The two guests were talking happily, while the person in charge took a list to read and secretly observed them. The two guests in this episode actually came alone, carrying their own suitcases, without assistants or stylists. One must know that accommodation, food, transportation, and other expenses of the celebrity entourage were also borne by themselves, which saved a lot of money.

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    The two were also wearing no make-up, dressed casually, and their hair was not deliberately styled. But even so, when a certain guest got on the bus, the dark interior of the car was lit up because of them.

    “This face can attract a lot of people.” The person in charge was not a cut sleeve, it’s just that he has been in this circle for a long time, and he still had a sense of aesthetics.

     “There is a blockage ahead.” The driver said, ” It seems that there has been a car accident.”

    The leader looked at the time: “Is there a small road?”

     The person poked his head out to look ahead, and found that the road was really blocked: “Let’s go to the village, we are not a big vehicle, so it’s easy.”

     Because of the steep small road, the leader apologized to the two guests. They didn’t take it seriously. Seeing that they were easy to talk to, a certain idea became stronger. He sent his plan to the chief director, thinking that there was nothing to do, but he didn’t expect it to be approved soon.

     “Is it convenient to add a little content?” The person in charge smiled, “I want to shoot in the car, backstage, makeup, styling and other processes. The audience must also be very curious.”

     “Will it be too sudden?” An Yinong rubbed his temples and looked embarrassed, wasn’t this program group too casual?

     “No, we are originally an online variety show.” The leader said, seeing Tao Ran who was silent at the side, he added, “The appearances of the two guests are very good, appearing in the most natural state can increase the audience’s favor. “

    Tao Ran was also a young man with excellent looks, which was one of the reasons why the person in charge made this request. If it was really the kind of ‘semi-permanent makeup’ artist, he would not want to shoot without makeup.

    An Yinong agreed, and five minutes later, all the viewers who followed this episode of the live broadcast received a pleasant surprise, “I’m Really a Star” broadcasted a ‘story behind the scenes’.

    As soon as the live broadcast started, it was a beauty crit. The warm light fell on the two guests in the car in the early morning, one with a beautiful face and a melancholy filter, the other with black hair and snow skin, a living person from a painting fell into the world.

    “Wow.” Their eyes couldn’t move.

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    “Oh my god, this man looks good when he smiles, and there are little stars in his eyes.” They thought the big beauty on the right was an indifferent nobleman, but when he smiled, his peachy eyes were curved, and their little hearts were fascinated by the sparkle.

    One stretched out their hand very consciously, took a screenshot, and recorded a small gif.

    “Whose small wall is this? Come, come, give us a name and we will be good friends.” After licking and taking enough screenshots at the screen, the audience who were loyal to their looks could finally free their hands to type.

    “He has good posture, his back is completely straight when he is sitting, but he doesn’t feel tense and stiff. He feels luxurious. Who is he? Is this person among the guests in the preview?” The audience sucked their saliva.

    “Hi everyone, I’m Ke Yinong, long time no see.” He smiled at the camera, and held Tao Ran’s wrist again, “This is Tao Ran, just listening to the name gives you a sense of leisure in the countryside, right?”

    Tao Ran tensed immediately after being touched, and he looked down at the hand holding his wrist. The wide watch strap covered up the scars that he didn’t want others to see. He curled his fingers: Did he… see it?

    “Eh? Who?” The audience in front of the screen knew who this person was only after hearing his hoarse voice, Ke Yinong was among the guests?

    “Wait a minute, Ke Yinong isn’t like this in my memory?!” What about the traffic in the visual system with overly delicate makeup from their impression?

    The audience who remembered the identity of the guests hurriedly opened the webpage to search for Ke Yinong’s previous videos. In the video was An Yinong, who was still a traffic singer back then, with excessive makeup covering up all his advantages. But looking closely at the facial features, the person was still the same. If there was any difference, it was… this time there was no makeup and no color filter.

    “It’s been a long time. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone who looks better without makeup than with makeup. What’s the benefit to the stylist if the jade is packaged in gravel?” The audience uttered incomprehensible voices at the plain makeup in the camera.

    “Is it really Ke Yinong?”

    “I used to think he was average, a ‘beautiful man’ with forced makeup, but I didn’t expect to see his face without makeup. Promise me, in the future don’t let a rubbish stylist touch your face!”

    The sudden live broadcast attracted a group of beauty lovers, which made a good start for this episode of the variety show, as well as An Yinong and Tao Ran.

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    In front of the camera, An Yinong and Tao Ran talked about the weather and today’s vegetable prices. They were obviously stars with their own aura, but they didn’t feel out of place when talking about these mundane topics.

    “Fish pond owner.” The system looked at them interacting coldly, “Zhengyu doesn’t raise miscellaneous fish.”

    Of course An Yinong was not a fish pond owner, and he didn’t raise fish either. He just hoped that his partner could relax a little. Of course, Tao Ran was a pleasing person, which was one of the reasons why he was willing to be gentle. Their natural and harmonious way of getting along had attracted many audiences.

    “I think this will be a very harmonious episode of ‘I am Really a Star’.” Viewers who had also followed previous episodes sent barrages.

    The guests in the previous episodes had a delicate relationship, and they were never as relaxed and comfortable as they were now, especially when the sun shined on the two of them through the glass, that feeling was especially obvious.

    This was a very appropriate distance. If they are too close, they will feel that they have crossed the line, and if they are too far, they will feel alienated.

    “I’m kind of looking forward to it.”

    At the headquarters of a certain company, in the office of the general manager who was said to be on the verge of bankruptcy.

    The general manager, who was still in a suit today, frowned, and asked the secretary who was sorting out the documents: “Does Ke Yinong have friendship with Tao Ran from Xingyue Company?” 

    The secretary looked around and saw no one, so he was talking to her? “Hey, I haven’t heard of it. But this kind of variety show, even if you don’t know each other at first, you have to be very friendly at this time.” The secretary guessed.

    There were too many plastic love affairs in the entertainment industry, and it could last for three days and three nights.

    The general manager accepted this explanation and nodded: “He shouldn’t shift the focus of the conversation to others, the light is too divided.”

    The secretary took a sneak peek. Seeing that handsome face with soft light, one of the best among thousands: Really? No, it’s quite prominent.

    “Ding dong.” A call came from the desk landline, and the secretary picked it up, “Manager, Mr. Zhang Ruojun has something to ask you, do you want to arrange a meeting?”

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    The general manager glanced at the phone and nodded: “Let him come up.” Then, he turned off the phone.

    The number of viewers in the live broadcast room did not decrease due to the departure of the general manager, but began to explode. Several fan groups of this online variety show started to exert their strength. They not only watched it by themselves, but also attracted other people.

    How to pull people? It was very simple, as long as they throw a screenshot of Ke Yinong, some beauty loving volunteers will take the bait.

   These fans saw An Yinong and Tao Ran as soon as they came up. After watching the honey-sweet and confident greasy men under the beauty halo for a long time, they suddenly saw such a handsome and serious artist under the camera, and they were really moved.

    “Although this looks boring at the beginning, there is nothing else to do anyway, then…” All of them were honest.

    Not only did they appreciate beauty by themselves, but they also called on their friends to pull the same kind into the pit together. In just over ten minutes, the number of viewers in the live broadcast reached a new record.

    The chief director wiped his eyes and confirmed again and again that the retention rate of the audience had indeed more than doubled. What did this mean? This showed that these two guests could retain people even if they just chatted, wasn’t that enough?

    Just when the atmosphere was right and everything was beautiful, a child’s sharp howling suddenly came from their ears, followed by a sudden crash. The photographer’s camera hand shook violently, and both An Yinong and Tao Ran were seen bumping into the cushions of the seats in front of the camera, and the audience also let out an exclamation.

    “What happened?” the leader asked, covering his forehead.

    “A child ran out, I’ll get out of the car and have a look.” The driver was wiping cold sweat, his heart was beating like a drum. He wasn’t sure if he had bumped into the child who ran out suddenly. Now he was crossing the village, and there were many children around.

    “What do you mean? There was a car accident?” The leader’s legs softened, and the cold air rushed into his heart and lungs.

    Variety show, live broadcast, car accident…these words whirled in An Yinong’s mind, and his mind became dizzy, until a word jumped out, kid.

    “There’s a kid.” He pushed open the car door and almost fell off, but he ran towards the front of the car as soon as he stopped.

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    The others just woke up like a dream, and quickly followed.

    “Quickly, follow.” The person in charge instructed the photographer, just in case… No matter what, leave proof first.

    “What’s this called?” After the photographer passed by, the person in charge wiped his face and chased after him.

    An Yinong was in front, Tao Ran was behind, and the cameraman was carrying a camera. They ran directly to the car and saw a girl blocking the vehicle. Strictly speaking, she was not young, twelve or thirteen years old, with blood on her face, flowing from her head.

    Everyone was startled, and thought that the worst had happened, and the child was hit. As soon as the girl saw An Yinong and the others, she took a step back, crying and trembling with fear.

    Wearing slippers, one was lost, thin, the blood was starting to coagulate, indicating that the injury was older, and there was an instinctive fear of adult men… Messy information flashed through An Yinong’s brain, and he froze there, not knowing what to do .

    Before everyone understood the situation, a short man ran out holding an iron bar. He smelled heavily of alcohol, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was cursing: “Damn girl! Where did the kid go?!”

    The girl cried. Her voice was so frightened: “Help me, uncle save me.”

    The man was in a state of drunkenness, and he didn’t see them. Holding an iron bar high, smiling: “I found you.”

    The girl immediately turned pale.

    “Oh god, help!” The audience in front of the screen broke out in a cold sweat. They had already seen what was going on, it was nothing more than rural bullying, domestic violence and the like.

    An Yinong finally understood that this was not a car accident, but child abuse. The little girl was injured by being beaten. Before he had time to think, he kicked the man away as fast as he could, and covered the little girl behind him.

    However, the man just shook his head and raised the iron bar again.


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