An Yinong had a dream that night. In the dream, he went back to the past and drank the water from his trusted friend. The price was the permanent loss of hearing in one ear and almost no sound in the other ear.

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    He saw himself standing there bleeding from seven orifices, and then a dagger was added to his chest, and blood gushed out, more and more. For a moment, blood seemed to surround him, like amniotic fluid wrapped around a fetus, giving him a strange sense of security.

    An Yinong woke up, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

    “Are you having a nightmare?” The system was used to it. When the host first came here, he had nightmares almost every day. It has gotten better recently. He must have gotten irritated looking at the photos yesterday.

    An Yinong’s eyes stared ahead: “Yes, I had a nightmare.”

    “Bang bang.” There was a knock on the door, it turned out that Tao Ran came to find An Yinong to have breakfast together.

    Inviting others to dinner again and again, was already a courageous move for a shy person, and he needed something else to wash away the remnants of the nightmare, so An Yinong no longer refused. But the two of them didn’t bring their assistants, and they couldn’t imitate others and ask their assistants to bring meals, so they had to go down to eat by themselves. Where should they eat?

    “There’s a restaurant on the top floor. There shouldn’t be many people here. Why don’t we go there?” They stayed for one night and would leave today, even if people knew they lived in this hotel, it didn’t matter.

    Tao Ran thought about it and thought it was okay.

    Unexpectedly, just as the two people went out, the other two guests came out from a different room. The four guests looked up at each other, with smiles like plastic flowers on their faces: “What a coincidence, are you having breakfast?”

    “Yeah, you too?” All four were laughing, but no one spoke, and silence surrounded them.

    “Senior Tao Ran, long time no see. Speaking of which, the last time I saw Senior Tao Ran was at the casting scene. It’s a pity that Senior Tao Ran was not selected, otherwise, we would have been on the same crew.”

    The gray-haired entertainer smiled and said hello. “I heard that senior is sick? Just take good care of your body.”

    Tao Ran tightened his fingers and forced a laugh.

    “Let’s go, aren’t you going to have breakfast?” An Yinong paused, he looked like he was asking Tao Ran, but he was actually chasing away guests.

    “Eat breakfast? Wait, you want to go out to eat?” Another curly-haired artist looked surprised as if watching two monkeys escape over the wall in a zoo, “Are you sure?”

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    “It’s because they didn’t bring an assistant.” The gray-haired artist ‘kindly’ explained.

    “Even if senior is not in a good state recently, the company can’t do this. After all, how can you not even deserve an assistant? Although senior should not be surrounded by fans…” At this moment, the gray-haired artist pretended to scold himself: “I’m just outspoken, I’m sorry. Hey, what a pity, my assistant already bought something and sent it here, otherwise I could have added something to the two seniors.” 

    An Yinong walked several steps, but couldn’t help turning my head: “It’s strange, you have played so many scenes, why are you still so bad at acting?”

    The gray-haired artist: “…”

    “It doesn’t matter, I am a junior who just started. But senior Ke Yinong, your voice… …Are you okay?”

    “Very good.” An Yinong smirked, “You really don’t have to worry about the problem of calming down after becoming popular, you won’t be popular anyway.”

    “You!” The two groups broke up unhappily. They were so nauseated early in the morning that they almost lost their appetite.

    An Yinong walked forward with a blank expression, while Tao Ran walked on the other side with a smile on his lips. If one chose to offend their peers to defend him without any hesitation, this was a friend, right?

    They arrived at the restaurant on the top floor, sat down by the window, and the waiter delivered the tableware. The other diners in the restaurant looked curiously and even took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures. They didn’t expect to meet actors after breakfast, and they all felt it was novel and interesting.

    An Yinong and Tao Ran sat in the lobby, scanning codes and ordering food under the curious eyes of everyone, without the slightest awareness of public figures.

    “Do you want sweet or salty soy milk?”

    “Sweet. Do you want siu mai? Buy two get one free. There are also discounted items today.”

    “…” The crowd eavesdropped.

    Not only did they not have the consciousness of a public figure, the two even chose the highest discount package in a very down-to-earth manner. Breakfast didn’t even exceed 30 yuan, and in the end, was only around 10 dollars per person. At this restaurant a fried egg cost three dollars, so the meal was really frugal.

    They misunderstood that the two of them meant to be frugal. The program team gave them a standard budget of 200 dollars a meal, which was reimbursed, and it would not save their own pockets. The main reason was that both of them had light tastes and didn’t have much appetite, so eating these was enough, and it was a waste to eat too much.

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    Later, the waiter came to collect the plates and found that there was nothing left on it, even the soy milk was finished. The video of An Yinong and Tao Ran’s breakfast was quickly posted on the Internet. The sweet party said that their favorability was up, up, up, and the netizens also felt very cordial.

    “Operation CD.”

    “It’s too real to buy on discount or something?” Of course, some people doubted it for a show. After all, it was normal for artists to have extravagant desires.

    “Calm down. When these two chatted yesterday and said that cabbage rose by 20 cents recently, I knew they had a unique style.”

    “My God, finally an artist can do what ordinary people can do instead of buying whatever they want. Whether it’s a show or not, it’s a good thing. It’s not easy to produce a normal person in this circle.”

    “So they are in the sweet party? I have added a good general to the sweet soy milk army!”

    “No, no, no, sweet soy milk is the devil, I must tell them about my secret recipe for salty soy milk!”

    “Hey! The enemy army upstairs wants to disturb my sweet party’s morale, drag them out, and feed them extra sweet milk chocolate!”

    Ignoring the salty and sweet dispute, the comments under this video were harmonious. This era was one when traffic was king. Little stars were in charge of all kinds of glamorous personalities. How could they show such a “civilian” side in the public eye?

    On the one hand, it was a star with its own aura; on the other hand, it was the daily and familiar details of life. This contrast was very attractive.

    “Their daily life has its own magical power, and there is nothing explosive, but it can attract you to watch it unconsciously. Unfortunately, the live broadcast will start in the afternoon, so we can’t shoot them right now.” The chief director felt that he missed a million-dollar opportunity.

    “By the way, are all the assistants here? Can you turn curious passers-by into fans of the show? At least just watch this episode.”

 “Don’t worry, director.” “My Show, My Way” publicly dissed their program. It’s a small online variety show, wasn’t the program group angry? Of course, anger was useless, only strength could earn back their face, and all other protests and entreaties were useless.

    “I am very confident now.” The chief director reviewed the feedback evaluation, “The traffic era has entered a saturated state, and everyone is starting to dislike this cheap industrial assembly line artist. The future must be an era where strength is king.”

    Celebrity stars appearing was like hearing about an escaped zoo animal. Hearing that a celebrity was coming to the hotel, the hotel residents were curious and inquired about it, and a very small number of fans came after hearing the news, and they all wanted to meet the stars.

     Looking at the fans and passers-by who were blocking the door, the two artists upstairs were still worrying about why they were so popular, but An Yinong and Tao Ran, wearing masks and carrying bags, had already walked out of the lobby.

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     “I heard that the four guests of “I’m Really a Star” are all here. I really like Tao Ran. Did you watch the live broadcast yesterday? The sense of security is overwhelming at the critical moment.”

   “I like Ke Yinong better, his arms were injured, but he still wants to comfort others first, and worry about affecting the show, being cold outside and hot inside.”

    They blocked the gate, and many of them came for An Yinong and the others, probably the residual effect of yesterday’s live broadcast. These people squeezed at the door and looked in, but they didn’t know that the person they were looking for had already passed them by with a calm expression, and boarded a car.

    “Let the program team pick us up? We don’t need to mobilize so many people. Why don’t we just take a taxi there.” An Yinong proposed after breakfast and was eager to try.

    “Okay.” Tao Ran was led badly. After many years, he once again felt the joy of a good boy being led by a bad boy to play truant. He forgot those nightmares that he couldn’t get rid of and followed him.

    The driver didn’t care who the passengers were, he was staring at the road conditions, and there were many yellow lines, so there was a traffic jam ahead. “It’s the rush hour for commuting, so it’s a bit congested.” He reminded the two passengers in the back row to make them mentally prepared.

    “Driver, don’t worry, we are not in a hurry, you drive slowly.” The passenger’s voice was hoarse.

    The driver stepped on the accelerator: “Okay.”

    “Oh, it was photographed.” An Yinong showed Tao Ran the latest news, “It’s too exaggerated, I almost thought I did something amazing.”

    When it comes to things that ordinary people could do, they were still praised. This world was really too magical.

    Tao Ran also saw it: “Sometimes I feel terrible as if the two sides are separated. By the way, is your arm better? I think Brother Guo broke out in cold sweat yesterday.” 

    Tao Ran knew that Brother Guo was the program crew leader. The person in charge broke out in a cold sweat yesterday. He was worried about a coddled artist needing to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance, but fortunately, An Yinong was tough.

    “It just looks scary, and I’ll be fine in two days.”

    The city’s morning rush hour was as jam-packed as frozen cream. They didn’t move for a long time, and the two of them just watched the vehicles outside the window to pass the time. Occasionally, they saw a cool sculpture from the window.

    Tao Ran looked at the time, turned around, and said, “I don’t know what will be arranged for the program.”

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    An Yinong smiled: “It’s either a fun surprise or a scare.”

    Tao Ran turned his watch with one hand, and three slender scars were looming under the watch: “In the previous two episodes, guests were asked to come on stage to show…” 

    An Yinong’s gaze turned back from the window: “Worried about me?”

    But Tao Ran just smiled and shook his head: “Has Yinong ever considered changing career?” 

    “Why do you ask?”

    “Just curious, if for some reason, you have to give up what you want most What job do you want to do?”

    “…Most people in the world can’t do the job they want most.”

    “Yes, there are always many unsatisfactory things in the world.” Tao Ran sighed “So how would Yinong choose?”

    An Yinong knew that Tao Ran seemed to be asking him, but he was actually asking himself. The plot did not detail what illness he had, but judging from the fact that he quit showbiz and even committed suicide, his illness must be very serious, and it had already affected his career.

    “My dream is to become a singer and hold concerts.” An Yinong looked out the window, “If it really doesn’t work, I can also learn to paint, take pictures, and find all kinds of beautiful things in the world.” 

    He turned his head and looked at Tao Ran: “Sounds good, right?”

    The author has something to say:

    Netizens: These two artists are so simple and positive~

    Passers-by: What did they do?

    Netizen: They have done what most ordinary people in the world can do.

    Passerby: …

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