When the cake was bought, the little girl had just come back from the hospital, and the blood test results proved that she was not related to the two. Judging from the couple’s ambiguity, it didn’t look like they picked her up with good intentions.

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    “Uncle, I’m not their daughter.” She looked up and wanted to laugh, but tears were streaming down her face.

    An Yinong handed her a small cake with candles, and wiped her face with a tissue: “It’s a good thing, why are you crying?” He gave her a note with a phone number on it: “If you need me for anything, I will help you. It’s good to find someone to talk to.”

    The little girl was holding the cake in a daze, probably unable to digest this information for a while.

    An Yinong sighed softly, and stood up: “Uncle still has to work, remember to call if you have anything you need.”

    The staff and guests of the program group got up and said goodbye. They had to hurry back to the headquarters to produce an edited version, and there was no further delay. And the two guests also needed a good rest, recuperate and calm their emotions. The matter had achieved a staged result, and the audience on the Internet was also very satisfied, feeling that they had participated in a big event.

    “That’s the end of today’s live broadcast. The show will officially start tomorrow. We’ll see you soon.” The cameraman turned off the camera.

    Netizens did not leave immediately, they were still discussing today’s accident. “Fortunately, they were there. Otherwise, who knows when this matter will be discovered? It’s too pitiful. I don’t know if she was snatched or cheated from somewhere.”

    “He is like a steamed bun, but he didn’t cry out, what a man.”

    “Tao Ran is also amazing, he can handle things at critical times.”

    “I’m more interested in this program, I checked it online, and it looks very interesting.”

    Many viewers got to know An Yinong, Tao Ran, and this variety show because of this incident and found it interesting, so they clicked on Follow and Reminder. In addition, a lot of An Yinong screen-licking videos suddenly appeared on the video website, and the videos attracted another wave of people.

    It was conceivable that when this variety show officially started tomorrow, the number of people online would hit a new high.

    “It’s really the right time, place, and people, both are indispensable.” Variety show directors who also followed this live broadcast room lamented the good luck of their peers.

    “Damn luck.” The chief director of “My Way, My Show” also heard about it, “It’s just a momentary highlight, so don’t be afraid. Let’s start the first episode of our show tomorrow, and buy another trending search.”

    “What? Hot search?”

    The chief director glanced at the screen: “Isn’t there a ready-made one? He was popular in the past, but was rejected by “My Way, My Show” and now on the Internet. Buy him plastic surgery, it’s true and false.

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    “Unless he shows me the scene of the concert tomorrow, this kid will never get up for the rest of his life. But can he? Hahahahahahaha…”

    The news in the entertainment industry was the most well-informed. This “I’m Really a Star” accident was a small hit, and Zhang Ruojun, who had just transferred to another company, knew about it.

    He got resources before and entered “My Way, My Show” Becoming a new celebrity mentor. This resource was still there after the company transfer, but the new company had new operations, such as stepping on ‘Ke Yinong’ to build momentum.

    “This is an unprecedented good opportunity!” The agent was very excited, “He actually got into this kind of online variety show. Even if there is fire from saving people today, it cannot change the fact that he cannot sing.”

    The manager’s dark brown eyes reflected Zhang Ruojun’s face: “He can’t even sing, what kind of singer is he?”

    The sneering agent didn’t notice Zhang Ruojun’s momentary stiffness:

    “The show crew abandoned him to choose you. What a good topic. If it is used properly, it will be trending, and it will wash away all the assistants you have worked for him in the past. “

    “You’re right.” It was the vice president of the new company who spoke, who was also their immediate boss.

    “He was on that show, but was just a sellout. However, the audience judges people by their eyesight, even if he can be sold for a while, can he be sold for a lifetime? We will take this opportunity to completely crush him.”

    The boss patted Zhang Ruojun on the shoulder and said meaningfully: “Don’t worry, I will arrange it.”

    Zhang Ruojun came back to his senses. To be honest, although he had been in contact with ‘Ke Yinong’ for a long time if he closed his eyes Looking back, the first scene he remembered was actually in a small room at the time.

    White and thin fingers, the fingertips were dyed faintly red, tense, and his chest heaved up and down with panting. His hand was extremely beautiful, and it must be great to hold it elsewhere. The heat of a palm could melt people.

    Zhang Ruojun swallowed, he imagined that if they were in the same company, and ‘Ke Yinong’ was suppressed by him, the latter could only depend on him to eat… 

    Thinking of this, Zhang Ruojun couldn’t help asking: “Can’t we recruit him? In fact, he…”

    His words were stopped by the boss’s sharp eyes.

    “What do fans like about you? Do you really think it’s your original appearance? No, what they like is your character design that counterattacks and goes forward. I don’t need to remind you what is the identity of ‘Ke Yinong’ in this character design.”

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    “I don’t care what kind of relationship you had with him before, whether it was a friend or an enemy. But if fans want you to be enemies, you are enemies, if fans want you to suppress him severely, you have to suppress him severely. “

     “What the fans want you to be is what you should be.” He pinched Zhang Ruojun’s face, his eyes patrolled the young idol’s face, like a knight patrolling his own territory.

     “You have to beat him in addition to your business ability, and your face.” The nose can be shrunk a bit, and the temples can be padded… It’s a pity that there is no time, forget it, fortunately, there are still cosmetics in this world.”

     The boss threw away his face, took out a tissue, and wiped his fingers: “Speaking of which, Ke Yinong really has a good face, and it would be a waste to leave that small company.”     

    This was the first time Zhang Ruojun felt the shame of being despised, but he couldn’t do anything. This was not his previous company. This company was too big, so the artists were even smaller. And he just signed an extremely strict contract. Sometimes he didn’t  know whether his choice was right or wrong.

    But whether right or wrong, there was no going back.

    “I see, what do you want me to do?”

    “How to do it?” The man sneered, he saw Zhang Ruojun’s dislike, but so what, he could even make this man whom the fans call ‘Prince’ kneel down to lick his shoes.

    “How to do it? Destroy him, understand?”


    The sailors moved very quickly, so when An Yinong and the others arrived at the hotel, his ‘fans’ began to appear on the Internet. Before the netizens could react, the ‘fans’ began to ‘sympathize’ with their brother, saying how miserable he was.

    From the traditional “I am very talented but ill-fated” to the atypical “I have been abandoned by the company and I am in a desperate situation”. He could be seen from time to time, and every time he appears, they gossiped like housewives.

    “Where did the 18th line come from? Who the hell wants to know how sad and sad he is behind his back? Don’t appear on my home page, okay?”

    Under the bombardment of negative information, people who had no feelings for him were really annoyed. Those who were attracted by the live broadcast began to be dubious: Is Ke Yinong really as good as he appeared in front of the camera?

    At this time, only the people attracted by good looks were still firm: “I don’t care if he sings well or not, and I don’t care if he sells badly or not. It’s true that he looks good.” As long as the good looks don’t overturn, anything was fine.

    Zhang Ruojun’s boss had been paying attention to public opinion on the Internet. He squeezed his chin and said to himself: “It’s only the first day, and most people haven’t developed a rebellious mentality.”

    He looked at the debut of ‘Ke Yinong’ on the desktop: “He has been treating his voice everywhere this year. Thinking about it, his singing skills at this moment are worse than when he debuted. Tomorrow, he will be punished for ‘selling miserably’. All the public opinion today will be tomorrow’s ‘criminal evidence’. “

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    The program team of “I’m Really a Star” had also seen these things, and they knew that someone must be fishing in troubled waters, but this was also a kind of propaganda for the program team, so they didn’t care.

    And An Yinong, the person involved, was eating a late lunch alone in his room. Just now Tao Ran invited him to have lunch with him, but he refused.

    “If he sees it, he will definitely make a fuss.” An Yinong stared at his arm, even though it was treated with ice packs, it was still swollen, and it seemed that he was seriously injured. It did hurt a bit, so he had to be careful not to use this arm when eating noodles.

    “You have been hacked!” The system couldn’t help but remind his host: Was it appropriate to still think about ‘rival in love’?

    “Oh.” An Yinong was indifferent.

    “Don’t worry too much.” After mixing the spaghetti and tomato bolognese evenly, An Yinong rolled up the roll with a fork, rolled up a ball of spaghetti, and ate it in one bite.

    “Hacking me is just increasing my popularity. It’s a good thing that you can be on the hot search without spending money.” An Yinong took a sip of lemonade, “Are you happier thinking about it?”

     “Not at all.” The system was still angry.

    An Yinong was happy, this system accused him every day of not doing tasks and obsessing over his career, but when his career was in trouble, it was more anxious than anyone else.

    “It’s useless to get angry at this time. It’s better to prepare well and try to restore your image in the variety show. In this world, strength has the final say, and everything else is heresy.” He rubbed the head of the system: “In short, prepare for variety shows with peace of mind. It is their obligation to leave other matters to the company. I trust the company and the general manager.”

    “Ding dong.”

    An Yinong put down his fork and stood up, but he didn’t open the door but looked outside through the peephole, he found a hotel worker standing outside, who seemed to be a foreman.

    “Hi, what’s the matter?” An Yinong opened the door.

    “Hello, Mr. Ke, a gentleman surnamed Lu entrusted me to pass it on. Then, if it is convenient, can you report that you are safe?”

    An Yinong looked at the things in the foreman’s hands. They were sprays, gauze, ointments, and the like. From the general manager?

    “My phone is turned off and I haven’t turned it on yet. I’ll reply later, thank you.”

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    “You’re welcome.”

    After seeing off the foreman, An Yinong turned on his phone, and there were constant notification sounds, all from the same person.

    The first was emergency treatment after being hit by a heavy object. The second was the contact information of a lawyer who provides pro-bono legal aid and focused on child protection. And the third one…

    “Be careful? Tsk tsk, your boss is really a straight man.”

    “Thank you, Brother Lu, the medicine is very effective.” An Yinong replied to the text message. He looked at those things and curled his mouth.

    Next door to An Yinong, Tao Ran also knew about the things on the Internet, and his expression was a bit solemn. From this point of view, it was a planned and targeted action, just to discredit Ke Yinong.

    Who was it? Ke Yinong had disappeared for a year, his popularity had been lost, and his voice had also become hoarse. Who could he stand in the way of?

    “Tao Ran, stay away from that Ke Yinong, he is useless and has no future. Who doesn’t know that he offended someone back then, and now someone is targeting him again. I don’t know what kind of hatred there is. Be careful not to get involved.” On the phone, a manager still advised his artist.

    “Ke Yinong is not trash. If hee is trash, so what am I?” Tao Ran sneered.

    The manager backtracked: “I said something wrong, don’t worry, we will slowly figure out a solution for the treatment fee, we…” 

    “It’s not about the treatment fee. Even if the disease is cured, you have to rest.” Tao Ran laughed, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to be an actor in the future.”

    “No, Tao Ran, medicine is so advanced now.”

    However, Tao Ran on the other end of the phone remained silent. When the manager finally wanted to say something, Tao Ran also spoke with a tired voice.

    “Don’t say such things in the future,” Tao Ran took a deep breath, “Ke Yinong, he is my friend.”

    The author has something to say:

    General Manager: Everyone else is blackmailing you, except me.

    Tao Ran: Cough!

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