It happened to be a Monday after the break. The school field was filled with students early in the morning as they prepared for the flag raising ceremony.

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Wang Lu’an who stood at the end of the line for class 2-7 let out a sleepy yawn.There was the sound of footsteps behind him. Wang Lu’an’s act of taking out his phone stopped and he listlessly turned back, “I almost thought you weren’t going to come…..The fuck??”“Why don’t you speak louder?” Seeing the others turn to look over at them, Yu Fan walked over to the back of the line and said lazily, “That way the heads of the school can hear it too.”“No but……” Wang Lu’an took in the bandaids and bruises on his face in shock, “Did the people from the neighbourhood school attack you again?!”“No, it was with someone else.”“Who? Where is that person?”“Don’t know.” Yu Fan tucked his hands into his pockets, “Probably at some hospital.”“…….”Sometimes, Wang Lu’an really admired Yu Fan. If it was him, he definitely would’ve gone home in tears, complained to his parents and then recuperated at home for ten days to half a month.But from first year of high school until now, no matter how serious the issue was, he had never heard Yu Fan cry or complain. Yu Fan had always silently and stubbornly resisted, venting his anger using his own methods.He had always felt that Yu Fan had tenacity and fearlessness most people his age didn’t have.“What if Fangqin sees it later?” Wang Lu’an asked.“Already saw it.”“What did you tell her?”“Got hit by a car.”“…….”Wang Lu’an could probably guess what kind of expression Fangqin must’ve had at the time. With a complicated look on his face, he couldn’t help but look over Yu Fan. It was in fact not just his face. The two arms exposed outside the summer uniform were also bruised. On Yu Fan’s fair skin, it looked quite ghastly.“Have you gone to the hospital? Any broken bo…”“Wang Lu’an.”Suddenly being cut off, Wang Lu’an was a little surprised, “Huh?”“Look at me and don’t speak.” Yu Fan said.Wang Lu’an, “Why”“Don’t speak.” Yu Fan frowned.“……….”The two of them stood face to face, staring at each other for a while.Yu Fan looked at Wang Lu’an for a while and felt a small urge to yawn.“What are you two doing?” Zuo Kuan who stood in the line next to them asked with a frown, “Competing over who laughs first? Let me joi….Yu Fan, why are you hurt?”Wang Lu’an’s eyes were turning watery from the staring. He also wanted to know what the fuck he was doing.Just as he wanted to ask, he saw Yu Fan turn around, “Zuo Kuan, look at me for a while and don’t speak.”Zuo Kuan, “?”The two stared at each other for several seconds before Zuo Kuan crossed his eyes and pushed up his nose.Yu Fan, “…..”

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Seeing that Yu Fan wasn’t attacking back, Wang Lu’an reached out to support Yu Fan’s shoulder and pretended to retch, “Bleurgh!”It was super effective. Zuo Kuan rushed over to beat him up, “Wang Lu’an you motherfucker!”Wang Lu’an immediately evaded him, “Bleurgh, bleurgh, bleurgh! I can’t do it anymore, I don’t want to go on that ride ever again!”Zuo Kuan, “Fuck you! Fuck you!”With Yu Fan in the centre, the two began a childish game of chase.Yu Fan, “……”This farce continued until Zhuang Fangqin came over.Wang Lu’an was panting heavily from all the running. He wiped away his sweat and finally remembered to ask, “Yu Fan, what were you trying to do?”Yu Fan said expressionlessly, “Nothing.”He just wanted to see if he had a problem where he would have the urge to kiss another guy if he stared at them for a long time.Looks like it wasn’t the case.Not to mention kiss, if Fangqin hadn’t arrived just now, he probably wouldn’t have been able to hold back his fist.So, it seems that he only wanted to kiss Chen Jingshen.Just as this thought appeared in his mind, Yu Fan felt the back of his head turn slightly numb and a difficult to describe sensation of excitement rose inside him. He used his thumb to press down onto the knuckle of his index finger. Because his hands were hidden in his pockets, only he was aware of this small action of his.After the ‘Athlete’s March’ came to a stop, it was the beginning of the flag raising ceremony. Yu Fan glanced at the empty space behind him and frowned.“Top Student is actually late?” Wang Lu’an who followed his gaze was surprised.“He’s not late.” Wu Si in front of them turned around and said, “He’s going to be on stage today….Look, over there. He’s standing next to the rostrum.”With a nonchalant expression on his face, Yu Fan immediately stood on tiptoe and looked over.Next to the rostrum, Hu Pang had led several students over to wait there. Chen Jingshen was standing second in line.For some reason, although everyone said that Chen Jingshen used to often appear on the stage either before or after him, he himself didn’t have any impression of it. But when he looked over now, he actually found Chen Jingshen’s quiet and tall figure very familiar.He seemed to have indeed passed by someone like that on his way to read his self reflection. That person would always brush past him with a cold and distant expression and then, at a certain point in time, that person would turn their head-----Like right now.Chen Jingshen had suddenly looked over, their gazes meeting through the hundreds and thousands of people.Yu Fan was a little surprised. He internally commented: I fucking only just glanced over, how could it be so coincidental??He very unnaturally looked away. Soon, the flag raising commands sounded through the speaker.The reason why Chen Jingshen had to go on stage this time was because he and the other students in their grade had been named by Hu Pang as the “Second Year Role Models”. As there were quite a few role models, five in each grade, having them all speak would definitely not be feasible so only one student from each grade had to do it.The person in charge of the speech for the second year was Miao Chen.“Why isn’t it Top Student doing the speech? Wang Lu’an muttered at the front, “Hey, isn’t that guy the one who came to our class last time to talk to Top Student?”“Yeah.” Wu Si said, “Maybe Chen Jingshen himself didn’t want to do it. Chen Jingshen did it the last few times already after all.”Wang Lu’an, “Hu Pang really likes to do these kinds of things. A role model. Don’t they only exist in elementary schools?”Yu Fan raised his head lazily and stared at everyone else on the stage but Chen Jingshen.

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Miao Chen’s uniform was neat and tidy and he spoke very clearly, “Teachers and students of Nancheng Seventh High, good morning. I am Miao Chen from Class 2-5. It is a great honour to be named as the ‘Second Year Role Model’……”It was the usual nonsense. Yu Fan let out a yawn.After talking endlessly for several minutes, Miao Chen suddenly changed the subject, “Actually…..In the first semester of first year of high school, I heard the speech given by Chen Jingshen as the role model for the first years. Chen Jingshen’s hard working ethic, top grades and impassioned speech has always inspired me…”Yu Fan’s fingers slowly clenched into a fist in his pocket.“So I have always had Chen Jingshen as my role model. I am very happy to be able to stand on the same stage as him today. I will continue to work hard to improve myself so that I can also become a role model for some students….”Chen Jingshen hadn’t expected Miao Chen’s speech to include his name. He subconsciously glanced at Miao Chen but when he looked away, his eyes met with a cold stare coming from the audience.Chen Jingshen raised a brow from afar. The rough meaning behind it was: What is it?Yu Fan also gave him a middle finger from afar. The rough meaning behind it was: Don’t look at me. Scram.-When Chen Jingshen returned to the classroom, his deskmate was already lying head down on his desk.He sat in his seat and stared at the back of that indifferent head for a while before patting the other person’s arm with the back of his hand and getting ready to say something----“Top Student, I didn’t realise Miao Chen worshipped you this much. I had no idea.” Wu Si said this as he passed by their seats.“That’s for sure. It’s not like you don’t know how good Top Student is to his deskmate. Not to mention that Chen guy, he’s even able to get a school tyrant like Yu Fan to raise his grades.” Wang Lu’an put his arm around Wu Si’s shoulder and said, “Hurry and go back to your seat. Fangqin is coming.”The two of them threw sparks into the grass, dusted themselves off and went to their seats.When Chen Jingshen looked over again, several more books had appeared between him and his deskmate. The intent to draw a line between them was very obvious.Today’s flag raising ceremony went on a little too long and it ended up taking up the class meeting time. The physic’s teacher entered the classroom with their textbook.“Yu Fan.” Chen Jingshen turned the pen in his hand and said while ignoring the books between them, “Miao Chen and I haven’t spoken much.”“All students take out your textbooks.” The physics teacher pushed up their glasses, “Don’t chit chat in class.”Chen Jingshen took out his physics textbook under the watchful eyes of the physics teacher.When he looked back again, his deskmate had already changed his sleeping position. An earphone was still in his ear.Chen Jingshen, “.”Yu Fan slept until noon break.Chen Jingshen put an extra copy of his notes on the ‘separation wall’. Just as he was about to wake the other party up, someone called out his name from outside the window.“Chen Jingshen,” Miao Chen blinked a few times while carrying his backpack, “Did the physics teacher tell you? Our school is going to arrange a competition training camp.”Chen Jingshen put the cap onto his pen and made a sound of acknowledgement.Miao Chen said, “Can we stay in the same dormitory when the time comes? I looked at the list and I’m not very familiar with the others…..I can bring along more food! What do you like-----”With a clatter, the person sitting between them suddenly sat up, The chair scraped back against the floor, the loud screech cutting off Miao Chen’s words.Yu Fan took out his phone from his desk, stood up and looked expressionlessly at the person standing outside the window.“Move.” He said.After waking up, Yu Fan’s expression was stony and fierce. Miao Chen fearfully nodded and moved to the side to make room for him.

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Yu Fan stepped onto his chair and left through the window.From waking up to leaving, he didn’t spare a single glance at Chen Jingshen.“D-does he always leave the classroom like this?” Miao Chen clutched the strap of his bag in fear as he watched Yu Fan disappear down the corridor, “And it seems he just woke up? Do the teachers not care?”There were still students who were on duty. Miao Chen lowered his voice and leaned closer, “By the way, I have been wanting to tell you this for a while now….I heard he doesn’t have a good temper and gets into fights. Did you know this?”“He also went on stage with you before but it was to read out his self reflection…….Why aren’t you requesting for a seat change? The teacher should be willing to change it for you?”“Ah, I forgot to ask you earlier. Do you have anything you like to eat….Chen Jingshen?”Chen Jingshen silently packed his bag and slung it on his shoulder. Just as he was about to say something the phone in his pocket buzzed.[-: Classroom on the first floor of the laboratory building. Get your ass here and return what you owe.]Return what?Chen Jingshen recalled for a moment before slowly smoothing out the brows he had just furrowed.“Chen Jingshen?” Miao Chen whispered in shock, “You brought your phone to school?”“En.” Chen Jingshen put away his phone and raised his head, “No need.”Miao Chen was stunned, “What?”“No need to bring me anything. I’ve already spoken to the teacher about the training camp. I’m not participating.”Miao Chen stared at him blankly. He didn’t understand why Chen Jingshen would give up a spot everyone else was competing for.Chen Jingshen left through the back door. Seemingly remembering something, he turned back, “Also.”He said lightly, “In the future, if it’s nothing important, don’t come and find me.”-There was no one in the laboratory building. Occasionally, a few students would go over to the low wall next to the laboratory building to pick up their takeaway orders but they wouldn’t look inside the building.When Chen Jingshen arrived, Yu Fan was sitting in the very last row, playing on his phone with his two feet hanging in the air, looking very casual.Hearing him arrive, Yu Fan spoke up coldly without raising his head, “You took too long.”Chen Jingshen locked the classroom door behind him, “En, had to discuss some things.”Yu Fan wanted to ask what they talked about but he swallowed it back down before it could be uttered.“Come here.” He ordered.Chen Jingshen took off his bag, placed it on a chair by the door and obediently walked over to Yu Fan.Yu Fan put his phone aside. He raised his head and stared at him silently for a while.He had already drawn the curtains but the curtains in this abandoned classroom didn’t block the light so the classroom was still bright. As the top of the curtain didn’t completely cover the window, a ray of sunlight hit Chen Jingshen’s face, making his eyes shine brightly and appear particularly clear.Yu Fan had confirmed it. He indeed really wanted to kiss Chen Jingshen. He wanted to kiss him every time he looked at him.He expressionlessly reached out and grabbed Chen Jingshen’s uniform, “Bend down.”Chen Jingshen lowered his head and placed each hand on either side of Yu Fan.

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Yu Fan could smell a peppermint scent coming from him. The jut in his throat bobbed. The hand grabbing his shirt exerted some force and he raised his head-------Chen Jingshen moved back, making Yu Fan miss his target.They were very close. Their breaths intermingled. It was just like that night where they almost but didn’t kiss.Yu Fan could feel Chen Jingshen’s breathing. He raised his eyes and asked, “What is the meaning of this?”“Before that, I want to tell you something.’Chen Jingshen said, “I’m not close with Miao Chen.”Yu Fan, “…..Who cares if you’re close or not? Why are you telling me this?”“I’m just talking to myself.” Chen Jingshen said lightly, “I also haven’t been friendly with my other deskmates. He would occasionally come and ask me about problems and I would teach him a little, just like how it is with Wang Lu’an and the others.”Yu Fan paused for a moment, “Chen Jingshen, you’re too noisy.”“En, but it has been a long time since I said it.” Chen Jingshen leaned closer, “I don’t have any feelings towards my deskmates. The reason I treat you well is because I……..”Yu Fan immediately interrupted him, “Chen Jingshen-------”“Like you.” Chen Jingshen said.“……….”Yu Fan didn’t actually understand why he was so angry earlier.At first, he thought it was because he found Miao Chen annoying, constantly pestering Chen Jingshen no matter where he went, but after he met Miao Chen’s eyes just now, he realised that it wasn’t the case.Only now, he seemed to have vaguely understood.There was a boy who was just as amazing as Chen Jingshen practically pursuing him with eyes of admiration.Yu Fan had always felt that Chen Jingshen must’ve been blind to fall for him.Chen Jingshen may one day see the light and fall in love with another boy, for example, Miao Chen who is cuter, more docile and has better grades than him.But at least at this moment, Chen Jingshen still likes him.Yu Fan was silent for a few seconds. He raised his arm, grabbed Chen Jingshen’s neck to make him bow his head, and kissed him.Chen Jingshen didn’t move. Yu Fan himself also had no experience taking the initiative. He lightly pecked Chen Jingshen’s lips a few times, his dry lips pressing against the other person’s lips before moving away.Yu Fan’s mind was hazy. His heart was beating out of control. He however felt that something was missing. While in a dazed state, it took him a long time before he realised that he should be reaching for the gap between his lips. Chen Jingshen cooperatively opened his mouth to allow Yu Fan’s tongue to enter. The moment it touched Chen Jingshen’s teeth, the hands resting on the table unconsciously tightened.Laughter sounded outside. It was probably from the students who came to pick up their takeaway orders.Yu Fan’s heart skipped a beat. He subconsciously wanted to withdraw but, the next second, Chen Jingshen raised his hand to grab the back of his neck and pulled him back towards him.Chen Jingshen’s kiss was completely different to how he was usually like. Yu Fan couldn’t help but raise his chin repeatedly as he was being kissed and he also had difficulty maintaining his breathing. After kissing for a while, Chen Jingshen briefly let go of him and kissed the corner of his glistening wet lips, “Breathe.”Yu Fan obediently took in a breath and was once again kissed.After who knows how long, Yu Fan was finally let go.The only sound left in the empty classroom was the heavy breathing coming from the two of them.“Yu Fan.”Yu Fan’s eyes were a little wet from the kiss. He replied in daze, “En.”Chen Jingshen’s hand was still resting on the back of his neck. He caressed the hair there and asked lowly, “Did you and your former girlfriends also kiss first before making the relationship official?”

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