The hair was suddenly loosened and the dreary air looked cold.

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The feeling of inexplicable emptiness lasted for a second, and Yu Fan reacted quickly. He suddenly half stood up, leaned over to hook Chen Jingshen’s neck, and he put his face in the palm of his hand.

Chen Jingshen hid for a while, but Yu Fan didn’t .Chen Jingshen’s strength suddenly relaxed, allowing him to turn his face away.

“when I didn’t hit you a few times ago, you didn’t think I wouldn’t hit you, did you?” Yu Fan pinched his face with one hand from below and viciously questioned, “are you sorry?”

The corner of Chen Jingshen’s mouth was pinch off by him, showing his rare freshness: “give me a look of your bald head.”

“well,” Yu Fan’s hand around his neck exerted a little more. “then when I shave it, you will give it a go next. You are not allowed to leave after school.”

“Yes,” Chen Jingshen said, lifting his eyelids and blinking his eyes. “Yu Fan, your neck is so red.”


Chen Jingshen was dragged over, their faces too close. Chen Jingshen’s breath gently swept past Yu Fan as he spoke.

“I look the same when I get angry.” For a long time, Yu Fan’s neck, ears and face were all hot, and he said, “I beat people when I became evn redder, do want to look?”

Chen Jingshen blinked silently, looked a little moved, and moved his lips a few seconds later.

Yu Fan gritted his teeth and ordered: “say no.”

Chen Jingshen: “No.”

Yu Fan loosened the person, sat back hot and dry all over, and took a sip of mung bean smoothies.

Forget it, would he even dare to watch it?

Chen Jingshen turned off the game and glanced at his collar: “Why did you button up your clothes?”
Yu Fan gets up, no wonder it’s so hot.

He untied it skillfully with one hand and said, “it was cold before.”

The mobile phone rang a few times, and Yu Fan picked it up and took a look. It was sent by Zhang Xianjing, saying to go back and clean the classroom.

“the parent-teacher meeting is over, and everyone is done.” Yu Fan put away his cell phone, picked up the mineral water bottle used to hold cigarette ash, touched the person next to him, and said, “go back to the classroom.”

They came back late. Zhang Xianjing and Ke Ting had washed the blackboard and windows and went home, leaving the floor uncleaned.

Yu Fan picked up the broom and threw it to Chen Jingshen: “you sweep, I’ll wash the mop.”

They moved so fast that they finally left the hallway at the back of the classroom.

Two men, one with a broom and the other with a mop, moved lazily out of the corridor. As soon as Yu Fan’s front foot took a step, he heard a low whisper beside him.

“I didn’t realize that she would read my mind. Whoo. What if my mother insists that I should be separated from you? ” The woman asked with a whimper.

“it’s all right, even if your mother, your father, the teacher. The whole world prevents me from being with you. If we like each other, we won’t be separated. Don’t cry. ”

Yu Fan raised his eyebrows and felt that the man’s voice sounded a little familiar.
As soon as he turned his head, he saw the strong figure of Zhu Xu, who belonged to the sports club.

At the end of the corridor, Zhu Xu blocked his deskmate in the corner of the corridor.

The couple who had just been caught in puppy love clung to each other intimately because there was no one around.

The sun is sinking in the west. They stood in the golden sunset and whispered a conversation, and then they saw that Zhu Xu lower his head. Yu Fanhad no time to exit, so they saw them kiss. The two figures were stacked on top of each other. Zhu Xu’s head was a little crooked and his hand was pressed on the girl’s waist.

Both of them clenched their hands unconsciously.
Yu Fan returned to his mind, and he pushed Chen Jingshen in. The person behind grabbed his clothes and pulled him back. Yu Fan did not control the pace, bumped into Chen Jingshen, and the two returned to the classroom.

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A trumpet sounded downstairs, which just masked their voices. There was no movement outside the corridor, and they were probably kissing.

The classroom is quieter than outside.

Feeling Chen Jingshen’s line of sight, Yu Fan’s fingers curled up for a moment, and without looking back, a wave of unprovoked tension came to mind. Clearly they were a little closer in the stairwell than they are now.

For a while, Yu Fan turned around. Eithout looking up, and whispered, “Let’s go.”

Chen Jingshen took a look outside: “Are we not going to sweep the corrider?”

“No more sweeping.” Yu Fan dragged him, “Let’s go home. ”

In the evening, Yu Fan saw Zhu Xu crying in the discussion about being caught with his little girlfriend.

Zhu Xu: but we have made an appointment not to let anyone affect our love. ].

Then others not affect your love?

Yu Fan typed out the sentence, then deleted it. Forget it, it will take a long time to send it out.

After nine o’clock, he waited for a long time without waiting for the video invitation, so he cut out the discussion group, clicked on someone’s profile picture, and sent him a message. .

Chen Jingshen quickly replied “?” .

Yu Fan’s hands are idle, so just call him back.

Chen Jingshen picked up after a long time. He sat back in his chair and looked much lazier than usual when he answered the video. “what’s the matter?” he asked.

“No topic tonight?” Yu Fan asked.

“Yes, but.” Chen Jingshen paused. “Didn’t you notice that something is missing?”

Yu Fanleng was stupefied for a moment: “missing?”

“I left in such a hurry in the afternoon that I forgot to bring my bag.”


They were in a hurry to get up and left. Yu Fan unconsciously tightened his grip mobile phone, the grip was too strong, and the phone fell. It slammed forward on the table with a bang.


Yu Fan hastened to pick up the phone and said blatantly, “Oh. Then I’ll hang up. ”
“Let’s talk for a while.” Chen Jingshen said.


Is there anything for two men to talk about? You can’t talk while sitting together during the day?

There was a sound of opening the door. Yu Fan took a look at the door, picked up his cell phone and walked to the balcony.

Chen Jingshen looked at the rickety night at the other end of the screen and asked, “is your family back?”

Yu Fan gave a sound and propped up his hand on the fence and skillfully sat on the balcony.

He suddenly got up and could talk to Chen Jingshen.

He raised his phone in front of him and said, “Chen Jingshen, show me your room.”

Chen Jingshen was stunned for a moment, then simply cut to the rear camera and moved the swivel chair to show him little by little.

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His room is similar to his desk, clean and tidy, with a cold tone. The space is about the same size as the living room of Yu Fan’s family.

Yu Fan looked around, leaned against the anti-theft iron net and said, “move up.”

Chen Jingshen paused and raised his phone slightly.

When he saw what he saw, Yu Fan narrowed his eyes and asked knowingly, “wait a minute, is that black cloth covering the wall?”

The next second, Chen Jingshen cut the camera back. He said faintly, “camera.”
“Why is there anything in your room?” Yu Fan asked, “isn’t it awkward?”

“I’m used to it. Just cover it with a cloth. ”

“Can it hear anything?”

Chen Jingshen said, “there is no pickup.”

That’s fine.

It seems that Chen Jingshen is not as timid as he is, nor is he so unfree. The black cloth was so neatly covered that it looked like a long-term bracelet.

Yu Fan unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and let out a lazy cry.

When the question was over, he said, “We’re done talking. Hang up.”

“Yu Fan.” In the headphones, Chen Jingshen suddenly called his name, “have you ever been in love?”


Yu Fan’s legs began to bend, and his relaxed facial features were stiff again.

Yu Fan has been a bad teenager since the second year of junior high school. He has done fighting, smoking and drinking, but puppy love has nothing to do with the rebellious behavior of adolescence.

Ever since he was a child, he blushed when someone confessed to him. No matter when, no matter who the other person is.

Can he tell? He can’t.

“of course, many times.” Yu Fan sat up unnaturally, and then added rigidly, “with a woman.”

“really?” Chen Jingshen drooped his eyelids lazily, but he could not see his thoughts. “Why, I thought you say you haven’t been in puppy love?”

“is it possible? I have experienced it thirty times since primary school. ” Yu Fan paused for a moment.

Although he has no experience, isn’t it a bit of an exaggeration to say it’s in thirties?

He said with a straight face, “I’ve never been caught by a teacher.”

Chen Jingshen: “Primary school? What grade are you talking about? ”

Let’s call one lie and use countless lies to make it work out.

Yu Fan smoked, touched the cigarette case and inexplicably recalled what Zhu Xu said in the discussion group the other day. So he put up with it.

When he was making up a story, he couldn’t help looking at the award on the wall of the house, and he was immediately inspired.

“the fourth grade, when I went to summer camp.” Yu Fan said, “just the summer camp you saw last time, remember? Didn’t I win the prize? It’s because I am willing to help others. ”


Yu Fan did not notice that the face of the person in the video suddenly became a little complicated. He continued to make up story: “the person I helped was my first girlfriend.”


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There was a moment of silence in the video. Yu Fan waited for a long time and frowned: “did you hear me?”

“I heared you.” It took a long time before Chen Jingshen can open his mouth, “how long did you talk to each other?… Primary school. ”

“Why do you ask so many questions?”

To tell you the truth, Yu Fan has forgotten one thing.

There was so much trouble at home that he doesn’t remembered everything before the first year of junior high school. Or he resists to remember.

After all, a long time ago, there was another person in his life. After the man left, he began to subconsciously not go to anyone or anything before.

He stared at the award and could vaguely remember–.

“It’s in primary school,” he said. Yu Fan said, “I talked about it so long ago that I can’t remember it clearly.”

“The person looks good.”
After making up the story, Yu Fan breathed a sigh of relief and was just about to get back on the anti-theft iron fence.

“have you ever kissed?”


The iron fence seemed to be electrified, and Yu Fan suddenly sat up straight after touching it.

They talked about him having thirty puppy love, but he never kissed. “Damn it, it doesn’t make sense?

Yu Fan blinked his eyes more than ten times and squeezed out a syllable stiffly: “… MMM! ”

Chen Jingshen raised his eyebrow and said, “is it also with that primary school?”

Is it possible? He doesn’t know anything in primary school.

But Yu Fan really didn’t want to make up another love history any more, so he stuck to his head again: “… Mm-hmm. ”

Chen Jingshen bent his finger and touched the tip of his nose. “How did you kiss? ”

“how the hell can you kiss? Kiss hard! A kiss with a broken mouth. ” Yu Fan closed his eyes and could not go on. “Why are you asking me why?”

Chen Jingshen was quiet for a moment and said honestly, “I haven’t kissed, so I’m curious.”

Guess you have never kissed, stinky learner.

Yu Fan made up the story so that he believed it. When he looked at Chen Jingshen, he took a little bit of the old hand’s contempt for the novice. When he look at him, he can’t help but move his eyes down.

Chen Jingshen’s nose was so high that he almost touched it when he strangled his neck in the afternoon. Then the lips are very thin, the lines look a little cold, and it’s probably not so good to kiss– am I sick?

Yu Fan was so surprised by his own idea that the whole person was more stiff than when he just made up a story.

The mobile phone sounded, and Wang Luan sent a message to invite him to play games.

Yu Fan hung up the video without saying a word and hurriedly before the other person spoke.
【s:Why did you break up?.】

Yu Fan wiped his face, touched the cigarette case with his head down, and calmed down again after smoking a cigarette.

[-: breaking up is a sad past and you keep asking? ].

[-: I’ll play games, if you pester me then you will be block. ].

Yu Fan played tonight’s game very seriously, it is rare to fight with the brothers until two o’clock at night.

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The dog caused him to put down his phone and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

Yu Fan dreamed almost every night for several years.

Except for some bizarre dreams, the contents of the rest of the dreams are more or less the same. the only difference is that he won or lost. Some are past events, some are conjectures.

Even a few months ago, either he or Yu Kaiming died in the dream. As a result, he had to lie in bed for a while after waking up, so that he could be sure that he was awake and his soul was not out of the body.

Until the beginning of the new semester, his dreams suddenly dwindled. He began to have some simple and easy-to-understand dreams.

Like tonight–.

He dreamt that in the stairwell of the experimental building, Chen Jingshen sat on the steps and bowed his head, while he leaned over, strangled Chen Jingshen’s neck and forced Chen Jingshen to look up.

Chen Jingshen let him do it, and the moment he looked up, he raised his hand. His hand got stuck in his hair, and pressed him down–.

Chen Jingshen silently touched his face, touched his nose, and finally touched his lips.

It’s early in the morning.
As soon as Chen Jingshen entered the classroom, he felt someone staring at him viciously.

He seemed to look over with emotion, just in time to see his deskmate put the long-lost school uniform coat on the desk, and his whole head fell down.

Chen Jingshen sat down in his seat, raised his hand and knocked on the next desk: “have you had breakfast yet?”

There is no answer.

After a while, Chen Jingshen put the temporary homework at his hand: “get up and catch up with the homework.”

There is no answer.

When it came to morning reading, Zuo Kuan came from the next class and said that he was too sleepy. He asked them to smoke cigarettes and then go to class.

Wang Luan: “Shh, keep your voice down. The two of us went to sleep late last night. Yu Fan is now sleeping. ”

As soon as the words were over, he sat up, stuffed the cigarette into his pocket and stood up in silence.

The man who usually kicked Chen Jingshen’s chair to ask him to move out of the way turned right without looking back today. He jumped on the chair, went directly out of the classroom and headed for the toilet.

Wang Luan, Zuo Kuan: “?”

Chen Jingshen: “……”

He isn’t really sleeping, but he will ignore him.

Ten minutes later, the morning reading begins.

When Chen Jingshen, the representative of the Chinese class, asked the Chinese teacher which lesson to read today, Chen Jingshen reached out and touched the person next to him.

The second after their arms were affixed, Yu Fan took his hand away with a whoosh.

Chen Jingshen: “……”

He leaned his pen against the desk, turned his head and asked, “am I messing with you?”

His deskmate remained motionless, staring at the textbook and said coldly, “No.”

Chen Jingshen glanced at his red ears: “then why are you angry with me early in the morning?”

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