Yu Fan didn’t sleep in the class for two days in a row, which made Zhuang Xingqin really happy for a while.

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But he soon discovered that although he didn’t sleep, he didn’t attend classes either.

Once again, he saw this person pulled out a Chinese textbook in his math class. Zhuang Xingqin could not stand it, and took the person to the office at once.

“I thought you didn’t sleep in class, but you didn’t even learn well.” Zhuang Xingqin sat in the chair with his arms folded. What, are you afraid of being registered by the class committee? I don’t think you would be like that either. ”

Yu Fan was so sleepy that he blurted out, “I haven’t thanked you yet.”

He have to be supervised not to sleep in class.

Other people would be criticize others if he isn’t supervise well.

When the words came out, Yu Fan felt a little strange. He pursed his mouth and stopped.

“me? What’s wrong with me? ” Zhuang Xingqin was at loss.

Yu Fan leaned lazily against the table: “nothing.”

Zhuang Xingqin was angry again by his attitude of not saying anything. Je unscrewed the thermos cup and held his hand, “if you go on like this, what can you do after graduation? If you want to get into a vocational college, you’ll have to pay for it, you know? ”


Knowing that he was perfunctory again, Zhuang Xingqin could not help staring up at him.

Yu Fan’s injuries to the face at the beginning of school have all disappeared, but if you look carefully, there is actually a very shallow mark between the two moles on the face.

He stared, his eyes softening again.

In fact, compared to his grades, he is morried more about his complicated state of mind. He had seen Yu Fan fight with blood on his face, but his movements and gestures were as cold.

He once suspected that Yu Fan also violent.

Of course, it has something to do with his family. How can children still want to study when they grow up in such an environment?

“Forget it. I know it won’t hurt if I go on.” Zhuang Xingqin put down the cup and announced, “if you still give that kind of score in this mid-term exam, I will go to your house for another home visit.”

Yu Fan’s face sunked. “I told you not to come here again–”

“when you become headmaster, come and give me an order.”


Yu Fan’s body unconsciously stood upright: “even if you went, he couldn’t control me.”

Zhuang Xingqin was unmoved. As a matter of fact, he wanted to make another home visit, not just for the sake of grades. He just wanted to talk to Yu Fan’s father again and try his best to make him pay attention to his child’s education.

“We’ll talk about it when you finish the exam.” Zhuang Xingqin waved his hand and did not intend to wrestle with him on this topic. “it’s time for class, so go back.”

When Yu Fan returned to the classroom, Wang Luan was sitting in Zhang Xianjing’s seat and asked Chen Jingshen to help him draw a key point.

Wang Luan: “Did you get scolded?”

Chen Jingshen stopped his pen and glanced at him quietly.

His expression is much heavier than it was when he left.

This is very rare.

Even when Yu Fan visited Zhuang Xingqin’s several times ago, he went there with a straight face, and then returned with a look of indifference.

“nothing.” Yu Fan didn’t notice the look of the people around him. He was thinking about how to stop Zhuang Xingqin from meeting Yu Kaimin.

Change the locks in the house and keep Yu Kaimin from going home?


Or just drop out.
The idea became more and more extreme, in his subconscious. He was extremely resistant to Yu Kaimin’s contact with anyone he knew.

“high achiever, I find that stupid bird’s first-flying evolutionary version is really good. I can’t believe I can read most of the questions on the test paper just sent out by Xingqin, “Wang Lu’an asked.” do you think I have a chance to score 80 in math this time? ”

“look at the difficulty of the examination paper.” Chen Jingshen said, “if you can answer through the questions I have drawn, the score will not be too low.”

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Wang Luan immediately smiled and got up with the book in his arms. “all right, I’ll go back and fight them for three hundred rounds…. Yu Fan, let’s not go to the billiards hall after school. ”

Yu Fan ignored him.

He was in such a bad mood just now, but now he suddenly remembered that the easiest way to stop Zhuang Xingqin was to get a good score in the mid-term exam.

The bell rang and everyone around returned to their seats.

In the last two classes this afternoon, Yu Fan took out his cell phone and sent a message.

[-: do you have any answers for the midterm exam? ].

[Zuo Kuan: my grass. Don’t you disdain copying answers? ].

[-: do you want to copy it this time? ].

[Zuo Kuan: No, didn’t your teacher tell you? In this mid-term exam, we need to open a signal shield. Lucky for you, this is the first time this school has opened this thing. 】


Yu Fan threw the phone into the drawer with a face and smashed it into the pile of school uniform coats.

The coat tilted down with the weight, revealing the exercise book that had been lying inside for a long time, the one he had not opened even once.

Yu Fan dropped the word “stupid bird” and suddenly remembered what Wang Luan had just said.

This thing is good, huh?

Wang Luan even does the evolutionary version, so the ordinary version should be quite basic.
Maybe he can read it.

But wouldn’t he humiliated infront of Chen Jingshen if he saw him reading through it?

Yu Fan thought and secretly glanced at the person beside him.

Chen Jingshen was bowing his head exercises and sketched the draft paper using the tip of his pen.

When he does exercises, he always looks paralyzed, frowning occasionally, and looks like an isolated man.

At ordinary times, Chen Jingshen would not respond to Zhang Xianjing singing and dancing in front of him. He will only look through the exercise book. It would be impossible to be caught by him, Yu Fan thought.

Chen Jingshen’s pen stopped and he looked beside him using the corner of his eyes, when he felt the feeling of someone staring at him disappear.

He saw the left arm of his deskmate holding his left arm between the two tables, with grandiose movements. It looks like he trying to block someone’s view.

It’s a pity that the arms are so thin that Chen Jingshen was able to see it at a glance.

His deskmate acted like a thief, digging into the the table with the other hand.

Cheng Jingshen’s “stupid birds fly first” saw the light of day again.

Chen Jingshen: “…?”

Yu Fan carefully opened the book and read it quietly for ten minutes, when his head suddenly turned sideways–.

Before Chen Jingshen looked at him, he quickly withdrew his eyes and casually answered the “test paper” with a “B”.

Making sure Chen Jingshen didn’t find it, Yu Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

This book is indeed very basic, and the problem-solving process is detailed enough. There are two problems and even the key formulas of Junior Middle School knowledge was tackled in the first few pages.

Yu Fan was not so mixed up when he was in junior high school. He got more than 70 points in math when he was in the first year of senior high school. But later in the exam, he was not in a good mood, and he only filled in multiple-choice questions and filled in blank questions with 0 and 1. His score slowly dropped to single digits.

He grabbed his pen and began to read the topic carefully.

It went well at first, but after a few pages, it was a bit of a struggle.

He couldn’t answer the question until the bell rang. But the people around him began to move one after another, and Yu Fan had no choice but to put the exercise book back into the drawer with a straight face.

“Wang Luan.” Chen Jingshen put down his pen and turned his head and shouted.

“Hey?” Wang Luan was stunned for a moment. “what’s the matter, high achiever?”

“I’ll tell you a question.”

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Wang Luan was so flattered that he immediately came over.

The title is edited by Chen Jingshen, and the problem is written in the draft paper.

Chen Jingshen was not satisfied until he read out the question, and half of the text actually coincided with the question he had just stuck.


Is it such a coincidence?

He looked at Chen Jingshen suspiciously, but the other side was unresponsive.

Chen Jingshen spoke in such detail that he even read the formula again. Yu Fan threw a chewing gum into his mouth and chewed at the same time.

He figured out why Wang Luan liked to talk to Chen Jingshen.

Wang Luan was very attentive at first, but he thought something was wrong. He wanted to open his mouth several times, but was blocked by Chen Jingshen’s explanation.
After he had finished talking to the other party, he said weakly, “No, high achiever. I can do this. ”

Chen Jingshen held his pen between his fingers and raised his eyebrows: “Really?”

“Oh, this is so simple. I know how to do it.”

“Oh.” When he saw Yu Fan writing secretly, Chen Jingshen said, “then you are very good.”

That night, Yu Fan took “stupid Bird first Flying” into his school uniform coat and took it home.

He took a casual shower and sat down at his desk.

Yu Fan can’t remember when he last read at night. After the second year of junior high school, he never brought his studies home again.

He opened the book and looked down on the pages.

Ten minutes later, he scratched his hair impatiently.

Although this exercise book is simple, it can’t stand up to his poor foundation. The first few pages were fine, and the more time he spent later.

It’s too late to take the mid-term exam next week.

Is it really difficult to cram at the last minute?

Yu Fan was holding a pen and suddenly felt a little at a loss.

With such a big foundation, no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get such a good score.

Otherwise, why would there be so many students who are driven crazy by math?

He felt that it might be more feasible to find another way to stop Zhuang Xingqin than to learn.

Why don’t you give it back?

Yu Fan threw down the pen and was just about to put the book together–.

With a “buzz”, the desk phone suddenly vibrated.

It was followed by sounds one after another.

Yu Fan leaned back, put his legs in a chair and hung his pen behind his ears. He picked up his cell phone and tapped it.

Chen Jingshen sent him several videos.

what’s that? Yu Fan twisted his eyebrow and hesitated to open.

In the picture, there is an unfolded exercise book, “stupid birds fly first” in his hand, and the place he opens is exactly the page where he is staying.

Chen Jingshen held his pen and circled one of the questions.

With a mobile phone in one hand, this circle is drawn a little reluctantly.

“Now that you have a low foundation, your scores are easy to pull. As long as you are willing to work hard, there will be no problem with a small improvement. ”

The old neighborhood at night is filled with the sound of mahjong and the crying of children.

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Chen Jingshen’s voice rang cleanly and lowly into the room, and the movement outside the window seemed to float far away. “this piece of knowledge, only do this line. Point A is connected to point E, and there is an auxiliary line here. ”

Yu Fan silently sighed for a moment, took the pen off his ear, and began to write slowly with his voice.

It has been an hour since the video was finished, paused and played halfway.

Yu Fan delineated Chen Jingshen’s news to the bottom.

[s: sent to the wrong person. ].
It was sent 54 minutes ago.

Yu Fan stopped writing and replied “?” .
The next second, the phone shakes.

[s: I’d like to send it to Wang Lu’an. ].

[-:? ].

[-: This version and you want to send it to Wang Luan? ].

[s: Oh, I got the wrong guidance book, too. ].
[-:. ].

Yu Fan typed a “silly you”. As he was about to send it out, another video was sent from the opposite side.

In the video, Fan-Fan rub against Chen Jingshen’s hand. Chen Jingshen seems to be sitting in a chair. He scratches him with five fingers and asks, “what are you doing? Want to go out? ”

Fan-Fan: “Woof!”

“I can’t hold you.”


“the elder brother? He doesn’t have time to take you. ”

“Wow, woof, woof.”

Chen Jingshen said, “I see. I’ll ask him for you.”

The video is over.

[s: this is the only way to send a message to you. ].

Yu Fan grabbed the shoulder towel to cover his and rubbed his nose. He raised the corner of his mouth for no reason, and then clicked his the screen with his thumb.

[-: are you stupid? ].


In the self-study class the next day, Yu Fan secretly pulled out “stupid birds fly first”.

After reading the title on one page, it was his turn to finish the last passage. He brought several formulas that didn’t work.

Chen Jingshen didn’t seem to have this kind of question in the video last night.

He frowned and subconsciously turned his head: “this question–”

It’s over.


Chen Jingshen turned to look him in the eye. At this moment, he didn’t know whether to destroy this book or beat Chen Jingshen so he could lose his memory.

When he hesitated, Chen Jingshen naturally put away his test paper.

“Let me see it.”


Oh, shit.

Does he like to talk about this topic? What is there to be ashamed of?

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Isn’t this book supposed to pay him for walking the dog?

Yu Fan licked his lips and took off the arm between them: “Oh.”… ”

Yu Fan is now consciously biting his thumb.

When Chen Jingshen finished this question, he subconsciously wanted to ask one more question, but it was interrupted by a clear knock on the door.

The Chinese teacher stood at the door of the classroom and said, “students, in the next self-study class, I will come and see if you memorized the passage”

The class complained with a cry.

“teacher, why are you asking us to cram?” Wang Lu’an immediately asked, “Do you want to take this in the mid-term exam?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” The Chinese teacher said, ” this is supposed to be for the test, so hurry up and review it.”

The Chinese teacher had just left, and the class doing papers stopped.

Everyone stuffed things into drawers and took out their Chinese textbooks.

Chen Jingshen looked at his deskmate again: “have you got it?”

Yu Fan was stupefied for a moment and replied, “Oh…. Got it. ”

That embarrassment just now seems to have flown away.

Yu Fan remembered that there was not only Zhuang Xingin in the mid-term exam, but also physics, Chinese and English.

He’s all bad at them.

He put away “stupid birds fly first”, followed the stream, took out the Chinese textbook together, and found out the “statement form”.

In order to memorize it quickly, everyone around them opened their mouths and chanted, their voices crowded together, like chanting sutras.

So even if he followed suit, no one would find out.

Yu Fan said: “When I was four years old, my uncle took my grandmother’s will. Grandmother Liu. ”

Liu what?

How do you pronounce this word?

When he came back from searching Baidu, Yu Fan repeated after the class, and he can finally read the previous short paragraph.

Yu Fan endured the fire that was made in classical Chinese, and then went down, “catch the holy dynasty and bathe in the Qing Dynasty. The former gatekeeper. ”

My what?

Who can fucking recite this?

Yu Fan scratched his ear and scratched his cheek and took out his cell phone to search in Baidu. Yu Fan found that Chen Jingshen was looking at him and smiled.

The narrow eyes bent lightly, smiled faintly and quietly.

Yu Fan looked at him for a long time and then asked, “you motherfucker. What are you laughing at? ”

“Nothing.” Chen Jingshen was positive and quickly retracted his sight.

A few seconds later, he looked at him again with that residual smile at the end of my eyes.

“I’m happy thinking that I will be able to sit with you again in the future.”


The Chinese teacher came into the classroom again, holding the textbook and twisting his head back for a while.

The words in the textbook are still full of words he can’t read. Yu Fan’s brain is a little stiff, and no matter how he looks at the second paragraph, he might as well go through it again from the beginning.

When I was four years old, my uncle took my grandmother’s will. Grandmother Liu.

Liu what is it?

Shit, Chen Jingshen is poisonous.

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