After getting off the drop tower, they followed the directions of the staff and headed for the exit.

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There were a dozen or so people gathered by the exit and the place was decorated with lights and balloons. There was even someone holding a banner with numerous couple photos printed on it. It was clearly something that had been carefully planned out.Sure enough, the next moment, the man who was sitting next to them earlier received a small box from his close friend and half-knelt down in front of his girlfriend, “Darling, today is our 520th day together…”“Bleurgh…….”“I have gathered up my courage and am standing here…..”“Bleurgh…….”“I hope you can marry me. I promise I’ll……”“Bleurgh!!!”The man who couldn’t take it anymore looked over with a look of annoyance, “Excuse me, could you move away to vomit?”“We’re leaving, we’re leaving….Hey, don’t really vomit, let me find a bag for you first……” Wang Lu’an gave them an apologetic look as he dragged Zuo Kuan away by his shirt.They picked a place that wasn’t too crowded. Zuo Kuan knelt down in the corner vomiting into a bag while Wang Lu’an stood next to him and patted his back. The other two stood by the flowers and waited.“What’s wrong?”Yu Fan was a little taken aback. It was as if he had only just managed to recover from his earlier state. Several seconds later, he looked over, “What?”Chen Jingshen’s eyes stopped on his face, “Ever since we got off, you haven’t spoken a single word.”Yu Fan subconsciously tightened his fists.Ten minutes had passed since he got off the drop tower but his heart was still beating very fast and his palms were also for some reason a little sweaty.He seemed to have had this kind of reaction before but it wasn’t to this extent. When was it again…..?His back was lightly touched a few times. It was warm.Chen Jingshen patted his back, “You want to throw up too?”When Chen Jingshen touched him…Sometimes, Chen Jingshen didn’t even need to touch him. As long as he confessed to the camera like an idiot or showed that stupid smile of his, he would have this feeling.It was very strange and unfamiliar. He subconsciously felt uncomfortable.“No.” Yu Fan bent his elbow and pushed his hand away, “I’m not that weak.”Zuo Kuan was finally feeling better after vomiting for a while.After he rinsed his mouth and washed his face, he said weakly, “I’m never going to fucking go on that ride ever again.”“Even if you want to go on it again, you can’t. We don’t have time.” Wang Lu’an checked his watch, “The night markets will start in half an hour. Let’s find one with a shorter line.”“Okay.” Zuo Kuan caught sight of Chen Jingshen coming from a store with a bottle of water in his hand, “Thank you so much Top…”Chen Jingshen tapped the back of Yu Fan’s hand with the bottle. Yu Fan glanced at him and proceeded to open it and take a sip.Zuo Kuan, “…….”The four of them circled around the place for a while before finally stopping between the teacup ride and the bumper cars they had initially vetoed against.In the entire amusement park, these two rides had the shortest lines.The boys hesitated for a long time before Yu Fan finally made the first move, “Let’s go. Any of them is fine.”

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The teacup they got on just happened to be one that seated four people. It had a round wheel in the middle that would turn the cup so the faster they turned the wheel, the faster the cup spun.It was all children and their parents riding this ride. The others spun their cups slowly, enjoying the moment, but they soon found themselves staring at the cup spinning in the centre like a spinning top with a shocked look on their faces-------“Don’t chicken out and stop!” Wang Lu’an spun the wheel like crazy.“Come on, who’s afraid of who?! Watch me spin you up into the air!” Zuo Kuan who didn’t want to be outdone spun the wheel so fast, his face was flushed red.Idiots.Yu Fan sat there expressionlessly with his arms crossed as he contemplated over the idea of kicking these two people off.“Do it faster. Are you even trying, Wang Lu...bleurgh!” Zuo Kuan felt a little sick again. He turned his head away and retched.Yu Fan who was caught by surprise hurriedly dodged to the side, his entire body bumping into the person next to him.The cup was spinning too fast. With his sudden movement, he had lost his original stability. Before he could react, Chen Jingshen had reached over and circled his arm around him from behind.Chen Jingshen held his shoulders, his arm pressed against his neck, as he firmly supported him.Wang Lu’an immediately stopped the cup, “You fucker, are you vomiting because you didn’t want to admit defeat? I’m not playing anymore!”Zuo Kuan, “I didn’t fucking vomit!”Yu Fan instantly returned to his senses. Just as he wanted to break free, Chen Jingshen let go of him first.The bumper cars were all two seaters. One was in charge of the steering wheel while the other was in charge of the accelerator.Wang Lu’an and Zuo Kuan teamed up and rammed into all the children on the tracks before finally setting their eyes on their two friends.Yu Fan originally wasn’t in the mood to play but after he was rammed by them twice, the only thing left in his mind was to knock their car over until it reached the entrance of the amusement park.He stepped onto the accelerator and said to Chen Jingshen, “Turn left, turn left….Can’t you do it? Give it to me!”He reached over to grab Chen Jingshen’s wheel and charged straight at Wang Lu’an and Zuo Kuan’s car at high speed!After this continued three more times, Zuo Kuan couldn’t stand it anymore, “Don’t run! Let’s hit them! We’ll die together!”Wang Lu’an, “My fucking thoughts exactly!”The two bumper cars rammed into each other head-on at high speed, leaving both of them in tatters. Yu Fan was laughing too hard and his head, still dizzy from the impact, bumped into Chen Jingshen’s chest. The next moment, his head was held down.Chen Jingshen protected his head at the front and held it against his chest. His voice also couldn’t help but contain a hint of a smile, “Does it hurt?”“…..”Half an hour later, when Yu Fan left the children’s area, his heart was still beating too fucking fast.He must be cursed.They left at just the right time. The boys met up with Zhang Xianjing and co. at the night market.The night market was a special feature of this amusement park. Although it was called a night market, it was actually just a street specially vacated and decorated with lights, balloons and various other decorations. The numerous food and game stalls lining along both sides helped establish the lively atmosphere.But there weren’t many games that could be played and they were also too childish, and with the addition they were too tired from playing around earlier, the boys weren’t very interested.Zhang Xianjing however really liked the atmosphere here. She took many photos in succession of the place.“Wow, we can do a photoshoot here!” Zhang Xianjing grabbed Ke Ting’s hand, “Ting Dear, let’s go take some!”Ke Ting pushed up her thick glasses and said quietly, “Okay.”

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Before going in, Zhang Xianjing remembered something and proceeded to turn around and give Yu Fan her camera.Yu Fan frowned, “What are you doing?”Zhang Xianjing, “You’ve got nothing to do anyway. Just help me take a few photos of the scenery.”“I don’t…..”Zhang Xianjing forcefully stuffed the camera into his hands, “With you so tall, take more photos of the ferris wheel for me!” After saying that, she dragged Ke Ting into the store.Yu Fan, “…….”It was Yu Fan’s first time using this kind of thing. He held the camera in his hand and examined it with a frown for a long time but was unable to figure out how to use it.Just as he was about to give up, a hand reached over and pointed at a certain button at the top.“This is to take photos.” Chen Jingshen said, “This is to record a video.”“…..Oh.” Yu Fan made a sound of understanding while moving to the side to increase the distance between them.He didn’t really want to be too close to Chen Jingshen right now.Chen Jingshen wordlessly glanced at him.After strolling around for a while, Wang Lu’an and Zuo Kuan had regained their energy. They made a random bet and went over to play a basket shooting game.Yu Fan stood on the side. Out of boredom, he casually took a few photos.He looked around to see if there was anything to capture before catching sight of a colourful crane machine nearby.Crane machines were commonplace, it wasn’t anything special. It was just that this particular crane machine had a bunch of dog plushies.They were doberman plushies that had its tongue sticking out and a bright red heart on its head with the word ‘Love’ printed on it.All dobermans look the same.In any case, the plushie was just as ugly as the one raised by Chen Jingshen.Yu Fan expressionlessly thought this to himself and proceeded to raise the camera and take a picture in that direction.The photo was captured. When the screen once again returned to its capturing interface, someone had appeared before that crane machine.He watched as Chen Jingshen threw in a coin, controlled the crane, lowered the hook, and easily picked up one of the dogs.The girl standing next to him who had been attempting for the past ten minutes looked at him with both shock and envy.Chen Jingshen bent down to take out the doll and indifferently stared at it for a while.He probably also thinks that this thing looks like Fan… his dog.Yu Fan for some reason found it a little funny.Yu Fan raised the camera again wanting to take another photo but he saw through the camera screen Chen Jingshen turning around, his eyes scanning through the crowd, before stopping on him.The next second, Chen Jingshen walked towards him.Yu Fan stood there with the camera raised. Before he could even have the time to react, the other party had already arrived in front of him.The night market was filled with people and brightly lit. Shouts from various stall owners trying to catch the attention of customers could be heard and there were constantly people brushing past him as they passed by.A dog plushie was stuffed into his hands.“Don’t look anymore.” Chen Jingshen said, “I got one for you.”-

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To avoid the peak traffic, they left half an hour before the amusement park closed.There were no buses at this time so Yu Fan also called for a taxi.On his way home, the group chat was very lively.Wang Lu’an was spilling Zuo Kuan’s embarrassing stories while Zuo Kuan sent seven 60 second voice messages in a row filled with profanities.Yu Fan listened to each of them one by one and couldn’t help but smile when he heard something funny. As he smiled and smiled, his eyes drifted over to the dog.The plushie sat there with a silly expression, looking uglier by the minute.He stared at the dog plushie for a while before reaching out and poking it’s nose, “From now on, your name is Chen Jingshen.”The taxi driver raised his head and looked at him strangely through the rearview mirror.Yu Fan, “…..”Dammit.Have I gone crazy?Yu Fan turned the plushie around and expressionlessly looked back down at the group chat.As soon as Yu Fan arrived at his complex, he received Chen Jingshen’s message. It was a three minute long video.In the dead of the night, there was almost no sound in the complex. Yu Fan turned the volume down before slowly tapping it open.It was a full three minute video of Fan Fan.In the video, Chen Jingshen silently teased the dog for three entire minutes with a toy rope while Fan Fan would only whine aggrievedly.Only when it reached the final few seconds, he calmly spoke up, “Doesn’t it look like that plushie?”When he was done watching the video, Yu Fan just happened to have reached the door to his place.He took out his keys to open the door and along the way, he pressed the button to send a voice message.“A little. Can you stop sending things like this? The dog looks very…” Yu Fan pushed the door and walked in. As soon as he saw the scene inside, his entire body stiffened and his words came to a stop.“Yu Kaiming, what are you doing?” When he spoke up again, his voice was colder than ice.Yu Fan had been too focused watching the video earlier and didn’t notice that the lights at his place were on.At this moment, the door to his bedroom that should be locked was wide open and Yu Kaiming was sitting at his desk with a bunch of twisted paper clips as well as a padlock that had been removed scattered next to him.In Yu Kaiming’s hand was a pink letter he had just taken out from the drawer. He was taken aback the moment he saw him enter.What was going on? Why did Yu Fan suddenly come back? Didn’t this little bastard usually stay at an internet cafe all night if he didn’t come back before midnight??“Why are you back?” Yu Kaiming forced a smile, “Your dad has recently encountered something and needs money. You still have money left from your grandfather and mother, right?”“And you even got a love letter. Back in my day……….”Yu Fan picked up the fish bowl that had not been touched in a very long time from the shoe cabinet and threw it at him!Yu Kaiming almost didn’t dodge in time. The fish bowl brushed past his face, slamming heavily onto the ground, shattering with a loud ‘crash’-------Yu Fan loosened his grip and threw his phone aside.-

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The old complex suddenly became very rowdy in the middle of the night. The sound of things being smashed and cursing sounded nonstop.The lights for every household turned on. They all checked to ensure that their doors and windows were securely locked.Yu Fan grabbed Yu Kaiming’s hair and kneed him in his stomach. Yu Kaiming cried out in pain and slapped him back, the nail on his pinky leaving a bloody scratch on his face.As if he didn’t feel any pain, Yu Fan slammed the other person against the wall with all his strength.“He’s my fucking old man! And it’s my wife who left the money! Why do you have the right to keep it all to yourself! You motherfucker!”Yu Kaiming’s mouth spilled profanities nonstop. From the beginning to the end, he didn’t stop, “You bitch. I should’ve fucking shot you against the wall back then! I should’ve strangled you to death the day you were born! You’re just as much of a bitch as your moth-------”Yu Fan pushed him up against the wall and punched him hard in the face before finally speaking up, “I warned you before. Don’t you dare mention her.”“I can’t call a bitch a bitch? She is a bitch, a slut who rucking ran off with another person and you’re fucking standing up for her? Do you think she even thought about you when she ran off?”Yu Kaiming sneered, “Instead of hating her, you’re turning against your old man? You are clearly the same type of person as me! You should fucking be standing on my side! Did you think that the person who gave you that love letter really likes you? Just wait until they see you like this. They’re going to run off just like how your mother did!”Yu Fan didn’t speak. He just threw another punch at his face.…….When Chen Jingshen got out of the car, he could already sense that something wasn’t right.The old complex was eerily quiet. Only one of the apartments in this entire building had its lights on, the rest were all pitch black.Chen Jingshen hurried up the stairs with his phone in his hand. The sound of his footsteps echoed dully in the night.The door to Yu Fan’s place was slightly ajar. When Chen Jingshen reached the door, he could smell a faint smell of blood coming from inside.He took a deep breath and pushed the door open.The place was a mess.The sofa, coffee table, dining table and chairs were scattered across the room, the TV screen was smashed and glass of different colours were littered all across the ground. Nothing in the entire place was left in a good condition.The person he was looking for was sitting in a corner, exhausted. His white T-shirt was dirty and his face and neck were covered in injuries. He sat there with red eyes, gripping tightly onto a broken broom.When he saw that it was him who came, he relaxed and threw the broom aside.---- Just wait until they see you like this. They’re going to run off just like how your mother did.Yu Fan suddenly remembered Yu Kaiming’s words from earlier.Neither of them spoke. It was completely silent.A long time later, Chen Jingshen walked through the mess and knelt down before him.“Can you move?” Chen Jingshen asked.Yu Fan stared deeply at him. His voice was hoarse when he spoke, “Go home.”Chen Jingshen checked his condition without acknowledging his words, “Where is that person?”“Chen Jingshen,” Yu Fan repeated, “Go home.”Chen Jingshen’s expression was cold but it was different from usual. He fixed his breathing in an attempt to calm himself down and reached out to support the other person, “You can move right? If you can, let’s get up fir…….”Before Chen Jingshen could finish speaking, his collar was suddenly grabbed. Something slammed against his nose and the next moment, a pair of dry lips pressed onto his lips.It was bitter.Yu Fan moved away a few seconds later.He let go of Chen Jingshen’s shirt and let out a cold laugh. Just as he was about to say something-----His neck was suddenly grabbed and he was pushed back against the wall without warning. Chen Jingshen sank his fingers into his hair and tightened his grip, forcing him to raise his head with ease, and proceeded to tilt his head and kiss him back.

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