As expected, when the people in their village finished talking, the program crew and the audience in front of the screen would know that this was just the daily life of the couple. The two of them were extremely patriarchal, and the little girl was beaten often.

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    The neighbors helped the little girl out of moral embarrassment. Sometimes they came to dissuade them, and sometimes they helped hide her. They even contacted the Women’s Federation and the police, but it was of little use. Unless the little girl could leave the house, outsiders couldn’t help in this situation.

    “Such a good girl, her legs were almost broken. Let me just say, how can they be so cruel to their own child? It must not be their blood.”

 The villagers pointed out: “I just know that they have problems, they are all the flesh that fell from their bodies, but the girl can be used as a long-term worker? It’s too pitiful.”

    “No, how can they give birth to such a beautiful girl doll? We have been fooled by them before.”

    Listening to the discussion in the village, Tao Ran didn’t know what he thought of, and his expression was gloomy. It was An Yinong who came over and patted him on the shoulder, silently comforting him.

    At this moment, the camera was not facing them, but the villagers. The online variety show had become the rule of law online, and the style of painting in the live broadcast room should be quite strange at the moment.

    Because of this episode, everyone in the program group was not in a good state, but the audience on the Internet had already enjoyed it. The live broadcast room was full of various discussions of “I have a friend, he, she…” and the content was basically about domestic violence. And child abuse, occasionally mixed with a few screenshots shared by guests.

    The chief director looked at this peculiar live broadcast room and suddenly wanted to go online to calculate the variety show’s fortune.

    “Tao Ran, I’m your fan, come on!” Among the locals watching the show, there were actually a few Tao Ran fans, waving their mobile phones with one hand, “helping” with the other, and even taking out a handful of melon seeds from their pockets when it was over.

    Good guy, these were onlookers who really eat melons and watch the show.

    “Very popular.” An Yinong smiled, relieving the tension brought about by the scene.

    Tao Ran shook his head.

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    “Ke Yinong, look here!” Another voice came out.

    An Yinong was stunned, but Tao Ran laughed: “You are also very popular.”

    At this moment, the person in charge was talking to the village chief, and the cameraman pointed to the camera, which excited the group of people. He took out his mobile phone and downloaded the live video website to see where he was. This small village had not been so lively for a long time.

    “I’ll take this kid into the car first, and we’ll come out when the police come.” An Yinong took the girl into the car, and the little girl believed him right now and hold on to his clothes.

    Get in the car, close the door, stay in a relatively closed small space, temporarily isolate everything outside, and the little girl’s emotions are appeased.

    “Uncle.” She called An Yinong in a low voice.

    “What’s wrong?” An Yinong tried to respond to her in a gentle tone.

    “He will still hit me.” The little girl hugged her knee and used an affirmative sentence.

    She was young and had little exposure to things, so she didn’t know how to resist at all. Just to protect herself from being beaten, she did her best. It was not like she hadn’t tried running out to ask for help, and she was beaten even harder when she came back.

    “No.” An Yinong said with certainty.

    If they can’t find her biological parents, then try to find a guardian, and find the best lawyer, there was always a way.

    The girl hesitated for a while, and she asked in a low voice: “What if I am their child?”

    An Yinong wanted to say that he believed in science, this child could never be the product of those the couple. But now this little girl needed someone to reassure her, what he said was the worst result, and what he wanted to solve was also the main problem.

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    “You have a younger brother in your family?” He recalled, “He is very favored?”

    The girl nodded: “Yes.”

    She briefly explained the situation in the family, which was the ultimate version of a patriarchal family. The younger brother had been raised by them from the root, and only knew how to bully the older sister, and let her be a cow and a horse.

    An Yinong put himself in: “In this case, your parents are still this kind of person, you don’t want to have a direct conflict with them, because you can’t beat them. You can save the country with a curve, and you can use the emperor to make the prince, do you know?”

    The little girl looked at him stupidly, not knowing whether she hadn’t heard of it or didn’t understand.

    An Yinong thought for a while and used the simplest example: “For example, if they beat you, you beat your brother. If they give you a ladle, you give your brother a ladle. If they don’t let you go to school, you will prevent your younger brother from going to school.” Both jade and stone will be destroyed, fish will die and the net will be broken.

    Speaking of this, he emphasized: “However, this method requires a huge price, and you may be beaten harder. So, use it when you see the opportunity.” Hurting someone will hurt you, so use it with caution.

    “…Okay.” The little girl suddenly understood: beat my brother to death, right? The girl was obsessed with the thought of beating her younger brother, and her tense nerves relaxed.

    The system that heard their conversation had a dull expression: the host said this so sincerely as if he thought it was the right choice in his heart. But which well-meaning passer-by would teach a child who has been abused to abuse another child? Although the child in question was not innocent.

    Not long after, the police car arrived, and two uniformed policemen got out of the car. When they saw the short man, they raised their eyebrows: “It’s you again.” He was indeed a repeat offender.

    Everyone on the screen in front of the screen was worried about the little girl’s situation. They hoped that this little girl was really kidnapped and could return to her biological parents, otherwise, outsiders couldn’t do anything with this man, unless the custody could be transferred.

    After the police asked about the situation, they pulled the couple into the car, and the girl sat in another police car. According to the villagers, the couple used to work in the city and then came back with a three-year-old child. It was hard to say whether they were biological.

    “Let’s go, let’s follow.”

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    The group of people quickly entered the police station. When a young policeman saw them, he put down his mobile phone and brought an ice pillow for cold compresses: “Is it Ke Yinong? I’ll check your arm.”

    The little girl was taken away by an elderly female policeman, and she went to the hospital for an injury examination, where fingerprints and DNA samples were also collected. They then contacted the person in charge of the family tracing office to see if there were any clues.

    An Yinong’s sleeves were rolled up, and the swollen area was already bruised. He turned his head and said to the person in charge of the program, “A small injury, it won’t affect the program.” This was the first time since there was a web drama.

    After the wound was treated with cold compresses, the two guests sat there and told what they knew in detail.

    “Leave when the matter here is finished.” The person in charge came over and said, “If the result comes out, we will announce it on the Internet so that everyone can feel at ease. In case the child’s family cannot be found, we will try our best to change the child’s foster family.”

    An Yinong and the others also felt that this was the best way to deal with them, so they nodded.

    “The child is frightened, how about buying some candies later?” Tao Ran turned to look at An Yinong, he still remembered that the incident was caused by a lollipop.

    “Well, today is her birthday. I’ll leave after I buy a birthday cake for her.”

    The policemen were also paying attention to them now. “These two young people look upright. Looking at their straight bodies, even if they don’t become entertainers, they can do other things.” The older generation of police officers had a good impression of them because they stood up at a critical moment.

    The young policemen in the police station usually watched dramas and variety shows on the Internet. Even if they didn’t know them before, they knew now. Although they acted outrageously due to their status as policemen, they found an excuse to come over and have a look.

    “This is a star. The real person looks better than the one on the screen.”

     The two guests sat quietly and were being watched: they felt like animals that escaped from the zoo, helpless, weak, and pitiful.

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    The program “I’m Really a Star” always had a flirtatious style of stealing celebrities. They never expected that the episode of the program had not yet started, and the popularity of the two guests had risen rapidly.

    With heroes guarding the country, security has always been excellent, and it was one of the safest countries, so this kind of vile domestic violence was already an incident that needed to be taken seriously. These two guests could rush up immediately, among other things, their moral character would not be too bad.

    Now most of the audience had a good impression of the two of them, even if they were somewhat lacking in singing and acting, it was estimated that they would not attract too much ridicule. No way, everyone had no resistance to the words “beautiful, kind, and gentle.”

    As for the Internet, the number of people online has surpassed the peak moment of this variety show, and the chief director laughed so hard that his gums were bared, wishing he could open a glass of champagne to celebrate on the spot.

    The only ones who might be unhappy were probably the other two of the four guests, right? These two had been sitting on the bench for a long time. Their management company had been protesting against the discriminatory treatment, but it was not the same.

    It was none of their business to live broadcast in advance, and it was none of their business to rescue the little girl later. How could they force themselves into this situation?

    What’s more, even if they encountered a little girl blocking the car, they may not be able to rush out the first time, and save people at the risk of being injured and disfigured by iron bars, let alone be able to detect that the little girl was not their own like An Yinong.

    “Yinong, what would have happened if this little girl hadn’t met us?” Tao Ran asked, his voice was very small, more like talking to himself.

    At this time, the camera was filming the domestic violence couple, trying to find the truth from their faces, so everyone didn’t notice what they were saying in the corner.

    “Maybe we can stop the beating this time, but it will be difficult to stop it in the future. But we found that they are not biological parents and children, and the child’s future may be smoother.”

    “Then we have done a good deed, and may even change someone’s life, right?” Tao Ran stretched out his hand to touch his bracelet and traced the scar below with his fingertips.

    From the moment they met, An Yinong discovered that Tao Ran had a world-weary mood. When he later made jokes all the way, his smile became a little more real. After saving the little girl this time, Tao Ran’s eyes became brighter again.

    “Of course.” An Yinong smiled and said, “Of course, we have done a great thing.”

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