Yu Fan only managed to coordinate his arms and legs after taking a few steps.

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Although he didn’t participate in the boys’ conversation, the boys had subconsciously regarded him as the backbone of their group so when he got up, they all looked over at him in unison.“Where are you going?” Wang Lu’an asked.Yu Fan paused for a moment and said without a change to his expression, “To smoke.”“Oh? Then let’s go toge…..” Zuo Kuan moved to get up.Yu Fan pushed him back down and said lazily, “I want to smoke by myself. Don’t follow me.”“Didn’t he say that he wanted to quit smoking? He gave up so quickly?” Zuo Kuan watched as Yu Fan coolly but also somewhat stiffly walked off and said, “And he’s not letting anyone go with him. Is it because he’s afraid of me leeching a cigarette off him?”“Bullshit. Yu Fan’s not that stingy.” Wang Lu’an said.“I was just kidding.” Zuo Kuan looked around and clicked his tongue, “Yu Fan just left for a smoke, why are there so many girls staring at him.”Wang Lu’an had spent a lot of time with Yu Fan so he was already used to this. Yu Fan’s face and the cold and aloof air that no one else had made people turn their heads no matter where he went.It couldn’t be said that it was because they fell for him or liked him, he just seemed to attract other people’s attention.Everyone usually would only dare to secretly steal looks at him. Because it is currently very dark, they were able to more blatantly look over.He knocked against Zuo Kuan’s shoulder and was about to invite him to play a game on his phone when another tall figure got up and moved out of the row.And so, Wang Lu’an once again asked, “Where are you going, Top Student?”“Bathroom.” Chen Jingshen said.Once again, many people’s heads turned as they watched Chen Jingshen leave. Zuo Kuan took this in for a while and couldn’t help but ask as he looked back, “Say, if I get up and leave now, do you think there would be that many people looking at me?”Wang Lu’an pointed at the front, “Do you see that screen?”Zuo Kuan, “Am I blind?”“If you run into it right now, perhaps they will look at you.”“Fuck you.”………The laboratory building was usually illuminated by several lights on each of its floors but because the students were out on the field watching a movie today, only the light in the stairwell was turned on. With this, the entire laboratory building was mostly dark with only a faint yellow light mixed in. It looked somewhat eerie.Yu Fan leaned expressionlessly against a certain pillar with his arms crossed. He raised his phone for the sixth time to check the time. There was another two minutes before Chen Jingshen would arrive.So he changed to another pillar and continued to wait in the dark while silently digesting the excitement inside him.In fact, Yu Fan was actually a little tempted when he saw the first pair secretly leave the field.But it was only for a brief moment and he very quickly threw away that thought. The school was too dangerous, it felt as if there were people in every corner. Even if it was in a remote classroom in the laboratory building, there was a curtain that didn’t cover the window completely and there were students who would often head in that direction to secretly pick up their takeout orders.But Chen Jingshen had invited him.Surely, it was an invitation…….Just as Yu Fan got ready to check the time for the seventh time, he saw a tall and slender figure appear in the direction of the school field. It was actually very dark at this moment, making it difficult for him to see the other person’s clothes or face clearly, but Yu Fan was almost instantly certain that it was Chen Jingshen.When the other person appeared in front of him, Yu Fan said unhappily, “Didn’t I tell you to act natural?”

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“How wasn’t it natural?” Chen Jingshen asked.“You’re walking faster than usual.” Yu Fan commented, “And your hands are swinging higher than usual.”Chen Jingshen was speechless for several seconds before he nodded, “This is my first time, I have no experience. I’ll be more careful next time.”“……..”Sounds of explosions could be heard coming from the school field. Chen Jingshen touched his hand, “Where are we going?”Before Yu Fan could say ‘how should I know?’, Chen Jingshen added, “Can I go to the places you would take your girlfriends to in the past?”Yu Fan really wanted to go back in time and block his own mouth.As it had already been spoken, it was like water that had already been poured out. Yu Fan thought about it calmly and straightened up as he moved away from the pillar, “Where else would we go? Just find an empty classroom.”He had been observing the situation for a while earlier because he didn’t have anything to do. All the couples who were passing by and startled by him appeared to be going up to the laboratory building.After Yu Fan finished saying that, looking like he had a lot of experience, he turned and headed for the laboratory building.In fact, they usually could only go to the classroom at the very end of the first floor corridor because it didn’t have any cameras.But because the lights weren’t on and because the cameras were installed many years ago, it didn’t have the infrared function, making this entire building become a holy ground.The first floor was, as expected, filled with people.When they went up to the second floor, Yu Fan tried to push open the doors to all the classrooms but they were all closed.On the third floor, there wasn’t even the need to push open the doors. A couple was standing by the window at the end of the corridor, holding hands and quietly chatting about something and there were also sounds coming from the classroom closest to them-----Zhu Xu, “You didn’t even come and comfort me when I fell during training today. You don’t care about your darling Xu anymore……”Yu Fan, “……..”Dammit. Did he even have to wait in line to kiss?Yu Fan took in a deep breath and dragged the other person upstairs again, his pace slightly faster than before.Chen Jingshen glanced at his shirt that was being pulled and proceeded to silently follow him upstairs.Zuo Kuan was right. All five floors of the laboratory building were filled.It was Yu Fan’s first time walking through the entire laboratory building. When he reached the classroom at the very end of the fifth floor, he had actually already given up inside but, unexpectedly, as the creaky door slowly opened, revealing an empty room -- It wasn’t occupied.Yu Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He felt like he had just managed to catch the very last bus for the night.Searching the classrooms one after another for all five floors and even having to tread lightly and hide from others, he felt that this trip was even more tiring than running 3000m.After Chen Jingshen closed the door, checked the windows and curtains and turned back, Yu Fan had already sat down at a desk at the front and was leaning against the wall while playing on his phone.As they were looking for a classroom, his phone had been constantly buzzing. They were voice messages from Wang Lu’an. Yu Fan randomly selected one-----“Yu Fan? How many packets are you planning on smoking? Why aren’t you back yet?” Wang Lu’an’s voice suddenly rang out in the empty classroom.“Are the classrooms in the laboratory building always this popular?” Chen Jingshen asked.Afraid that Wang Lu’an would call him, Yu Fan sent him a few replies and answered distractedly, “Who knows…..”

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He paused and, having suddenly realised what he was saying, he added vaguely, “Haven’t dated anyone from our school.”Chen Jingshen let out an ‘en’.Wang Lu’an was too chatty. Yu Fan sent back a few curt replies before suddenly remembering something. He called out while still typing on his phone, “Chen Jingshen.”“En.”“What did the physics teacher call you over for?”“Nothing, just about the training camp.”Yu Fan remembered the boy who invited Chen Jingshen to share a room and his act of typing paused briefly. Several seconds later, he said nonchalantly, “Oh, when are you going?”“Not going.”Yu Fan was stunned. He subconsciously raised his head, only to realise that Chen Jingshen had at some point in time stopped in front of him and was looking down at him with half-lowered eyes.Yu Fan, “Why?”Chen Jingshen originally wanted to tease him a little but he also didn’t want to waste time so he answered truthfully, “I didn’t plan on going in the first place. After something happened in a group activity like this in the past, I haven’t participated in them anymore.”“What happened?”Chen Jingshen thought for a moment and said lightly, “I was bullied.”“?”Yu Fan straightened up and his face instantly darkened, “When did it happen? Where? Who was it? What did they do? Did you bully them back?”Chen Jingshen wanted to laugh but he held it in and answered lightly, “During summer camp as a child. I didn’t bully them back, but someone stood up for me.”Yu Fan’s expression changed as he spoke. When he heard that he didn’t bully them back, he was getting irritated, but when he heard the latter part of his answer, his shoulders slowly relaxed.“Why were you so useless? And you even need someone else to stand up for you.” Yu Fan coldly commented.Chen Jingshen, “I know.”“Then why aren’t you…”“If we continue talking, the movie’s going to be over.” Chen Jingshen played with his fingers and tried to negotiate, “Can we talk about this later?”Perhaps it was because Chen Jingshen’s voice was suddenly lower, Yu Fan’s hand that was holding his phone stiffened slightly and he belatedly remembered the reason why they came here.The feelings that were worn away by the five floor journey had gradually returned. Because the windows were closed, the sound of the movie playing outside felt a lot more distant.Yu Fan silenced the messages coming from Wang Lu’an and Zuo Kuan, threw his phone aside and indifferently raised his eyes, “…….Oh.”The classroom fell into a short and ambiguous silence.Chen Jingshen’s eyes shone slightly in the darkness. Yu Fan who couldn’t take it anymore after staring at it for several seconds wanted to avert his gaze.“I checked,” Chen Jingshen suddenly spoke up, “Those quit smoking candies of yours don’t work.”“……”Why the hell are you suddenly talking about those stupid candies?The corners of Yu Fan’s lips twitched, but before he could say anything……“They said that you should use chewing gum or do something to distract yourself.”

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Chen Jingshen lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice, “Do you have an urge smoke right now?”Yu Fan’s hands that were resting on the desk balled up. The jut in his throat bobbed and he only answered a long time later, “……A little.”Chen Jingshen let out an ‘en’ and leaned down.Despite how deafening Yu Fan’s heart was, he calmly raised his chin. Just as he was about to touch Chen Jingshen’s lips------A beam of light suddenly swept past the glass panel above the classroom door before soon disappearing.Both of them froze.The next second, Zuo Kuan’s loud shout could be heard coming from outside------“Zhu Xu…….And the brothers and sisters in the laboratory building, hurry and fucking run!! Fat…...Directer Hu is on a hunt right now!!! He’s getting ready to raid the building!!! Ow, ow, ow, director. I’m sorry, I was wrong, please stop twisting my ear…..”-It was completely chaotic.All of a sudden, a large number of people poured out from the seemingly eerie and haunting laboratory building. Some of them ran down the stairs while the others used the emergency exit. As soon as they ran into the security guards who had come to capture them, they would quickly run the other way.Yu Fan was still a little dazed when he grabbed Chen Jingshen’s hand and dragged him out through a window on the first floor. What the fuck is up with his luck these days? Didn’t he and Chen Jingshen climb out from this exact window this morning as well?Because they had experience, they moved very quickly. Although they were originally on the fifth floor, they were able to get out of this place before everybody else.The laboratory building was very noisy. Before they could take more than a few steps, commotion could be heard coming from the window. Zhu Xu and his girlfriend had also climbed out the same one.“Are you okay, darling? Did you hurt your leg? Let me carry you! I’ll let you down when we’re near the field.” Only after Zhu Xu piggybacked his girlfriend did he realise that there were people behind him.He was taken aback for a moment at first. He then asked, “Yu Fan, what are you doing here? To smoke?”Yu Fan’s heart trembled uncontrollably the moment he saw him. He had already thought of several methods to kill him and get rid of the evidence but when he was asked that, he suddenly realised-----Wait a minute, why was he escaping with Chen Jingshen?They were both men. So what if they ran into Fat Tiger?Chen Jingshen also seemed to have realised this. His shoulders relaxed slightly and he returned to his usual expressionless look.Yu Fan casually made a sound of acknowledgement.“Oh, then go on. We’ll head back first.” Zhu Xu said, “The movie’s about to end.”The students were all watching the movie on the school field, there was no one else here apart from them.Zhu Xu walked slowly with his girlfriend on his back. The two of them were stuck intimately together and Zhu Xu would occasionally turn his head and say something to his girlfriend to which the girl would punch his back in embarrassment.Yu Fan who was walking behind them and forced to watch all of this felt more and more annoyed ----- Let alone almost getting caught by Fat Tiger twice today, they were both couples escaping from Fat Tiger’s wrath, but why was it so different between them?Others would flirt and banter as if eloping while he and Chen Jingshen just quietly walked behind them.Others were able to kiss for an entire movie in the laboratory building while he and Chen Jingshen just came here to climb the stairs?What the hell is with that?“Chen Jingshen.”

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Chen Jingshen looked over. His collar was suddenly grabbed and he found himself pulled down. Caught completely off guard, he was quickly kissed on his lips.There were no lights illuminating this path, they could only rely on the faint yellow lights hanging from the wall of the laboratory building. The shadows of the trees filled their path.Their two shadows also very briefly touched.Yu Fan moved away very quickly. He let go of Chen Jingshen’s shirt and proceeded to look ahead, acting as if nothing had happened. He thought to himself that this kiss shouldn’t be as bad as the ones before as he had even licked Chen Jingshen’s lips this time.The next moment, his arm was suddenly grabbed. Before Yu Fan could react, he was dragged into the sports equipment room next to them.-When they were almost about to reach the field, Zhu Xu put his girlfriend down and looked back. He was stunned for a moment.“What’s wrong?” His girlfriend asked.“Nothing.” Zhu Xu scratched his head and wondered, “I wonder where Yu Fan and Top Student went? I thought they were behind us the whole time….”The movie was finally over. It was time for the students to bring their chairs back to their classrooms. It was quite a spectacular scene.The stairs closest to them were so congested, some of them went around to go up a different set of stairs behind the teaching building instead.Some were too lazy to carry their chairs, they directly dragged them across the ground, the legs scratching against the ground and letting out low screeches.The door to the equipment room that was only a short walk away from the teaching building was firmly shut.It was narrow and cramped with all kinds of sports equipment stacked on either side of the room, leaving only a small space to move around in in the centre.Yu Fan sat paralysed on the ground with his back against the wall, his head a little dizzy from kissing. He had already learnt how to breathe while kissing but he still felt like he was floating whenever Chen Jingshen’s tongue entered his mouth.Bits and pieces of conversations and sounds of chairs being dragged coming from the outside made Yu Fan tense up. He felt both a little resistant and also a little excited. The back of his head was tingling.“Fucking hell, where did Yu Fan and Top Student go?”When Wang Lu’an’s voice travelled over, Yu Fan shot up, as if he was just electrocuted. The hand that was supporting his chin suddenly moved down, pressing onto his neck and pushing him back against the wall.His back knocked against the metal wall, letting out a dull, muffled sound.“What was that?” He heard Wang Lu’an ask.“Don’t know. Hey, do you think they did it on purpose? Deliberately leaving earlier to make us move their chairs.” Zuo Kuan was annoyed, “Fuck, Fat Tiger twisted my ear too hard. It still hurts even now.”……Yu Fan was so stimulated, his mind was a complete mess and his face was both red and hot. He gave up struggling and clumsily began to respond to Chen Jingshen’s kisses.He was then kissed even more fiercely.When he was finally let go, there were no more sounds outside.Yu Fan sat there for a while to catch his breath and then proceeded to reach over to pinch Chen Jingshen’s face and then fiercely pushed his two cheeks together.He looked at Chen Jingshen and said hoarsely, “Chen Jingshen, if you used the strength you had earlier when you held me down… wouldn’t have been bullied as a kid.”Chen Jingshen let him do as he pleased. Only after a period of silence, he let out a low sound of acknowledgement, and proceeded to once again lower his head and kiss him.

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