Yu Fan’s back instantly went numb. His nerves were tense and his heart was pounding like crazy.

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His mind went blank for several seconds. He subconsciously reached out to push Chen Jingshen and straightened his back with the intent to get up from the wall----The hand wrapped around the back of his neck once again exerted more force. Chen Jingshen moved one leg to the other side and, in a half kneeling position, he pressed him back such that the back of his head was resting against the wall and kissed him even more fiercely. All the blood in Yu Fan’s body rushed to his head. The nerves in his scalp throbbed. He could feel the tip of Chen Jingshen’s tongue sweep past the wound in his mouth and then wrap around his own tongue.His scalp did hurt a little but this pain of his hair being grabbed made Yu Fan weak all over. His pushing hand slowly loosened before he finally grabbed Chen Jingshen’s shirt with all his strength. He was clearly sitting on the ground but he felt like he was about to fall into a bottomless black pit any moment.The summer cicadas were extraordinarily quiet tonight and the old complex was silent. It was as if there was only the sound of their panting and heavy breathing left in this world.Chen Jingshen kissed very fiercely. Do others also kiss like this? He seemed to remember that when Zhu Xu kissed his girlfriend, it wasn’t anything like this. Yu Fan absentmindedly thought this with his eyes half closed.As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the hand holding the back of his neck suddenly moved. Chen Jingshen had let go of his neck and, with one hand on his side, he slowly loosened his grip around his hair and gently rubbed his scalp with the tip of his fingers. Even the kiss was much gentler. Chen Jingshen rubbed his lips, then rubbed his tongue, peppering him with kisses. His actions were clearly very gentle but Yu Fan’s body had become even more tense than earlier.Chen Jingshen probably washed up earlier. He could taste mint in him. Mint was supposed to be cool and refreshing but the taste of it conversely made him hot all over.He would gasp a little at first but later he could only hold his breath and raise his head to kiss Chen Jingshen. At a certain point, he even felt like he was about to drown and die in front of Chen Jingshen; die because of Chen Jingshen’s kiss.It wasn’t until Chen Jingshen let go of him did he feel as if he had resurfaced from the water. He faintly gasped for air.The aged light bulb above them flickered. The paleness on Yu Fan’s face was gone and instead it was so red, it looked like it was about to drip blood. His eyes were hazy and dazed. It took him a while to return to his senses.Chen Jingshen reached over and wiped his lips.Yu Fan’s tongue was numb. He only now remembered to let go of Chen Jingshen’s shirt. He swatted away Chen Jingshen’s hand but because he was still weak, he wasn’t able to slap it away.His eyes were still very red but it was a different kind of redness from earlier.“Did I fucking….give you permission to kiss me?” Yu Fan raised his head and forced those words out through gritted teeth, but the last few words unconsciously softened the moment he saw Chen Jingshen’s face.Chen Jingshen was still as expressionless as usual but there were some more chaotic emotions being restrained in his eyes. His ears and cheeks were also surprisingly colourful.“I also didn’t give you permission to kiss me.” Chen Jingshen wiped his lips clean before lowering his hand and saying hoarsely.Yu Fan, “……..”Yu Fan dazedly recalled for a moment. It seems that he did indeed kiss Chen Jingshen earlier.

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He was too exhausted at the time; so tired he felt as if his entire body was on strike. When he saw Chen Jingshen, only Yu Kaiming’s words sounded repeatedly in his mind.He felt that Yu Kaiming was right. He had always believed that Yu Kaiming was right.He hated Yu Kaiming but in some respects, he and Yu Kaiming were the same.They both liked to use force to solve problems, even from a young age. Yu Kaiming didn’t hit him much as a child, mostly taking it out on another person, but every time Yu Kaiming picked up the stick, even if he knew that he would be beaten harder if he fought back, he would still grit his teeth and desperately fight back.At a certain point later on, the commotion reached the ears of the police. The police listened to the reports from the people living in the same complex for a very long time before believing that it was Yu Kaiming who had started it. After all, they rarely encountered a domestic violence case where the perpetrator was more seriously injured than the victim.After that time, the people in the community gave him an address for psychological counselling.Yu Fan never went.He knew he had a problem so he avoided anyone who expressed goodwill towards him, including Chen Jingshen.But just now, when Chen Jingshen appeared before him all neat and tidy, a sudden urge overtook him. He wanted to stain Chen Jingshen with the blood on him.Humans can be very contradictory. He wanted Chen Jingshen to leave but he also wanted Chen Jingshen to stay.His chin was held and raised. Chen Jingshen glanced at his neck to ensure that he hadn’t touched his injury earlier and then asked, “Where is that person?”“Ran off.” Yu Fan slowly returned to his senses and only now remembered to ask, “….Why are you here?”“Your voice message. The last few seconds didn’t sound right.” Chen Jingshen then asked, “Can you move?”“I can.”They were too close. Feeling Chen Jingshen’s breath, Yu Fan’s throat tightened. He averted his eyes and said woodenly, “If you don’t let go, I’m going to bite you.”Chen Jingshen let go of him. Just as Yu Fan was about to place his hands on the ground to support him, an arm looped around his waist and he was suddenly supported up by Chen Jingshen.Before Yu Fan could react, Chen Jingshen had already let go.“Do you want to change your clothes?” Chen Jingshen asked.

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“……” Yu Fan’s face was still red. He reached up to grab his messy hair, “Change for what?”“The hospital.”Yu Fan didn’t even need to stop and think, “Not going. Applying medicine is enough.”Chen Jingshen nodded, “Then I’ll call an ambulance.”“?”Yu Fan really felt that it wasn’t necessary to go to the hospital; this wasn’t the most violent fight they’ve had after all. Moreover, Yu Kaiming had drank a little today so he didn’t have much strength in him. The injuries on him may look scary but they were mostly just superficial wounds.Yu Fan clicked his tongue and said perfunctorily, “Fine, I’ll go later. You should hurry up and go home.”“I’m going with you.”“?” Yu Fan frowned, “Aren’t you afraid of needles?”Chen Jingshen thought for a while, “When you’re getting a needle, I’ll close my eyes.”“…….”The two stared each other down for a while before Chen Jingshen silently took out his phone and tapped on it.When Yu Fan saw him select 120 on the phone, he debated between throwing Chen Jingshen’s phone out the window or directly knocking Chen Jingshen out.“…..No need to change. Wait a second.” A while later, Yu Fan went to his room, “I’ll get my ID card.”Yu Fan entered his room, took out his ID card from his drawer and threw it into his pocket. Afraid of Yu Kaiming coming back and creating a mess again, he took out the crumpled love letter he had hidden away in the corner of the room and, together with the ‘Chen Jingshen’ plushie, he stuffed them both under his pillow.It wasn’t until Chen Jingshen arrived at the hospital that he understood why Yu Fan said he didn’t need to change.In the middle of the night, there was a line of people outside the emergency room. Most had just been involved in a small car accident or were just involved in a fight so they were in a pretty sorry state. Some were even bare feet. With Yu Fan standing among them, he didn’t look out of place at all.The injuries were just as Yu Fan had expected. There were many but none of them were deep and most of them were bruises so there was no need for a tetanus shot.The nurse skilfully disinfected and bandaged Yu Fan up. As she did this, she glanced at him and reminded, “When you go home, eat less spicy food and don’t touch seafood or fungus. It would be better if you also have less soy sauce. With you so handsome, it would be a shame to have a scar on your face.Yu Fan nonchalantly nodded. It was unknown if he was actually listening.

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The nurse worked very quickly. Very soon, it was done.“This ointment is to prevent infection and swelling, apply it twice a day.” After the nurse said this, she pointed with her chin at the person behind Yu Fan and added, “He can also use it.”Yu Fan was stunned for a moment, “Why does he need it?”“Here.” The nurse pointed at the corner of her lips, “Isn’t it injured there too?”“…….”Yu Fan sat stiffly in place, not moving an inch.When he came here, he had specially sat in the front passenger seat and opened the window to the maximum to get some cool air on him and cool him down but the heat once again started to bubble inside him.With a light rustle, Chen Jingshen picked up the bag of medicine, “Understood. Thank you.”This hospital was temporarily being renovated so they could only enter and leave through the back door. After leaving the back door, there was a long and narrow path that was a little far from the hospital’s main entrance. He hadn’t noticed anything earlier when the taxi dropped them off but walking down it now, Yu Fan felt that it was a bit too long.The night breeze was gentle. The small path behind the hospital was completely silent at such a late hour. Chen Jingshen glanced at the person who was walking a few steps away from him.Yu Fan walked with his head lowered and ears hot as he forced himself to think about other useless things----Yu Kaiming had run off. He was very angry earlier and didn’t hold back but he probably wouldn’t die?Is Zuo Kuan that weakling still vomiting?Why did Chen Jingshen’s lip get hurt? It’s not like I have thorns in my mouth.“…..”A bottle of water was handed over to him. Chen Jingshen had at some unknown point in time begun to walk shoulder to shoulder with him, “Want some water?”Yu Fan’s heart skipped a beat. He subconsciously received it. He was indeed feeling a little thirsty. He hadn’t had any water since he got home.He unscrewed it and took a sip. The clear and sweet mineral water tasted a little like mint.

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“……”Yu Fan closed his eyes and internally cursed. He finally couldn’t help but glance at the person next to him.They just happened to pass a street light at this moment. Using the light, Yu Fan was slightly taken aback by what he saw. It was as if he had discovered a new world. He blurted out, “Chen Jingshen.”Chen Jingshen glanced at him, “En.”“Why are your ears still red?”“…..”Chen Jingshen asked lightly, “Why do you think?”Yu Fan felt ashamed when he was the only one blushing but the moment he found out that Chen Jingshen was also blushing, he somehow felt a lot better.In order to hide his racing heart, Yu Fan deliberately let out a snort, “Are you serious?”“I am.” Chen Jingshen looked at him deeply, “It’s my first time after all.”“I’m als…..”Yu Fan remembered his lie about having thirteen exes and proceeded to swallow back the rest of his words.He pursed his lips and frowned.It’s Chen Jingshen’s first time kissing? Why didn’t it seem like it? Who the hell can….kiss like that for their first time?“Also what?” Chen Jingshen asked.“Nothing.” Yu Fan quickly retracted his gaze and tucked his hands into his pockets, the bottle of water making it bulge out.He pretended to be well-versed in this and said lazily, “It’s just touching lips anyway, it’s not a big deal. You did it once and I did it once, we’re even now.”After saying that, Yu Fan waited for a while but the person next to him didn’t say anything.Why wasn’t he saying anything? Did he not understand the meaning behind his words?Just as Yu Fan frowned and turned his head to ask, a shadow covered him.Before he could react, something soft and cold touched his lips.Chen Jingshen had leaned over and pressed a short kiss on his lips, his lowered eyes stirring slightly under the light.“Don’t make it even.” Chen Jingshen said, “I’ll own you one this time.”

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