In the afternoon after school, the school broadcast station would play some youthful and vibrant songs.

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A stereo was placed next to the stands, forcing the students passing by to speak louder so that they could hear each other.At this moment, it was playing Wen Lan’s “Summer Breeze”.When it reached ‘and I saw your charming smile with a little bit of shyness’, the labour representative couldn’t help but look back for the nth time at the people sitting behind her.“P-president, are you sure it’s fine?” Her voice trembled, “Yu Fan is still grabbing Chen Jingshen’s collar…”The class leader Gao Shi sat with his legs spread apart as he wiped away the sweat from his face, “Don’t worry. They get along well.”“Huh? But Yu Fan’s face is very red and he also looks angry….”“It must be because he’s hot. He cleaned very seriously earlier.” Gao Shi smiled, “You see? As I said before, Yu Fan is actually a really nice person. You just don’t believe me.”But Chen Jingshen’s ears are also red. Surely it couldn’t be from working too hard? The labour representative still wanted to say something but she suddenly saw Chen Jingshen turn away and laugh.She stared blankly for a while, her heart beating fast. She only returned to her senses and looked away when Yu Fan suddenly turned around and fiercely scolded a passing student for littering.“What are they talking about? Top Student is actually laughing.” Gao Shi also looked back. He added a few seconds later, “Top Student looks really good when he smiles. It’s a pity he doesn’t smile much, don’t you think?”“Yeah….” The labour representative blinked a few times and said, “I’m not sure, I couldn’t hear anything. The music was too loud.”After the song was over, the people from the student council also finally arrived. When they were met with a certain person sporting the King of Hell’s face as soon as they looked up at the stands, they hurriedly ticked them off and told them they could leave.“Alright, give me the brooms, I’ll bring them back to the classroom. You guys can leave first. We still need to come back again at night.” Gao Shi got up and dusted himself off.The labour representative shook her head, “No need, I also need to go back to the classroom to get my homework. That way I won’t need to bring my bag with me when I come later tonight.”“That’s true. Yu Fan, are you going back to the classroom too?”“No need, I brought his homework with me.” Chen Jingshen got up, “We’ll head off first.”Yu Fan, “…..”There weren’t many students left at school at this hour. Some students who were on duty had only just finished and were heading home alone while some had just finished playing a game of basketball and were heading towards the school gates while pushing and shoving each other.The final group of people were in pairs and it was mostly a boy and girl pair. The two of them maintained an ambiguous distance between them, both tacitly slowing their pace to a snail-like speed as they quietly chatted.Of course, there were also those who didn’t say a single word.Yu Fan walked ahead with his hands in his pockets without looking back. His mind was still a mess. He belatedly felt embarrassed for himself and had unconsciously increased his walking speed.This continued until the two people ahead who were walking very slowly got in his way.The school’s sprinkler system was already turned on, making half the path leading to the school gates unusable. Yu Fan could only be forced to follow behind them. After struggling behind them for a while, he finally couldn’t stand it anymore and got ready to speak up----The male student ahead suddenly leaned closer to the female student and touched the back of the girl's hand with his hand.The girl’s laughter immediately stopped. She lowered her head and soon afterwards, the two of them shyly held hands.Yu Fan, “……..”How could you two be like this so blatantly at school?Where’s Fat Tiger? Isn’t he usually quite quick when it comes to catching him?Yu Fan remained expressionless. Several seconds later, he took out his hands that had been stuffed in his pocket the whole time and shook it slightly in the humid air.He usually didn’t have any problems with walking with his hands out but it somehow felt very very unnatural at this very moment.Fuck, is there something wrong with me??

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After walking awkwardly for a while, Yu Fan finally cursed at himself inside. Just as he was about to stuff his hands back into his pockets, the back of his hand was suddenly touched.Yu Fan almost subconsciously held onto it-----And then came into contact with paper.“?” He paused and looked down. It was his physics textbook.“Your maths papers are also in there. Because there is a school organised event tonight, it will be collected the day after tomorrow.” Chen Jingshen said.“……”Chen Jingshen watched him stand there with his head lowered, not speaking a word, and asked, “What’s wrong?”Yu Fan stiffly rolled up the book and papers and said, “Nothing.”Nearing the school gates, the path finally widened. Just as Yu Fan was about to walk around the two people ahead, his shirt was suddenly pulled.“Are you coming to watch the movie tonight?” Chen Jingshen asked.This was something the Education Bureau had arranged. Schools were required to organise one every semester and the movies they watched were all inspiring movies.In order for it to not take up the student’s class times, their school had chosen to hold it at night. A large projector screen is set up on the school field and students are required to move their own chairs down to sit on. It was mostly quite lax and it was too dark for teachers to keep a close eye on the students.Zhuang Fangqin would always use ‘taking the roll’ to scare Yu Fan into coming but Yu Fan wasn’t one who was easily scared so he never went to any of them.But Chen Jingshen couldn’t not go. If he went tonight, he wouldn’t be able to record the videos, wouldn’t be able to video call and also wouldn’t be able to come to his place-----“I guess.” Yu Fan vaguely replied.He could sense that Chen Jingshen seemed to have glanced at him briefly before responding a while later, “Okay.”-After returning home, Yu Fan threw the empty bottle of coke into his drawer and then went to the bathroom and took a long shower.As cold water hit the top of his head and slowly flowed down to his feet, Yu Fan held in his breath and stood under it until he was almost out of breath before taking a step forward and knocking his head against the wall.He then proceeded to rub his face with force.He and Chen Jingshen…are dating.Chen Jingshen even called him his boyfriend.Fuck……Even the cold water couldn’t cool down the heat on Yu Fan’s face. Yu Fan stepped back into the cold water again.The movie was set to start at seven so there wasn’t much time left for students between the end of class and the movie. Once Yu Fan was done showering, he changed his clothes and headed back to school.It was almost seven when he arrived. Gao Shi was already getting his classmates to move their chairs downstairs.Because there were no evening study classes and no teachers keeping an eye on them, Zuo Kuan directly sat in their classroom, waiting to go downstairs with Wang Lu’an later.Yu Fan’s first reaction upon entering the classroom was to look over at the desk next to his. It was empty.“Yu Fan? Holy shit, I thought you wouldn’t come.” Seeing him, Zuo Kuan was taken aback. “Why are your lips so pale?”“No reason.” Yu Fan asked, “Going downstairs?”“Wait a little, there’s no rush. The corridor is packed with people right now. We’ll wait until they’re gone before going.” Wang Lu’an said with experience.

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Yu Fan let out an ‘en’ and lazily sat in his seat. He picked up a pen, spun it a few times and pretended to casually ask, “Chen Jingshen’s not here?”“Guess not. Didn’t see him.” After Wang Lu’an finished saying that, he caught sight of something through the corner of his eyes and called out the window, “Zhu Xu!”The person outside stopped, “What is it?”“What are you doing?” Wang Lu’an asked, “Why are you bringing two chairs down? Is your butt that big?”“Wang Lu’an, are you that thick-headed?” Zhang Xianjing who was sitting in front of them playing on her phone turned around and said, “He’s bringing it down for his girlfriend.”Wang Lu’an, “……”The muscular sports student Zhu Xu smiled shyly. He threw out a ‘I’ll head off first. She’s waiting for me downstairs’ and squeezed into the crowd of people in the stairwell.Wang Lu’an muttered, “We’re only on the third floor. Is it really necessary to go to that extent?”“You don’t know anything. This is called boyfriend power.” Zhang Xianjing rolled her eyes at him and got up and put her phone into her pocket, “Ting dear, let’s go. Let’s go downstairs.”Zuo Kuan immediately stood up. With a look of arrogance, he said, “Can you even carry the chair with those arms of yours? Here, let me------”Zhang Xianjing single handedly lifted her chair and looked at him with eyes that seemed to be saying ‘what nonsense are you on about?’.Zuo Kuan, “……….”Many people passed through the corridor. Yu Fan sat there in daze for a while before finally taking out his phone and sending a message.[-: Where are you?]Very soon, only the three of them were left in the classroom. The corridor outside was also quieter.The sound of the equipment being tested could be heard. Wang Lu’an put away his phone and jumped off his desk, “Let’s go. Any later and we’ll be scolded by Fangqin.”Yu Fan glanced at the chat interface that was still not showing any new replies. Just as he was about to get them to head down first, his phone suddenly buzzed and a new message appeared.[S: On the field. Got stopped by the physics teacher on my way to the classroom.]Zuo Kuan took a few steps with his chair in his arms when his leg suddenly knocked against another chair that was pushed over. He turned around, “What?”“Don’t you like carrying chairs?” Wang Lu’an said, “Here, you can help me carry it down. I grant you permission to do it.”“Go fuck yourself. Why don’t I just throw both you and your chair out the window?”“Fuck. You’re being unfair!”The two of them bickered back and forth for a while. The person behind them finally couldn’t stand it anymore, “Are you leaving or not? Move aside if you’re not leaving.”“Fucking hell. Yu Fan, look at this guy putting hoes before bros….” Wang Lu’an turned back and froze.“I’m not….” Zuo Kuan who turned back also froze up.-At seven in the evening, the sky was completely dark.The students in all three grades were gathered on the school field, everyone sitting very close together. Hu Pang had to use the microphone many times to get them all to settle down but it was still noisy.“I know there are some students that don’t like to participate in the training camp but you should really rethink it.” After talking for more than ten minutes, the physics teacher finally reached the point.“Okay.” Chen Jingshen said.After bidding goodbye to his teacher, Chen Jingshen glanced at the line for his class but wasn’t able to find the person he was looking for.

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He glanced at his phone. No new messages. So he decided to head to the classroom to get his chair and along the way find the other person. As soon as he turned around, he stopped in place.The school field was currently only illuminated by the street lamps and the faint light from the projector. In the dimness, he watched as his deskmate expressionlessly walked over with two chairs in his arms.Yu Fan threw the chairs onto the floor in front of him and, before he could say anything, Wang Lu’an rushed over and spoke up first, “Top Student, you should’ve told me earlier that you don’t have the strength to carry a chair! Let me know next time and I’ll help you bring your chair down!”Chen Jingshen, “.”He glanced at his deskmate who quickly averted his eyes.Chen Jingshen received his chair and lightly said, “Okay.”Because it was very crowded, their class, class six and class eight were almost all squeezed together.The heads of the school sat at the front. Because this was an extracurricular activity, the teachers basically turned a blind eye to those sitting in the back rows.The movie was an old movie from many years ago, the contents of it serious and honourable. Not many of them were watching it seriously. The chairs of the boys sitting in the last few rows were messily arranged. Zuo Kuan’s group even began to blatantly chat.The other sports student from class eight said, “Jeez, you weren’t down here earlier so you have no idea how disgusting Zhu Xu and his girlfriend is!”Zhu Xu and his girlfriend were sitting together. His girlfriend instantly turned red when she heard this. Zhu Xu covered her ears and laughed, “You fucker, stop talking about that!”“Disgusting? Come one, tell me about it!” Wang Lu’an urged impatiently.“Didn’t Zhu Xu help her bring her chair down? His girlfriend went over and said, ahem ----- Thank you darling Xu~~”“Fuck!! Bleurgh!!!” Zuo Kuan pretended to vomit.“Hahahaha also, Zhu Xu rubbed his girlfriend's head and said ---- En….No worries. This is something your darling should do.”“Hahahahahaha!!!!” Wang Lu’an’s loud laughter almost resulted in Zhuang Fangqin throwing her heels over from the first row.Yu Fan also couldn’t help but laugh together with them. Even when Chen Jingshen called out his name, he only distractedly replied, “What?”“Help me hold something.” Chen Jingshen said.Yu Fan was still busy listening to the interesting talk about Zhu Xu and his girlfriend. He casually held out his hand.The next second, Yu Fan’s laughter stopped.Slender fingers slid in between his own fingers, the warm palm pressing up against him. Chen Jingshen very intimately held onto his hand.“Thank you, boyfriend.” Chen Jingshen said in a low voice.“……”Yu Fan’s laughter was originally not very loud. No one noticed when it abruptly came to a stop.But a moment later, Wang Lu’an, who was talking about another embarrassing incident involving Zhu Xu, suddenly turned and asked, “Yu Fan and I both saw it. Right, Yu Fan?”Yu Fan stiffened. He leaned back against his chair and absentmindedly replied while staring at the screen ahead, “…..En.”Wang Lu’an then proceeded to turn back to continue gossiping.Their chairs were almost touching and their arms were pressed against each other. Their intertwined hands were hidden between the two of them, hidden in the darkness.Clearly no one else could see it but Yu Fan felt uncomfortable.It was just holding hands but why did it feel even more thrilling than fighting----He stared at the big screen in front of him with a stiff expression and couldn’t help but move his fingers slightly, “Chen Jingshen….There are people here.”

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“En.” Chen Jingshen pressed his restless fingers back down, “Your hand is cold. Just a little longer.”“…….”Only when Zhuang Fangqin finally couldn’t stand the noise at the back anymore and came over with a murderous look on her face did the two of them let go of each other's hands.In fact, it was only a few short minutes, but when Yu Fan clumsily shoved his hand back into his pocket, both his face and the palm of his hands were burning hot.They were now halfway through the movie. The boys finally got tired of messing around and quietened down.Not long afterwards, some people began to get restless. While the teachers weren’t paying attention, they proceeded to quietly slip away. Half of them were slipping away with their group of friends to play while the other half…Those sitting at the back had a very good view of this. They could see very clearly who and how they were leaving.When the first young couple sneaked off, someone playfully let out a whistle.Yu Fan blinked and didn’t say anything.The second couple hurried away with their heads lowered.Yu Fan sneaked a glance at the person beside him when the screen in front darkened and quickly looked back.…..When Zhu Xu and his girlfriend got up to sneak out, Zuo Kuan couldn’t stand it anymore.He leaned against the back of his chair and cursed while swinging on it, “Fucking hell, is the laboratory building going to be filled with those damn couples? Even I am feeling angry on Fat Tiger’s behalf!”Indeed.Yu Fan didn’t understand. How did he not know that there were this many couples in their school?A while later, Gao Shi and the chemistry representative in their class that was usually cold and indifferent brushed past him and Chen Jingshen with red faces.Yu Fan, “?”He stared at Gao Shi’s departing figure the entire way and only slowly turned his head back when he could no longer see him anymore. As he turned back, his eyes happened to meet Chen Jingshen’s.The light from the screen in front illuminated Chen Jingshen’s face, highlighting his sharp features.Chen Jingshen silently raised a brow at him. The meaning behind it was: Shall we?Yu Fan returned him a cold look. The meaning behind it was: Shut up. No way.Chen Jingshen lowered his brow and looked back at the screen. After a long pause, he said, “Okay.”Just as Yu Fan was about to lower his head and continue playing on his phone, the person next to him added faintly, “It would be bad if two boys were seen together. I get it, it’s okay.”“…….”The movie had reached an exciting part, the sound of gunfire ringing nonstop. The stereos that had been temporarily moved over weren’t that great, making the sounds almost deafening.Chen Jingshen furrowed his brows slightly at this. His arm was then suddenly elbowed hard by someone.He turned and saw his boyfriend's poor expression. Using a tone that sounded like he was getting him to come out for a fight, he forced out, “Come to the first floor of the laboratory building in five minutes!”Yu Fan got up after he said that. Seemingly remembering something, he once again lowered his head and emphasised.“You…..walk more naturally! Don’t let the others find out!”Chen Jingshen said okay.And then he watched as his boyfriend stiffly headed towards the laboratory building swinging both arms and legs in unison.

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