The colour of Yu Fan’s ears spread all the way to his face. With half-closed eyes, he gulped. He clearly hadn’t had any alcohol but he felt a little tipsy.

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It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen people kissing before. On TV, in movies, in the classroom corridors...even when Zhang Xianjing used to date a guy from third year, they would often give each other a peck in front of them.He wasn’t interested in this kind of thing and even found it hard to understand. What was so good about touching lips and eating each other’s saliva?But now he seemed to understand it a little. He didn’t know what it was like for others but it was nice kissing Chen Jingshen. It felt good.In order to make it easier to kiss, Yu Fan had spread open his legs to let Chen Jingshen come closer. His nose was filled with Chen Jingshen’s scent.After the kiss, all the anger in him was gone. His entire body was weak, “What girlfrie-------”He paused for a few seconds and snapped back to his senses, “What relationship?”Chen Jingshen’s eyes lowered as he thought for a moment, “A romantic relationship?”“…….”That unfamiliar phrase left Yu Fan stunned.A romantic relationship? Who? Him and Chen Jingshen?Just the thought of it made Yu Fan’s heart speed up. Wasn’t that dating? That’s fucking against the school rules!A look of bewilderment appeared on Yu Fan’s face. He had never thought about dating. He knew nothing about how it worked and how he should go about doing it.His mind was a mess for a long time before he pursed his lips a few times and spoke up, “…..Who said you have to make a relationship official just because you’ve kissed?”Chen Jingshen raised a brow, “Then after you kissed your ex-girlfriends, you also didn’t make the relationship official?”“How could that be poss----” Yu Fan really wished he could go back in time and beat up his old self who made up the story about having thirteen girlfriends. He said coldly while sporting a red face, “Mr. Role model, dating is against the school rules.”“And kissing isn’t?”“It’s not. The school rule handbook only said that men and women are not to be intimate, they didn’t mention anything about two men.” Yu Fan emphasised, “I’ve written it out many times.”“……”Chen Jingshen asked softly, “So you’re saying that we’re not in an official relationship but we can kiss?”Every time Chen Jingshen said the word ‘kiss’, Yu Fan’s mind would turn hot. Was this something you can talk about so nonchalantly??Yu Fan averted his gaze and mumbled, “Something like that.”Chen Jingshen felt like he had just been played with.But when he saw Yu Fan’s flushed face as well as his avoidant eyes, he for some reason had the urge to laugh.It was only now that Yu Fan realised that their positions were a little strange. It was like a hug but also not quite a hug. He was trapped in Chen Jingshen’s arms on the table, unable to move freely, and when he raised his head, his eyes would meet Chen Jingshen’s.Wasn’t this...too intimate?He turned and stared out the exposed gap in the window for a while as he debated over kicking or pushing Chen Jingshen away. Suddenly, his chin was pinched.

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Chen Jingshen had turned his head back around, tilted his head and once again kissed him.It was just a simple touch of the lips, nothing more, but Yu Fan felt that he could feel more of Chen Jingshen like this.With his head tilted up, Yu Fan dazedly thought to himself: Again? Can’t you fucking give me a warning first before kissing? Do you have any manners?After he was let go, all the curses Yu Fan had stored inside were suddenly gone the moment he raised his eyes and met Chen Jingshen’s gaze.Chen Jingshen had his eyes slightly lowered as he said monotonously, “If you don’t want to date me, that’s fine.”“…….”It’s not that I don’t want to date-------Yu Fan forcibly swallowed that line back down.Chen Jingshen helped wipe his lips with the back of his hand, “Let’s have lunch?”“……En.” Yu Fan couldn’t help but also look at Chen Jingshen’s lips. He frowned, “Chen Jingshen, you didn’t apply medicine?”Chen Jingshen’s torn lip was even more red now.“No. Worried that you would find it bitter.” Chen Jingshen stepped aside and said, “Let’s go.”“…………”Even after leaving the dark and cold laboratory building and reaching the school field,Yu Fan didn’t understand. Why was Chen Jingshen so certain that he would kiss him? And he even deliberately didn’t apply medicine??The sun was shining brightly. Yu Fan could feel the heat on his hair. He suddenly spoke up, “Chen Jingshen.”Chen Jingshen turned and looked over at him.With his hands in his pockets, Yu Fan’s expression had returned to his usual fierce look and his tone was also cold. The words that were spoken were however, “….Next time you kiss me, ask me first.”-During class in the afternoon, the students were either using their books to fan themselves or tugging their shirt collars back and forth to cool themselves down.The cicadas and Fangqin’s voice merged together, making Yu Fan a little annoyed.Yu Fan laid across his desk doodling on a piece of scratch paper with one hand while his other hand rested against the back of his neck. He couldn’t help but glance at his deskmate.Chen Jingshen was working on physics competition problems during maths class. Chen Jingshen would always appear very cold when he didn’t have any expression on his face. Just by looking at him, Yu Fan seemed to feel psychologically a little cooler.Even during summer, Chen Jingshen had his uniform completely buttoned. The arms and neck that were exposed were clean with no trace of the sweltering heat. Even his skin and lips were cooler than the average person. It felt quite nice when he touched it earlier-------Chen Jingshen’s act of writing paused. He looked up at the board and then turned back, “You don’t understand?”“…..No. I understand.” Suddenly feeling hot again, Yu Fan quickly turned his head back.After class was over, Yu Fan got up to go to the bathroom to wash his face.As soon as the cold water hit his face and neck, he instantly felt much better.The last class was self study. On such a hot day, it would be better to just skip it and enjoy the air conditioner in the milk tea store.

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Yu Fan thought this as he entered the classroom but the moment he stepped in, all the students sitting in the back of the classroom suddenly turned to look at him with obvious looks of curiosity on their faces ---- with the exception of Chen Jingshen.Yu Fan glanced at Chen Jingshen’s straight back and then asked one of his classmates with a frown, “What?”Wang Lu’an looked at him and giggled foolishly, “Nothing.”“…….”Yu Fan returned to his seat. Before he could say anything, Chen Jingshen had already silently moved to make way for him.Yu Fan felt that something didn’t seem right. He sat back down at his seat with furrowed brows.After the Dragon Boat Festival, there was a stronger emphasis on studying. During the time he went to the bathroom, several more practice papers had appeared on his desk.Yu Fan picked them up and stuffed them into his desk. His fingers came into contact with something thin.It was thinner than a textbook but thicker than the practice papers.What is it?Yu Fan pulled it out. A sky-blue envelope appeared and soon following that was a light perfume scent. There was even an elegant but unfamiliar writing on the envelope.“?!”Yu Fan was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously looked at Chen Jingshen.He didn’t have a mirror in front of him so he didn’t know that he currently looked like he had been caught cheating.Chen Jingshen was still working on his physics problems with a cold look on his face. He wordlessly spun his pen.Wang Lu’an had been waiting for this moment. Seeing him take it out, he immediately rushed out of the classroom and leaned in through the window next to Yu Fan, “Hurry! Open it and take a look!”Yu Fan returned to his senses. He looked over, “Who put it here?”“That girl from Zuo Kuan’s class. She’s pretty brave. She did it as soon as Fangqin left… even almost fell out after she stuffed it in.” Zhang Xianjing flipped her hair back, “And it was Top Student who stuffed it back for you.”“……”Wang Lu’an urged him again, “Hurry and open it!”“Open it, my ass.” Yu Fan held it out the window, “Help me return it to her.”“You’re really not opening it? Aren’t you curious about what's written inside? I saw that girl from class eight just now, she was quite pretty------” When met with a certain someone’s gaze, Wang Lu’an paused and added, “Just a little worse than Sister Jing.”Yu Fan looked coldly out the window.“Okay, I get it. I’ll get Zuo Kuan to return it.” Wang Lu’an received the love letter and turned to go next door but suddenly turned back when he remembered something, “Ah, wait a minute, something isn’t right….”“What?”Wang Lu’an stared at Yu Fan for a while and exclaimed in surprise, “Yu Fan, your face isn’t red this time??”

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“?”“Oh wait, it is a little red….”It’s fucking red because of you.Yu Fan said, “Are you going or not? If not, give it here. I’ll return it myself.”“I’m going, I’m going.” Wang Lu’an ran off with the letter.As soon as that was sorted, the bell for self study rang.He was no longer in the mood to go to the milk tea store anymore. Yu Fan pulled out a maths paper and worked on it for a while.His mind was completely not on the problems. Even after several minutes passed, he couldn’t figure out the first one.Yu Fan grabbed his hair and glanced to the side.Chen Jingshen was expressionlessly writing up calculations on his scratch paper.He glanced again.Chen Jingshen was leaning back in his chair as he wrote down the answer.Another glance.Chen Jingshen had turned over the page.The fourth time he glanced over, Yu Fan finally couldn’t hold it in anymore. He leaned closer with a frown and asked quietly, “Chen Jingshen, what’s with that sullen look of yours??”Chen Jingshen responded without turning his head, “I’m not.”“You’re not, my ass.” Yu Fan said, “You have a sullen look on your face, I can tell.”If someone was watching this scene, they would definitely think that Yu Fan was trying to start something out of nothing. After all, Chen Jingshen’s current expression looked no different from the usual.A while later, Chen Jingshen’s hand moved. He placed his pen down and looked over.“It’s nothing, it’s just…” He stopped halfway through his words, “Forget it, it’s nothing.”“?”Yu Fan elbowed Chen Jingshen’s arm, “You fucking…..finish your sentence!”Chen Jingshen was silent for a while. Just as Yu Fan was about to explode, he finally spoke up.“I was just thinking,” He said lightly, “if I was a girl, you probably would’ve made our relationship official.”“??”Yu Fan was stunned for several seconds, “What does this have to do with you being a guy or a girl?”

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“You made it official with all the other girls you’ve kissed.” Chen Jingshen stated.“I….”Yu Fan was once again rendered speechless by his lies.Chen Jingshen looked at him for a while. Seeing that he wasn’t saying anything, he turned back around to work on his problems.The pen in Yu Fan’s hand was almost smoking from how fast he was spinning it.“A certain student,” Zhuang Fangqin who had come to supervise their self study suddenly spoke up from the podium,”should just stand up and jump a few times if they can’t sit still. Don’t mess around with that poor pen anymore.”Yu Fan stopped spinning his pen. A while later, he leaned over, “It has nothing to do with gender. I just don’t want to date at the moment, understand?”Chen Jingshen was silent for several seconds before he let out a dull ‘en’.He clearly didn’t look like he believed him.Yu Fan, “………..”Yu Fan scratched at his head for the rest of the self study class. He couldn’t think of anything else other than admitting that those girlfriends were just him wanting to brag and show off.After the bell rang, Yu Fan was absentmindedly taking out the books he needed to take home when the person next to him suddenly spoke.“Can I go to your place tonight?”Go to his place for what? To do homework?It might be because Chen Jingshen looked too prim and proper, Yu Fan subconsciously didn’t want him to appear in his old slum-like home. When seen by those neighbours of his, who knows what kind of gossip would appear.Yu Fan thought for a moment and said, “Forget it, a video call is fine. The desk in my room is too small. It’s a tight fit for two guys.”Chen Jingshen’s act of packing his bag stopped for a moment. He lightly let out an ‘oh’.“If I was a girl, it might not be a tight fit.” He said, “It’s okay, I understand.”“…….”Yu Fan held tightly onto his rolled up book and kicked Chen Jingshen’s chair leg, “Get up. I want to go out.”Chen Jingshen got up and made room for him.Yu Fan got up and moved out. Using a voice that could only be heard by the two of them, he forced out through gritted teeth, “Come over at eight. I’ll beat you up if you’re even a minute late.”Just as Yu Fan was about to leave, his shirt was suddenly grabbed.“En.” Chen Jingshen lowered his eyes, “Then can I kiss you at night?”“…..?”Yu Fan was stunned. His face instantly turned red! He resisted the urge to hit Chen Jingshen’s head with his book and whispered with embarrassment, “No! Chen Jingshen, we’re in the fucking classroom!”“I know.” Chen Jingshen said, “That’s why I asked to go to your place to kiss.”“………..”

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