An Yinong reflexively protected the little girl behind him, turned sideways, and raised his elbows to resist. With a muffled bang, the iron rod hit his unprotected arm, his body shook, and the hearts of the audience instantly became uneasy.

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    “Stop! Stop!” An Yinong’s face could not be seen from the camera, but the pale face of the person in charge was seen.

    “Ke Yinong!” The shy and quiet Tao Ran didn’t care about his image anymore, he rushed forward and firmly pinned down the man, his fair face flushed and his veins bulged. The driver hurriedly came to assist, and the two worked together to subdue the drunk man.

    “Damn…” The drunk man who was held down was still cursing.

    “Are you alright? Let’s go to the hospital.” The leader came over immediately, wanting to see An Yinong’s arm. That blow was not light, he didn’t know if it was injured or not. They had a contract and must guarantee the artist’s safety.

    An Yinong straightened his body, and the little girl clutched the corner of his clothes, tears soared with her voice: “Uncle…”

    A hand was pressed on the top of her head and rubbed, the little girl was stunned, and heard a hoarse voice: “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

    “Host, are you really fine?” The system heard the sound of the iron bar hitting on contact, and the host’s face turned pale at that moment, how could it be okay?

    “It’s a good thing.”

    The system’s voice suddenly raised: “Is this a good thing?”

    “I’m Really a Star has inherent shortcomings, and it’s difficult to compete with “My Way, My Show” for a while, but this accident can greatly reduce the distance between each other. The curiosity of netizens is a sharp weapon, but now it came to the door by itself, do you think this is a good thing?”

    An Yinong calmly thought about the gains and losses of this accident, as if this could cover up the pain in his body. To be honest, he was also surprised. This kind of action with a flying kick and the rear heel as the focus is called a “Spartan kick”. During the process, the calves, ankles, and feet were linked to generate huge attack power.

    An Yinong had kicked that man’s lower abdomen. In theory, he should kick that man out, but he didn’t expect that the original owner’s body was so weak, and his muscle strength was completely zero. When he kicked, the man just shook his head.

    It could be seen from this that Zhao Ze, who was subdued by him, was an outlier, and he had grown taller in vain.

    The perpetrator was suppressed, and An Yinong, who was captured on camera, showed a comforting and reassuring smile, “I’m fine. Everyone, don’t learn from me fighting the thugs with weapons in front of you. You have to run away. This is an unintentional moment for me.”

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    A magnified face appeared in the camera, the beauty frowned, and there was some water in his eyes, which could be in pain, but there was a comforting smile on his face, saying that he was fine.

    The audience covered their little hearts. They were so distressed that they angrily reprimanded the man for committing a crime, while automatically taking screenshots with their fingers: Although, the look of a white face and tears in his eyes was also very good-looking.

    These uninvited guests made the man’s eyes widen, and he, who was already drunk and not sober, became even more furious: “Who the hell are you?! I’ll beat you to death…”

   “I’m a star, this face is important, Would you like to touch it? You’ll be bankrupt and in jail, do you want to try?” After standing upright, Tao Ran, who was half a head taller, stood in front of the man, his body was still trembling slightly from the situation just now.

    An Yinong looked at him in surprise, the image of white moonlight ‘Tao Ran’ in the story had always been very thin, he was passive and weak. But the ‘Tao Ran’ in front of him started to break away from the plot setting, he had a strong side.

    He didn’t know if it was the deterrent effect of “breaking the face and going to jail” that may be caused by hitting a celebrity, or if the program group had a large number of people and it was hard to mess with. The man holding the iron bar really held back, and his eyes stained red with alcohol stared at the little girl who An Yinong was guarding.

    He turned his head and saw the person holding the camera, his expression changed, becoming honest and simple: “Misunderstanding, it’s a misunderstanding…”

    “He’s going to beat me to death!” The little girl’s voice suddenly became louder when being protected by someone, “My brother robbed the candy I bought myself for my birthday. If I am brought back, he will beat me to death!”

    An Yinong turned his head and saw a pair of eyes full of tears and hatred. Although she was young, the girl’s body was already covered in spikes.

    “Damn girl! Don’t think that there is nothing I can do about you because someone is protecting you today. It’s only natural for me to beat my child.” The man changed his face, drunk and irrational, and the driver who grabbed him dragged two steps.

    The person in charge was also in a hurry, the two guests couldn’t have an accident at this moment: “Grab the stick first!”

    Tao Ran immediately grabbed the iron bar. As for the photographer, he gritted his teeth and continued to shoot, passing all of the situation to the audience in front of the screen.

    “Ding Ding.” The person in charge’s cell phone rang.

    He walked to the side to answer the phone, and after a while, he turned around and breathed out: “It’s the chief director, he said that the official live broadcast will be postponed for one day, and we will deal with this issue first.”

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     “This is domestic violence, should we care or not? “The driver turned to ask the person in charge while pressing down on the man. Parents beat their children, was it easy for a show crew to interfere? Will it be said that dogs catching mice are nosy?

    “This is an attempted murder.” An Yinong, who carefully looked at the wound on the girl’s head, said, “Criminal case, call the police.

   A woman appeared with a begging look on her face, “The head of the family makes trouble when he drinks. It’s really not intentional, he just has this kind of temper.”

    “Why didn’t he drink himself to death?” the cameraman couldn’t help muttering.

    An Yinong saw the woman’s face, then looked at the man’s face, narrowing his eyes slightly, he turned his head to look at the girl behind him: “Two single eyelids…can you have double eyelids?” 

He didn’t speak loudly, but the few people present heard clearly, they looked sideways: Hey, it was true. The man and woman had monolids, and the girl had almond eyes with double eyelids.

    “Single eyelids are a recessive gene. Couples with double eyelids may have children with single eyelids, but couples with single eyelids will never have children with double eyelids.” Tao Ran said this was basic knowledge of genetics.

    “This girl may not be their own.” The corner of An Yinong’s mouth curled up, with a sense of pleasure, “Call the police, it might be a case of abduction.”

    The woman directly showed a horrified expression. “No, no…” The woman began to tremble.

    An Yinong turned his head and dialed the police. He recounted the scene before hanging up the phone: “The police will come soon, we will wait here.”

    The audience was dumbfounded, and everyone in the program group looked at each other in blank dismay: Did he really call the police?

    The drunken husband hadn’t completely sobered up yet, he glared at An Yinong, and said softly, “This is my housework, please leave it alone.” As he said this, he was about to rush over to grab the girl, but the girl trembled in fright and stretched out a hand to grab An Yinong’s clothes.

    But he only took a step, and Tao Ran kicked the man’s knee behind him, and he fell to his knees with a ‘slap’, grimacing in pain.

    The driver stepped forward quickly and pressed the man to the ground. An object fell out of the man’s hand, and it turned out to be a short dagger. The audience in front of the screen took another breath of air: Hey, this was going to be a stabbing, it was really a criminal case!

    “There is a rope in the car, tie him up first.” The person in charge didn’t dare to take any chances. He removed the rope from the car, tied up the man’s hands and feet, and made the driver watch the woman.

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    “How’s your hand?” Tao Ran wanted to see An Yinong’s arm.

    “A little injury… hiss.”

    Looking at the obviously swollen arm, Tao Ran raised his head to look at him: “A little injury?”

    “You, you… I’ll call the police, I’m looking for someone!” Trembling, the man glared at the little girl viciously, no longer trying to hide his ferocity.

    “You look for it!” Tao Ran, who was checking An Yinong’s arm, turned his head and glared. Everything in front of him brought back dark memories. At this moment, he didn’t want to maintain any image: Since he was about to die, why should he care?

    “I also want to ask, how many years will be sentenced for the crime of intentional injury.” Loathing and hatred appeared on Tao Ran’s face.

    An Yinong froze for a moment, turned sideways to block the camera, and pulled back his sleeves to cover his arms: “I’m really fine. Show this little girl how much blood she has lost.” 

   The person in charge also came over: “She looks kind of bad.” It was more than bad, the little girl still had bruises on her face, and one-third of her face was covered in blood, like a murder scene.

    “There is medicine in the car.”

    The person in charge immediately went back to get supplies. They carefully cleaned the wound, and she was beaten with an inch-long wound on the top of her head.

    “The beating was so severe, I don’t know if there is a concussion.” The adults felt distressed when they saw it, “When the police come, let’s take him to the hospital.”

    This news became a trending search within a few minutes. As long as you have nothing to do and wander around the Internet, almost everyone would see this message that popped up at the bottom right.

    “Really?” Netizens who were more curious than cats couldn’t control their hands. They followed along the network and wanted to see the scene.

    There was also a group of people in the live broadcast room talking about the situation at the time and their own guesses, and there were several quarrels. However, no one thought there was anything wrong with the program crew delaying the variety show for this matter.

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    “Good guy, if it wasn’t for the show crew, the little girl might have been beaten to death, the blood on her head was flowing, it was too scary, it must not be their own, how can a real one be beaten like this?”

    “Some biological ones can be beaten even harder. How many underworld parents are there this year?”

    Netizens were paying attention to the progress of the matter, wondering if this girl was the biological child of the couple, and here, the program team actually encountered a little trouble.

    The couple detained here were locals. Seeing that things were troublesome, the woman called relatives and friends to come, so at this moment, a group of locals gathered around the car of the program group.

    Are the program crew afraid? Nonsense, surrounded by a group of strangers, one to ten, can you not be afraid? Fortunately, they are public figures, and now it’s a live broadcast, with hundreds of thousands of people online, and the villagers don’t dare to act rashly at the moment.

    “It seems to be shooting TV.” The villager pointed at the camera.

    “Television?” An old man got excited and hurriedly arranged his clothes, “Have you caught me? I don’t look energetic? Twenty years ago, I was also a well-known white-faced boy in the village.”

    ” I don’t know if I’m not mentally active, but I’m quite nervous anyway.”

    “They don’t seem to have any malicious intentions.” The person in charge observed for a while, and felt that the other party didn’t look like an enemy army.

    “Come forward and ask?” The driver hesitated.

    “No, wait.” The person in charge didn’t dare to take risks, the two guests were right behind, if there were any accidents, even if he sold himself, he wouldn’t be able to pay for it.

    After a while, the fellow villagers who had been watching them for a long time came over cautiously, stopped before everyone in the program group bristled, and looked at everyone in the program group with an expression of ‘Why don’t you interview me’.

    Person in charge: …

    Author Notes:

    An Yinong: Actually, I am very A.

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