They stare at each other in silence.

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They didn’t know how long they’ve stared at each other, until with a bang. The broom in Zhu Xu’s hand fell on the ground, and the noise around him was heard again. Wang Luan finally came back.

After opening his mouth for a long time, he finally made a voice: “Ah, this. I’m not talking about you. I’m talking to Sister Jing. ”

Yu Fan: “…”

Yu Fan scanned his eyes and was so surprised that he did not respond to him. He lowered his eyes and saw Wang Luan put his hand on Zhang Xianjing’s shoulder.

In the second, the discomfort and resistance in his expression slowly disappeared, his eyebrows loosened, and at last he became stiff and dazed.

The poor sign-in form clenched in his hand.

For a while, Yu Fan squeezed out a sentence from his throat: ” just now you tapped me.”

“?” Wang Luan took a look at the distance between Yu Fan and him. “is it true?”

“or else.” Yu Fan stared at him with a straight expression, “take care of your hands.”

” All right. ”

The man was simple-minded and uncovered the matter in two sentences. Yu Fan breathed a sigh of relief without a trace, and in a twinkling of an eye, he set his sights on Zhang Xianjing.

Zhang Xianjing folded her arms and looked at him, frowning.

Even if Yu Fan was teased, it should be resulted to being beaten or scolded not shouting “I won’t marry”

Zhang Xianjin opened her mouth. At that moment, Yu Fan was extremely stiff, and he felt comfortable.

At the next moment, her cell phone rang.

When her thoughts were interrupted, Zhang Xianjing answered the phone and said, “Hello, Mom– are you here? How to get there? You are in the doorstep just now. I see. I’m going down now. ”
Wang Luan looked at her and said, “my father will probably be here soon. Let’s go.”

After Zhang Xianjing left, the two people in the next class who came to join the fun were also called back by the head teacher to continue to sweep the corridor.

Yu Fan rests his arm on the fence, his forehead against it, his head drooping deeply, his hand stuck in his hair and shamefully grasped.

Mom, did I just go crazy.

Should I blame Chen Jingshen?

Yu Fan took a moment to stand up straight again. He lowered his eyes, chilly looked for the culprit below, and saw the tall, thin figure at a glance.

At the school gate Hu Pang is talking to a woman who is suspected of being a mistress of Chen Jingshen’s family. Chen Jingshen stood beside them quietly.

He just stood guard with a cold expression, as if he were an outsider, and the conversation between two people around him was unrelated to him.

They were so far away, but he looked at it vaguely for a moment and felt that his face looked a little familiar–.

Chen Jingshen said he had to hang up the video. “it seemed to be the same that night”. Indifferent, closed, unhappy.

Facial paralysis deserves to be facial paralysis, and facial expressions can also interpret so many emotions.

But what is he unhappy about?

Yu Fan sighed absent-mindedly, and the black head downstairs suddenly raised his head across the shadow of the trees and accurately caught up with him.

In an instant, those cold emotions disappeared again.

Yu Fan looked at him for a while, and suddenly realized that he had just had an embarrassing incident, so he looked at Chen Jingshen sullenly and gave him an international friendly gesture.

But when he finally raised his hand, the middle finger became an aggressive little finger.

“Yu Fan, what are you doing in the corridor?” The voice of Zhuang Xiangqin came from the classroom, “there are parents coming up, so hurry to register at the door!”

Yu Fan said “Oh” energetically, put away his little finger, made a “I’m goin in” sign to Chen Jingshen, and turned back to the classroom.

In front of the campus guard room.

Hu Pang said with a smile, “although there was some trouble in the mid-term exam Chen Jingshen’s final result was good. I’ve talked to him, so he just need to be more careful in the future. ”

“I’m sorry to trouble you.” The woman turned faintly to look at her son. “did you hear what the dean said?”

Seeing clearly Chen Jingshen’s happy face, she was stunned a little bit, ” What are you laughing at? ”

Chen Jingshen bowed his head again, and the expression on his face almost calmed down: “Nothing.”

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It wasn’t long before the classroom of Class 7 to be full.

They tacitly began to turn up their children’s desks, and from time to time looked at the man sitting at the registration desk.

Zuang Xingqin stood next to the desk that was temporarily moved out as a registration office, folded his fingers and knocked on the desktop: “put your legs down.What’s with that look? Smile! ”

Yu Fan leaned against the wall and said, “No.”

These are bad guys in puberty.

Zhuang Xingqin: “just pull the corners of your mouth. Do you want me to teach you?”

Yu Fan: “Why don’t you just find Wang Luan to sit here?”

“who? Wang Luan? He did this job last semester. ”

Yu Fan frowned: “then Chen Jingshen.”


Zhuang Xingqin thought he heard it wrong and was stupefied for a long time before he said, “Chen Jingshen loves to laugh? When did he ever laugh? ”

Didn’t Yu Fan always laugh? When talking to him … Chen Jingshen seems to really haven’t laughed in fron of others.

It’s just to provoke him, right?

Yu Fan turned his pen and scold Chen Jingshen in his heart. As a result, until Zhuang Xingqin went into the classroom to talk to a family, he didn’t give a fart.

“do you need to register before entering the classroom?”

Yu Fan was in a good mood and handed the pen over without looking up.

With drooping eyelids, he watched the woman take the pen, sign down on the registration form, finally found the name of his child, and wrote Ji Lianyi after “Chen Jingshen.”

Yu Fan, suddenly raised his head, his back away from the wall and unconsciously sat up a little bit.

Chen Jingshen is like his mother. The woman’s temperament was so outstanding that she put down her pen and went into the classroom. The beautiful Phoenix eyes did not glance at him.

The classroom is fully seated in a short time.

There were still ten minutes to go before the meeting. Yu Fan returned the registration form to Zhuang Xingqin. He turned around and was about to leave when he was held by his clothes.

Zhuang Xingqin handed him two stacks of paper, one of which was a letter to his family, and the other was a suggestion form for his family.

“you send these out, 42 each. You take your share and go back and show it to your family. Also, after sending out, I still need your help with something else. ”

With that, instead of giving Yu Fan a chance to refuse, he turned around and walked into the classroom on the podium and continued to sort out the content for a while.

Yu Fan: “…”

He turned around and just entered the classroom, when he came to the door, he suddenly noticed something.

The next second, he raised his hand and buttoned his school uniform t-shirt.

When he was about to send it to his seat, he saw Ji Lianyi turning over Chen Jingshen’s desk.

She flipped through the manuscripts more carefully than other families– the woman was holding Chen Jingshen’s draft book, turning back page by page, frowning slightly, and not missing a corner of the draft book.

With a loud sound, a piece of paper was placed in front of her, covering the contents of the draft book.

Ji Lianyi made an action: “Thank you.”

Yu Fan said, “No need,” and then pulled out a letter and stuffed it into his drawer with the transcript of the mid-term exam that had just been issued on his desk.

Ji Lianyi finally looked up at him. After a brief look, she asked, “are you Yu Fan?”

Yu Fan: “mm-hmm.”

Ji Lianyi nodded and did not ask again.

Zhuang Xingqin and didn’t let people go. Yu Fan simply waited in the hallway with other students.

Zhang Xianjing toured the classroom and said, “Wang Luan, your father really laughed from beginning to end.”

Wang Luan said, “you wait. As soon as the meeting is over, he will be the first to go to your mother and ask you how much you scored in the mid-term exam.”

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“… Fuck off.” Zhang Xianjing’s eyes fell to the back row, feeling, “Even high achiever’s mother is beautiful.”

“High achiever’s car is more beautiful.” After Wang Luan finished, he looked back down. “He’s still standing at the door. It’s really hard to be a school rank 1. He has to study and stand guard.”

” Hu Pang also made a special trip to arrange a personal video at the gate. It is estimated that he will have to stand for a while …” Zhang Xianjing’s eyes turned and she raised her eyebrow.

“Yu Fan, why did you button up your clothes?You look silly. ”
Yu Fan bowed his head and played with his mobile phone: “Cold. It’s none of your business. ”

The process of the meeting is that the teachers of all subjects will speak on the stage first, then the school leaders will give a radio speech, and finally the class teacher will speak.

All the teachers left after their speeches, and Zhuang Xingqin did not print back to the office because of the lack of a piece of data. Ten families in the classroom are listening to the radio and the school leaders are talking about “high school study is too stressful. How to deal with the relationship between family members and children.”

As soon as Yu Fan looked up, he happened to see Ji Lianyi slowly getting up from her seat, quietly walking out of the classroom with her bag in her hand, and walking towards the teacher’s office.

“classmate.” Sitting by the window, some family member suddenly called him.
Maybe when he saw that Yu Fan had been working for Zhuang Xingqin, the family member smiled sheepishly, “could you please take this to the head teacher for me? It was sent to us just now for us to fill out the “home” opinion form. I staggered earlier and handed in another piece of paper. ”

Wang Luan just said that the head teacher would be back soon, when he saw the man around him throw his cell phone into his pocket and stand up straight and said, “OK.”

The back door of the head teacher’s office was closed. Yu Fan was about to go around to the front door when suddenly he heard a sentence–

“I hope you can change Chen Jingshen’s deskmate.”

The public seat of Zhuang Xingqin office is back by the window. If you stand against the wall, you can hear everything inside.

Yu Fan dropped his eyes and blinked, then leaned against the wall and stopped in place.

Zhuang Xingqin: “Chen Jingshen’s mom, the broadcast should still be playing …… ”

“I’d rather talk to you than that broadcast.” Ji Lianyi glanced at her watch. “I have a conference call in an hour. I need to leave school early. I’m afraid I can’t wait until the end of the radio speech. Can you give me some time? ”

Zhuang Xingqin thought for two seconds, got up and moved the chair beside her: “Sit down. Why do you want to change your child’s position? ”

Ji Lianyi cut to the chase: “I saw his deskmate’s report card.”

“Oh, you mean Yu Fan. In fact, his recent achievements are not … ”

“I know. I also know that he made progress with the help of Chen Jingshem. I saw some ideas for solving problems in senior one or even junior high school on the draft paper of my son. ”

Ji Lianyi smiled gently, and she said, “Mr. Zhuang, in fact, I always don’t understand why teacher always likes to let students with excellent grades help poor students? These should be the work of teachers. ”

Zhuang Xingqin: “You don’t know this yet. In fact, Chen Jingshen took the initiative to ask me to change seats. And I believe that learning in school should not be about learning knowledge, but also learning some fine traditional virtues, such as helping others. ”

“Yes, I have no problem with him helping his classmates. However, I heard from his former class teacher that his deskmate not only had poor academic performance, but also smoked and fought, and was punished heavily. Sorry, I really can’t accept my child sitting with him. ”

Ji Lianyi paused. “And I’ve just seen that one called Yu Fan. He dressed untidy, don’t say … His hair makes me unable to see his eyes. Excuse me, does the school usually allowed that? ”

Yu Fan leaned uncomfortably against the wall.

” I’ll talk to Chen Jingshen about this before making a decision. ” Zhuang Xingqin’s temper changed.

“In fact, I’ve been looking for a chance to talk to you. Since we met this time, I’ll talk about it together ….. Chen Jingshen has been excellent in his studies. However, I found that he seems to be somewhat introverted, and he usually doesn’t like to communicate with other students. So I asked his former class teacher for his home visit record. ”

Zhuang Xingqin raised his eyes and said, “you seem to have been interfering with his social life. Before he was divided into classes in the first year of high school, he had changed two classes and seven deskmates, and you took the initiative to ask for help. ”

Ji Lianyi held her bag in her hands and put it on her lap and looked at Zhuang Xingqin silently for a while.

“Yes, the environment in the first class of his first year of high school was worse. When the deskmate was a girl, and I was worried that he would be distracted, the boys would be talkative in class. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a change of seat because I give my child a good learning environment. ”

“but did you ask him for his opinion when you changed his seat?”

Ji Lianyi: “he knows that I care about him.”

The phone buzzed in his pocket and Yu Fan took it out and glanced at it.
[Wang L’an: Zuo Kuan and I are in the canteen. Do you have any want to eat? @-@ Zhang Xianjing].

Yu Fan said no, but he felt he needed to eat something now.

[Mung bean smoothies. ].

Wang Luan: it’s too late for this. Why don’t you change it? There are a lot of people in the cafeteria today, and the you need to wait for more than ten minutes for mung bean smoothie. I came to buy a drink for my father. He wanted to buy the class a drink and hurried back to the classroom.]

[-: forget it. ]

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Yu Fan threw his cell phone into his pocket and continued to listen.

Zhuang Xingqin asked another question one after another, and Ji Lianyi’s answer was “I am his mother”.

Zhuang Xingqin sighed for a long time. When he glanced at it, he said, “I see it is written in the home visit record. There are many monitors installed in your home, and even rooms … At that time, Teacher Qiao suggested that you dismantle some of them properly and give the child his own space. I didn’t know you …”

Yu Fan’s chest felt stuffy.

He picked up the opinion sheet, folded a corner, and smoothed it out a little.

“His father and I are busy at work, often away from home, and if I don’t take some precautions. How can we ensure our children’s personal safety?”

Ji Lianyi repeated, “I’m still a mother.”

After chatting for a while, Ji Lianyi got up.

Before leaving, she repeatedly asked: “Please get him a new deskmate as soon as possible.”

Then she turned to go out and happened to meet the man squatting against the wall.

Ji Lianyi: “…”

Seeing her coming out, the other party did not have any reaction. He stood up, patted the dust on his back, and walked around into the office with a straight face.

After giving the things to Zhuang Xingqin, Yu Fan came out of the office and turned to the experimental building to smoke.

Today, there was no one in the experimental building at the family meeting.

Yu Fan sat on the staircase on the first floor of the experimental building, smoking brazenly.

He diverged his legs casually, resting his elbows on his knees, holding cigarettes while playing with his mobile phone.

He played a game of gluttonous snakes, but it didn’t last long before he lost. Feeling bored, he casually opened the other software, and when he came back, he was already in front of the Doberman.

He clenched his teeth and slowly typed in the dialog box: Chen Jingshen.

What was he gonna say? There seems to be nothing to say. He can’t say how he listened to his mother. Is he a coward?

What kind of virtue does he have? there is no need to spoil other people’s children.

Yu Fan stared at the word for a moment, raised his finger to delete it, and suddenly a new message came up in the dialog box.

S: are you still at school? ].

-:I’m here. ].

[s:? ].

[-:. Wrong number. Yeah, what are you doing? ].

[s: where is it? ].

[-: the first floor of the experimental building. ].

He didn’t get a reply after a few minutes. Yu Fan stared at the dialog box for a while, then puffed a cigarette and typed: Is Zhuang Xingqin looking for me ?

Before it was sent out, he caught a glimpse of something.

Yu Fan turned his head and saw Chen Jingshen coming towards him.

The summer blue school trousers in Nancheng No. 7 High School seemed to have a leg-pulling effect on Chen Jingshen. His hands were hanging on his side, and he seemed to be carrying something on one side.

Chen Jingshen went up to him and glanced at the smoke in his hand. The mouth opened and pursed, tilted his head and coughed softly.


” Won’t you come back after I finish smoking? ” Yu Fan put out his cigarette and didn’t look at him. He glanced at his shoes and said, “what do you want me to do?”

Chen Jingshen said, “this.”

Inexplicably feeling a sense of sweetness and coolness, Yu Fan raised his eyes and saw him put a plastic bag on his finger, in which lay a cup of mung bean smoothies.

Chen Jingshen said, “when I came back, there was no one in the canteen, so I bought it by the way. Would you like to drink? ”

Mung bean smoothies are the best seller in their school canteen in summer. The school specially bought two large refrigerators to ensure that students can drink cool and refreshing summer desserts after school every day.

Yu Fan blinked, took it, poked it, and took a sip.

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Chen Jingshen went up two steps parallel to him. Yu Fan reacted and turned to blurt out, “Dirty-”

Chen Jingshen has already sat down.

They followed the classroom one, shoulder to shoulder and close together. Chen Jingshen glanced at him: “Aren’t you sitting too?”

Yu Fan swallowed the smoothie, and felt that his whole body was cold, and the whole person was cool. “My clothes are not so clean.”

Chen Jingshen said, “Me too.”


Yu Fan saw his clean school uniform, and talked for a while, “Why don’t you go back to the classroom?”

When family meetings are held, students usually wait outside the classroom, even Zuo Kuan and Wang Luan are no exception.

Chen Jingshen took out his cell phone and said with no expression, “I’ll come back after the meeting.”

Yu Fan was silent, staring at his fingers and watching him open a game on his mobile phone.

It wasn’t until Chen Jingshen entered the game that he frowned and said, “Why are you playing this too?”

Chen Jingshen said, “watching you play, I think it’s funny.”

Yu Fan leaned on him a little, watched him play and said, “You learn from others.”

Chen Jingshen ate all the little snakes around him with a “uh-huh”.

Summer is coming. Today’s wind, cicadas bursts, green branches and leaves hanging in the air stagnant, when the flow seems to become slow.

Yu looked at it absent-mindedly for a while, then suddenly called him, “Chen Jingshen.”


“is my hair too shaggy?”

Chen Jingshen pinched his fingers and said, “No.”

“Oh. But covering your eyes will make people feel you are sloppy. ” Yu Fan said casually, “it hasn’t been cut in the past few days.”

As a matter of fact, Yu Fan didn’t mean to stay something stupid. The last time he went to get a haircut, he told a barber to make it thin, Finally, he went to class for two weeks with a hat.

Zhuang Xingqin and Hu Pang could not persuade him, even if they scold him.

If he goes to a more expensive barbershop, he may not be in such a mess.

Yu Fan carelessly sighed and saw Chen Jingshen’s game suddenly stopped and turned to look at him.

He was stunned and subconsciously looked up and said, “what are you doing? You are going to be eaten… ”

Chen Jingshen raised his hand, and his hair on his forehead was suddenly pushed back. Yu Fan gave a heavy jump and suddenly lost his voice.

Yu Fan’s whole face was rarely exposed and now he is stunned.

Yu Fan’s hair is dark, dense and soft, and easy to touch.

Chen Jingshen’s fingers were stuck in his hair and had no intention of moving away.

Yu Fan felt his heart beat again. did he touch my head again? if he didn’t hit him today, would he dare to do it next time? Yu Fan raised his eyes, ready to scold, then suddenly put out the fire after seeing Chen Jingshen’s eyes.

Chen Jingshen’s eyelids are thin, the corners of his eyes are slightly pointed, and his eyes are slightly drooping. He looks and examines them as if he had had his hair cut.

Seconds later, his eyes meandered down, sweeping over the two moles on Yu’s right cheek, then the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, and then down–.

The dry, hot and dreary wind brushed past them.

Yu Fan hates to be looked at. But at the moment, he was stiff and motionless, his heart beating so fast for no reason that his breath became much slower.

Chen Jingshen eyes glanced at his ears.

At ordinary times, he bares his teeth and is fierce and evil, but he will become good when he gently pulls.

“Cut it.”

With an imperceptible desire for control, he grabbed Yu Fan’s hair and rubbed it again. Chen Jingshen said lightly, “I like it.”


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