The school gates were filled with students when school was over.

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“It’s so hot. Why doesn’t our school have air conditioners installed in the classrooms?” Zuo Kuan who had just finished playing a game of basketball and was sweating profusely fanned himself with his shirt and asked, “Want to go to the milk tea store to enjoy the air conditioning and play cards?”Wang Lu’an immediately expressed, “I’m in.”Yu Fan, “Not going.”Zuo Kuan looked at him, “Why aren’t you going? Your face is all red from the heat.”Yu Fan wanted to say that he wasn’t hot but he chose to keep his mouth shut.Wang Lu’an snorted, “You don’t know anything. That’s not from the heat.”Yu Fan, “?”Zuo Kuan, “Then what’s it from?”“Isn’t it because of that girl from your class?” Wang Lu’an giggled and wiggled his brows, “Her love letter was covered in the smell of her perfume, my fingers still have remnants of it. Have a smell.”“Fuck, go away.” Zuo Kuan slapped Wang Lu’an’s hand away in disgust, “But isn’t the aftereffect too strong? You’re still red even now?”Yu Fan frowned, “Get lost. It’s from the heat.”After they left the school gates, Wang Lu’an couldn’t help but look around, “Hey, don’t you think the neighbourhood around our school has become a lot quieter?”“Of course. Ever since Yu Fan was stopped at the back of the school by those people from the neighbouring school, Hu Pang has kept security very tight. Twice a day, he would patrol the area, and he even went and spoke with the heads of the neighbouring school. How could anyone dare come to our school to cause a ruckus….” Zuo Kuan stretched his neck left and right and expressed, “Tsk, life is really boring these days, isn’t that right Yu Fan?”Yu Fan’s finger rubbed against the cover of the exercise book he was holding. He didn’t respond.The others chattered on as they headed for the milk tea store. Ignoring Zuo Kuan and the other’s persuasions, Yu Fan turned and left without looking back.It wasn’t long before Yu Fan returned to a familiar dilapidated street.As he walked through the crowd, he rolled up the papers and workbooks he had brought back with him and stuffed it into his pocket. His pace slowed a little as a belated sense of regret rose inside him.….Why didn’t he hit Chen Jingshen’s head with his book earlier?It just happened to be after school and there were many students passing by. No one heard right?Why did he agree to let Chen Jingshen come over?Perhaps he could send Chen Jingshen a message now and get him not to come over or lock him outside when he comes or maybe even drag him into his room and give him a beating first before throwing him out----Yu Fan entered the supermarket with his mind filled with these thoughts.“What do you need?” The female owner looked up at him.Yu Fan said, “Fan.”

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What kind?”“One that’s strong, can turn its head around and won’t feel hot even if there are two people.”“…...Can’t you just say that you need a pedestal fan? Wait a second, I’ll get it.” The female owner got up and asked, “Do you have a brand you want?”“No, any is fine.”The old fan in his room had been used for seven years and it could only produce a weak wind even at its highest setting. It should’ve long been replaced. He would die from the heat next month if he didn’t.He was buying it for his own use. It had nothing to do with Chen Jingshen.The supermarket’s warehouse was very messy. The female owner searched for what she needed for a very long time. As Yu Fan stood at the checkout counter, he casually glanced around, his eyes stopping on a folding chair in the corner.There weren’t many chairs at his place and he and Yu Kaiming had broken one during their last fight. The last time Chen Jingshen came over to his place, he could only sit on a wooden stool that had no backrest. The stool was smaller than Wang Lu’an’s face, it probably wasn’t very comfortable.Yu Fan looked away and thought to himself: It’s good that it’s uncomfortable. Otherwise he will constantly come over for no reason.Ten minutes later, Yu Fan walked out of the store holding a fan in his left hand and a folding chair in his right.It was now time for people to go downstairs and take a walk after having had their dinner. Under the cautious and surprised looks coming from his neighbours, Yu Fan carried these two things to the second floor, placed them on the ground and searched for his keys.In the process, he accidentally also pulled the box of cigarettes out, the box clattering onto the ground.“Your lungs will turn black if you smoke too much.” A voice belonging to a child sounded from the stairwell, “My teacher said that.”Yu Fan looked over at the girl sitting on the stairs and bent down to pick it up, “Your parents aren’t back yet?”“I just called them using my smartwatch. They said they’re on their way back.” The little girl supported her chin with both hands, “Big brother, you like to smoke more than my dad. Every time I’m sitting by the window doing my homework, I can see so much smoke.”Yu Fan, “Did the smell get to you?”“No. That window is broken and can’t be opened.” The little girl said earnestly, “Big brother, you should stop smoking! If you get sick, you won’t be able to win against your father!”“……”Can the couple upstairs gossip when the child is not around?Yu Fan no longer remembered when he first started smoking.He had smoked particularly fiercely a certain year. Those days were so chaotic, he couldn’t survive without cigarettes. But if you called it an addiction, it also wasn’t quite the case. At least in these recent months, he was able to restrain his urges to smoke.“Mind your own business, little brat.”Others may have invited the little girl into their place to wait but Yu Fan thought of his reputation in this neighbourhood and decided against it, “Have you eaten?”The little girl shook her head, her ponytail swaying in the air, “I haven’t, but I don’t want to eat yours. The wontons you bought last time were very bad! Just you wait. Next time I’ll steal some from our fridge for you.”

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“…….”Yu Fan lifted the things he bought, threw out the words ‘don’t steal things from home’ and closed the door behind him.Based on his previous experiences, Yu Kaiming probably wouldn’t be back for at least half a month.But he still subconsciously glanced at Yu Kaiming’s door as soon as he entered. It was dark.Yu Fan carried the things he bought into his room, set them up, made himself a simple bowl of instant noodles and then went and took a shower once he was done eating.After his shower, Yu Fan casually dried his hair using the towel that was hanging around his shoulders and proceeded to squeeze toothpaste onto his toothbrush.He stuffed his toothbrush into his mouth and brushed vigorously for a while before suddenly freezing in place. After standing in place for several seconds, he finally couldn’t help but lower his head and rub his face several times ------Who the hell would brush their teeth at half past seven……-When he reached Yu Fan’s place, Chen Jingshen glanced at the time on his phone. He then reached out to readjust his bag strap and got ready to knock.Just as he raised his hand, the door opened with a ‘creak’.Yu Fan stuck his head out and looked around to see if there was anyone around before grabbing Chen Jingshen’s T-shirt and hurriedly pulling him in.Once they were inside, Yu Fan carefully locked the door and even carefully checked it a few times.Although he felt that Yu Kaiming probably wouldn’t come back, it was better to be safe.Chen Jingshen silently watched as he busied about.Such a strange scene. It made it seem as if he wasn’t here just to kiss.Yu Fan turned back, met Chen Jingshen’s gaze and frowned, “What are you looking at?”“Nothing.” Chen Jingshen swallowed back the words he wanted to say and asked, “How did you know that I’m here?”“Heard your footsteps.”Chen Jingshen, “You can tell just from my footsteps?”“…….”Yu Fan’s face immediately turned dark. Feeling that he might be kicked out if he continued talking, Chen Jingshen took off his shoes, arranged them neatly and asked, “Go to your room?”“…….”Yu Fan’s dark face instantly added a hue of red.Yu Fan followed him into his room. As if he was the guest, he stood there for a long time not sitting down.Where did Chen Jingshen want to kiss?

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Yu Fan couldn’t help but glance around his room. His room was too small and his desk was too narrow and high. It definitely wouldn’t be as comfortable to kiss on as the desk in the laboratory building; sitting on the chair face to face is also too weird; standing against the wall…..That would be too tiring.Chen Jingshen sat on the newly bought folding chair, took off his bag and placed it on the floor. He then looked up at him, “Why aren’t you sitting?”Yu Fan’s mind was filled with all sorts of messy thoughts.With a cold ‘oh’, he closed the door and sat down on his chair. Just as he was wondering how he should place his legs to make it easier for Chen Jingshen to lean over----His thoughts were interrupted by the rustling of papers. A blank exam paper was placed in front of him.“You forgot this maths paper earlier. I helped you bring it over.” Chen Jingshen said lightly, “The first class is maths tomorrow. Let’s work on this first tonight.”“.”Yu Fan stared motionlessly at the paper in front of him, his mind a little confused.Chen Jingshen took out his own papers and pen and asked when he saw that he wasn’t moving, “Or do you want to do physics first?”I want to punch you first.A few seconds later, Yu Fan stiffly turned his head around, opened his drawer, took out a pen and wrote his name on the paper. He replied without emotion, “Do. Math. First.”Ever since the break, the school had been placing more and more emphasis on their studies. Just their homework for the night alone had almost doubled in amount.After he was finally done with two of his maths papers, Yu Fan looked over and saw Chen Jingshen take out a physics exercise book.After physics was done, they moved on to chemistry.The boiled water that was still bubbling earlier had turned into lukewarm water after sitting in front of the fan for three hours.When they were finally done with all their homework, Yu Fan had completely lost all his energy.Chen Jingshen checked his last paper and said, “Why don’t you memorise-----”“No.” With a slam, Yu Fan threw his pen on the table and got up, “Pack your things and go home.”Chen Jingshen, “Where are you going?”Yu Fan ignored him. He picked up his box of cigarettes and went over to his balcony.Yu Fan’s room was the only room with a balcony. His grandfather had specially reserved it for him. The balcony was very simple and small, with its only purpose being a place to hang a couple of pieces of clothing and to get fresh air.Yu Fan stood with his back to the balcony, took a drag of his cigarette and then turned his head and blew out the smoke at the anti-theft screen as if it was Chen Jingshen.Fuck homework. Can’t you do your homework at home? Is my room your self-study classroom?Did Chen Jingshen forget what he said himself?

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First in the grade with a memory like that, it’s ridiculous.Yu Fan took another long drag.There was the sound of a bag zipping shut. Chen Jingshen said, “Then I’m leaving now?”“Get lost.” Yu Fan didn’t even look at him.“Not going to send me off?”“You want me to bring you a sedan and carry you down?”Yu Fan looked down at the gates surrounding the complex and said lazily, “The gates are closed today, you’ll need to go through the small door. It’s the one to the right of the place you left through before.”Footsteps approached him. Yu Fan thought Chen Jingshen had come over to see where the door was so he pointed with the hand holding the cigarette and turned back, “That one there………”A familiar minty scent drifted over. Chen Jingshen stopped before him, lowered his head and lightly touched his lips with his own lips.The balcony suddenly fell silent. Feeling his lips being lightly licked, the hand that was holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Yu Fan subconsciously opened his mouth------The next moment, Chen Jingshen let go of him, turned his head away and let out a few muffled coughs.Fuck.Yu Fan was taken aback for a moment before soon returning to his senses, “You fucking…...Can’t you see that I’m smoking?”He reached out and slapped Chen Jingshen’s back with force. “I brushed my teeth and you don’t kiss me but as soon as I smoke, you come over….Are you actually here to smoke??”Chen Jingshen wasn’t actually bothered by the smoke but his back hurt from being slapped.Brushed his teeth at eight?The balcony light wasn’t on. Chen Jingshen seemed to be smiling in the darkness, “No. I wouldn’t be able to do my homework if we kissed so I was holding it in the whole time but I finally couldn’t wait until you were done with smoking.”“…….”Why wouldn’t you be able to do your homework after kissing?Yu Fan’s brain that had shut down after working on all those problems started to work again. He was stunned for a long time before finally speaking, “Then I’ll brush my teeth again…”After taking a couple of steps. His wrist was grabbed.“No need, it’s not that bad. Just couldn’t get used to it earlier.” In the dark balcony, Chen Jingshen’s voice was deep and low, “Can we go into your room and kiss?”The pedestal fan was still squeaking as it turned its head. Yu Fan was half lying down with his back against the head of the bed as he was quietly being kissed. The wind from the fan seemed to be of no help at all. His head and neck were still hot.Yu Fan was still not very good at adjusting his breathing. Chen Jingshen had to give him a break after kissing him for a while. After a few intermittent kisses, Chen Jingshen raised his hand and helped wipe the corners of his lips, “I taste it now.”Yu Fan’s breathing was heavy. After swallowing, he asked, “Taste what?”“Toothpaste. It’s strawberry flavoured.” Chen Jingshen inserted a finger into his mouth and rubbed It against one of his teeth, “Yu Fan, this tooth is a little sharp.”

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