In the basement of a certain city, in the headquarters of a cyber troll group.

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    “Teacher, you are really powerful. This move is amazing. It is so perfect.” They looked at their leader with admiration. This time the hot search for ‘Ke Yinong Cries Miserably’ was the result of their studio’s battle.

    In just a few hours, most of the netizens associated the name ‘Ke Yinong’ with ‘selling miserably’ before they started. It was very successful, fully meeting the patron’s requirements, and even exceeding them.

    The leader of the water army proudly put down the soft drink in his hand and his work partner, instant noodles: “You are inexperienced. In the era of paper media, I really called the wind and the rain.” Media people missed that era, manipulating the situation and controlling the mouthpiece of news.

    “Teacher, tell me, if this trend continues, will Ke Yinong be finished? I think his company is also overwhelmed, and it may be soon.” 

    However, the leader was not very optimistic: “Nowadays, the audience is also learning to be smart. Yes, before there is a real hammer, it is best to fan the flames, and it is not easy to end. If you want to completely get rid of this former traffic, unless you come out with black history that cannot be washed away, and it is a real hammer, it is best to officially enter the market.” 

    After all, entering the Internet age, Everyone was from the media, and it was not as easy for them to manipulate public opinion as it used to be.

    “Official entry? That’s not easy.”

    The leader of the navy spat out a breath, with vicissitudes on his face: “Isn’t it? Times have changed, and our life is not easy.”

    After the navy set a combination of pink and black punches, Ke Yinong’s few passerby fans left were cleaned out. The small popularity condensed in the live broadcast was like a small flame in the wind, which was about to be extinguished.

    “I liked him at the beginning because of his high-spirited look when he stood on the stage singing, but he can no longer sing. Since what I like is long gone, why do I have to force it?” said a self-proclaimed fan.

    “What kind of fans! They’re all formaldehyde’s brothers—fake fans! Real idols and fake idols can’t be recognized.” The system jumped angrily.

    “Calm down, the more serious you are, the more you will be crushed.” An Yinong calmly comforted the chili-colored system, and he was even in the mood to sharpen a pencil. Since there was nothing to do at night, An Yinong decided to reward himself with some free time to draw.

    “Has the host not realized that he is Ke Yinong?” the system said, “Can this kind of thing be tolerated?” How could he be so calm if it happened to An Yinong?

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    An Yinong smiled and said nothing. He just continued to sharpen the pencils with a box knife, leaving a long lead in each one. In front of him was an easel, on which a piece of sketch paper was fixed with thumbtacks. Seven or eight sharpened pens, paper pens, charcoal sticks, etc. were placed on the easel. These were just bought, there was a large supermarket near the hotel.

    This was the first time the system knew that the host could draw. When it selected the host, it only knew that he was a well-known vase in the entertainment industry who was incompetent but very popular.

    The entertainment industry was really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, the psychological quality and ability of the host could only be a vase. This industry must have extremely strict selection criteria for the word “vase”.

    “Don’t worry, people can’t starve to death in this age.”

    “It doesn’t matter if you are misunderstood?”

    “So do you want to come out and scold me? Ever since they believed me to ‘complain about myself every day like a heroine of a bitter drama’, I was already at a disadvantage.”

    An Yinong understood the mentality of the people behind the scenes very well. After all, the appearance of the weak jumping up and down but unable to resist was really ‘cute’.

    “And,” An Yinong put down the utility knife, put it away, then picked up a pen and began to shape, “I shouldn’t be in charge of this kind of thing, otherwise what should the company do?” 

   The system also asked: “Then if it doesn’t care, what should I do? “

    An Yinong didn’t answer but just focused on painting.

    Seeing this, the system stopped talking. It leaned over and squatted on An Yinong’s shoulder to see what he was going to draw. He drew a dying bird with an arrow pierced through its heart. The bird opened its beak and was still singing, and its eyes were black, as if alive.

    The system felt the drawing was kind of creepy, a black and white sketch, but it made people feel the taste of fate bestowing misfortune and life’s struggle. It couldn’t take its eyes off the bird’s eyes, which were as dark as night and as bright as stars.

    Purely speaking from the technical point of view, this painting was only average, but the most important thing about art was always the core of expression, that was the spirit. Therefore, the system believed that this was a masterpiece.

    “You really know how to draw.”

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    An Yinong shook his head, and instead of talking about painting, he answered the previous question: “Personal power cannot change the environment, and purely venting anger is useless. I am the same as this bird, just the most insignificant member of the forest.”

    “You mean, you are too weak and helpless?”

    “No,” An Yinong turned his head, “I mean if I have done my best, but things will still remain the same. If there is no improvement, then the environment must be wrong, so if this tree is not working, I can find another one. If the company can’t solve this problem, let’s change to another company.” 

“…” The system stayed still: that’s how you trust the general manager’s company?

    Not long after, at around nine o’clock in the evening, An Yinong’s company released a series of evidence, which showed that today’s hot search event was done by others, and it was an operation of cheating and pretending to be loyal.

    This attracted some attention for An Yinong. Because they were very curious, about what the deep hatred was, and others spent money to buy trending searches, but they also wanted to get rid of him.

    The general manager, who had been in the office for sixteen hours, pinched the base of his nose, and there was still a cup of freshly brewed coffee on the table. The general manager knew who was playing tricks, and Zhang Ruojun’s debut accompanied by bloody storms was decided. He and Ke Yinong could only have an endless relationship.

    In fact, Zhang Ruojun had nothing to be afraid of. Today’s traffic was like a consumable produced by a workshop. They had beautiful faces, complete personalities, and a complete packaging marketing model behind them.

    Zhang Ruojun was one of the successful products. The vitality of traffic was only three to five years at most because they did not have the ability to gain a long-term foothold. This ability did not refer to popularity but referred to the ability to work as an artist, such as singing, acting, or variety show ability. It was also the ‘confidence’ that the general manager hoped to see in ‘Ke Yinong’.

    Now the dirty water had been washed clean, but the situation was still not optimistic. Unless Ke Yinong died and emerged from the previous mode, in the future…

    He flipped his phone, and his fingertips stayed on the X letter page, and there was a message from that person not long ago: “Thank you, Brother Lu, the medicine is very effective.” The medicine had only been delivered not long ago, could it take effect so quickly?

    The general manager took off his glasses, like taking off a mask, revealing his true inner self: “I believe you can do your best.”

    Because of this belief, the general manager did not do anything superfluous. ‘Ke Yinong’ knew what he was doing, he had his own arrangements, and outsiders seemed to intervene with good intentions, which may not lead to good results.

    Opening another page, the general manager started his real office work, which was his true industry, not this small entertainment company on the surface.

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    “I’ve been waiting for five years. Now that the prey has entered the net, when will the boss come back?” The special assistant in the distance always felt that he still understood his boss, but he couldn’t understand recent things.

    “It’s not the time yet. I’m waiting for the right time. Everything will be taken care of before the end of the month.” The general manager had his own ideas.

    “I thought you were doing it for someone. People in the entertainment industry are always attractive.”

    “…You’re overthinking.” The general manager took a sip of bitter coffee, “There is no such person.”

    Neighboring province, a certain five-star hotel.

    “Crack.” An Yinong turned off the phone, “It’s nine o’clock, it’s time to go to bed.” The system squinted at its host. It wondered if he was sleepy in his previous life, so he lacked sleep.

    “Hey, host, what’s going on with Tao Ran?”

    “Quiet, I’m going to sleep, there will be a tough battle tomorrow.”

    The effect of today’s live broadcast far exceeded his expectations, giving “I’m Really a Star” an opening. Well done, An Yinong sincerely hoped that this kind of luck could continue until tomorrow’s live broadcast.

    “Wait, host, you haven’t answered yet. What’s the matter with you and Tao Ran?” What’s the use of being so nice to a rival in love, and you can’t complete the task. If the host had such patience and tenderness towards the scumbag, the scumbag would have been taken down long ago.

    “As you can see, it’s a good relationship.” An Yinong replied casually with his eyes closed.

    The system thought about what it had seen and heard during the day, and it said in its heart: Do you think I believe it or not?

    “What do I think, he doesn’t look like he only has a good relationship with you?” Not long ago, he called to have dinner together, but he was ruthlessly rejected by the host.

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    An Yinong opened his eyes, and said lazily: “What are you worried about? I have always kept a safe social distance from him, and after this variety show, there are not many opportunities to meet again. So be sincere when we get along, what’s the problem?”

    “Woo hoo.” The phone next to the pillow vibrated twice, and a text message came from an unfamiliar number.

    “It’s so late…” The next second, An Yinong’s eyes widened. A photo appeared on his phone of a man on a stretcher, unconscious, bleeding from his mouth.

    “Damn!” The system was startled, “What is this?”

    An Yinong’s eyes were fixed on the blood in the picture, his world became quiet, and the picture and memories were intertwined.

    “Host? What’s wrong with you?” The system felt a little wrong.

    An Yinong blinked his eyes and smiled angrily: “It’s a photo of the original owner who was poisoned and sent to the hospital. Someone is in a hurry. Check this number for me.” Who provoked him with this? Was it the person who poisoned the original owner, or the person who disliked him and didn’t want him to return to the stage?

    “No matter who it is, the more famous I am, the more unfavorable it is to that person. If I become an existence that cannot be provoked, the truth that has been covered up will automatically come to my door.” An Yinong never forgot this matter, not only for the original owner, but also for himself.

    “This is a foreign number.” After the system rechecked it, it raised its head in anger, and said indignantly, “Who did it? Did you want to mess with the host’s mentality? What does the host want to do? Pick it up and put it on the Internet?”

    “Tomorrow when the live broadcast ends, I will call the police.”

    The system was used to hosts who used black technology to seek revenge in various ways: “…Host is really enlightened.”

    The author has something to say:

    An Yinong: Live and die with the tree? If the tree fails, replace it with another tree.

    Lu Yu: Disrupting plans for others? There is no such person.

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