shy?

And you like him. Why are you so excited?

Yu Fan was going to get over it, but he was patted so vigorously by Wang Luan.

Chen Jingshen understated: “I confessed.”

Zhang Xianjing: “?”

“high achiever, how about this?” the smart woman has a new strategy. “you tell me who it is, and I will help you customize a pursuit plan. I can guarantee you a month– I’ll help you win her in a week! In exhange, you help me with every exam in the future. How’s that? ”

Chen Jingshen was about to say something when he slammed the chopsticks on the dinner plate and suddenly stood up.

Wang Luan was startled.

He knew this situation, the last time Yu Fan was blocked in an alley, he almost had the same expression.

So what happened?

As soon as he was about to ask, he saw Yu Fan, with a red face, asked word by word.

“have you finished eating?”

Chen Jingshen clasped his fingers and put down the cutlery: “mm-hmm.”

” Come back with me. ”


They did not understand what was going on, but Yu Fan had already led him away.

“Why don’t we go back to the room first? ” Wang Luan turned around and asked, “They’re not going anywhere to fight, are they?”

During the lunch break, the students in the class either go home to the dorm or have not finished their lunch. The room was empty.

Yu Fan sat down so violently that the chair moved back and made a shrill sound.

He threw his phone on the table and blurted out angrily, “Why don’t you just go to the radio room and tell the whole school that you have a crush on me?”

Chen Jingshen pondered for two seconds without expression.

“is that okay?”

Yu Fan is expressionless: “if you want to fight, you can.”

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Chen Jingshen was silent for a moment. “I just answered their question, but I didn’t say your name, can’t I?”

“No,” Yu said, grinding his teeth. “Don’t say anthingg at all.”

“mm-hmm.” Chen Jingshen leaned back in his chair and hung his hands loosely on his legs. “I see, I can only secretly like you.”


How could this shameless person say such a sentence?

Before Yu Fan returned to the room, he had already figured out how to warn him severely.

As a result, he was fooled by Chen Jingshen’s words.

He felt like he puched a cotton,

Yu Fan scratched his hair, pulled his coat out of the drawer and put it on the table and went to sleep.

After lying down for a second, he heard the person next to him ask, “can I wake you up in class in the afternoon?”

Yu Fan clenched his fist: “No, scram.”

Chen Jingshen bowed his head and did two questions. Until the person beside him was breathing smoothly, he leaned the end of his pen gently against the test paper and looked over quietly.
Yu Fan unconsciously chose a posture in which he felt comfortable. Half of his face was out of his arm. He felt the sun glaring and frowned lightly.

The afternoon sun was soft and long on his face, and even the fluff was clear.

Chen Jingshen looked at the shadow under his eyelashes and suddenly wondered whether it was a reality or a dream.

Noon is a good time to have a rest.

Hu Pang didn’t go back to the teacher’s dormitory and put his hands on his back as he patrolled the school building.

As he passed Class 7, he took a subconscious look inside.

He saw Chen Jingshen, who had just stood up carefully.

Hu Pang was gratified to see that the first grade even had a serious lunch break, and even felt that the person beside Chen Jingshen was much more pleasing to the eye.

Hu Pang gave a sigh and was about to open his mouth to say something when Chen Jingshen suddenly nodded to him coldly.

Hu Pang subconsciously nodded and then had a meal.


Why is this interaction a little familiar?

Before Hu Pang realized it, he heard a light rustle. All of a sudden all he can see was blue.

Chen Jingshen have been drawn the blue curtains inside.

I feel like YF is unfair about not letting CJ say anything, but it’s just me.

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