At Shiana’s request, they decided to have the dessert to be served outside in the garden terrace.

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Haron didn’t think much of it. He thought of staying for a bit and then disappear. That was the thought.

After the Emperor left, Haron thought that Shiana would be shy enough to approach him, and unexpectedly she became more livelier than before.

“Then, have you ever been to the eastern continent?”

“No. I just met a few merchants from there.”

“Aha, I heard that the merchants from the east sell a lot of interesting items, so what did you buy from them?”

“Well, I just remembered buying some medication that I could use.”


Shiana then gave off a warm smile. It wasn’t a very exciting conversation, it was more like a question and answer between a superior and a subordinate.

Nevertheless, because of their outstanding beauty, people would look at them like a masterpiece.

Her hair shows a red due when being reflected by the sunlight, while Haron’s black and blue hair flutters in the wind.

The maids passing by were secretly spying on them.

“If it’s okay with you, I’d love to hear about your adventures.”

“There’s really nothing interesting about it.”

“Actually… I like that kind of topic.”

“Something like that?”

Shiana whispered in a low voice as if telling a secret.

“I have loved adventure stories since I was a kid. I also read a lot of stories about monsters and demons.”

“…Is that so?”

“I was often scolded for being a tomboy. My mother once cut my hair into a bob style, because I had all kinds of dirt on my head.”

As if recalling her childhood, she smiled with an innocent face and waited for Haron’s response.

“I see.”

‘…Seriously, is that all? Compared to all the random things that I’ve shared, that is the only response that I’ve got?’

Fortunately, after waiting a little longer, Haron opened his mouth again. This time, he was smiling a little.

“I’m quite familiar with it.”


“With your short red hair, I remember you running around the Imperial Palace everyday.”

His eyes were folded like a crescent moon.

“So it was you.”

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“Oh… I guess we met when we were just kids.”

“You must have forgotten about it, or are you pretending to forget?”

Shiana took a deep breath as her smile turned slightly wistful and pitiful. Her voice trembled as she spoke.

“Haha… I could never forget such a handsome face.”

“That was a long time ago.”

Haron, who had been staring from a distance, turned his gaze back to Shiana. She still wore a beautiful smile on her face.

“The princess was definitely a tomboy. It was to the point that, when she was bored and played a game of hitting stones in my head.

However, in his next words, Shiana’s face hardened in an instant.

“You called me a lot of different names, let’s see, they are…. Idiot, mojiri, and what else is it again?”

(T/N Mojiri is someone who behave in stupid or moron way.)


“Oh, you said dirty rat.”

“…What?! You remembered everything, I shouldn’t have acted shy then.”

Shiana’s expression turned into annoyance and irritation. On the contrary, Haron had a slightly brighter face.

“Of course I remember.”

“Jerk. You should apologized first, then I’ll forgive you”


It’s true to say that he was forced to apologize to the Empress because she ended up getting caught by one of her ministers.

Haron smiled.

“I was on the verge of forgetting. But when I think about what you’ve been through all your life, all that you’ve done is just a kid’s prank.”

If it hadn’t been for the story of her red short hair that she had told herself, he probably wouldn’t have remembered it at all.

It’s not like it didn’t hurt his young heart at that time, but it hasn’t been a bitter story until now.

It reminded him how fragile and scared he was before, Haron smiled a little.

“Even so, didn’t the princess know that it was me from the beginning? I was already called a Warrior back then, but there are not two people in this country who have been ordained as a warrior.”

“I never really thought it would be you. Actually, I forgot about it until you said it.”

“I’m so envious of how quickly you forget, maybe it’s because you’re smart?”

“You… Has your personality deteriorated a lot lately? It’s all garbage.”

“Who says?”

Shiana looked surprised with his relaxed face and comfortable way of speaking. Looking at his appearance, he grew up really well, but his personality has become a different kind of thing.

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‘Clearly, when I was young, even if I hit him with a stone, he couldn’t say anything about it. He must have endured a lot back then.’

‘Did they pick up a new Warrior without my knowledge?’ Shiana thought since he changed so much from what she remembered.

Shiana shrugged her shoulders as she curiously looked at him intently.

“So, what now?”


“You didn’t know? What do you think is the reason why his Majesty forced me to stay with you?”

“Are you talking about marriage?”

“Then you know it well.”

Haron chuckled.

“Me to the princess?”

“Yes, that’s the plan. My father thinks that the Imperial family needs someone like you. You’re popular with the people, you have loyalty and good skills.”


“Since you had a terrible relationship with the Duke, aren’t I the best choice for you?”

Shiana raised her chin. It was an attitude that shows arrogance.

‘Because I know that you need me.’

Haron laughed inwardly and looked at her. He knew that Shiana’s position in the Imperial family was unstable.

The only Princess with legitimacy born from the Empress.

It could be said that it was a great power, but it was only possible when the power of the Emperor was strong.

Now, the power of the aristocratic faction is stronger than the Imperial power, even though she’s the only Princess in the Empire, she did not have that much power or influence.

Rather, the children of the concubines were not in a bad position, thanks to the influence of their own families.

The Empress only empowered Shiana’s brother, the Crown Prince, while

the Crown Prince treated her as inferior.

In such a situation, marrying the hero was the best option for her position.

Shiana showed a brazen attitude, but the truth is, she was terrified that he might refuse.

“Well, if necessary, I can give you a decent title. This is something I discussed with my father.”

“No need for that.”

Haron shook his head.

The Duke wouldn’t let Haron get a new title and leave him. And also Haron had no intention of leaving Blake until he finally managed to defeat him.

‘It would be easier for me to help Lucia…’

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After thinking, Haron quietly opened his mouth.

“No matter how much you think about it, it doesn’t seem right, Princess.”

“…Am I being dumped by you, seriously?”

“Yes. That’s correct.”

Shiana’s face frowned at the sight of him speaking calmly as if it was nothing special.

“Why? There’s nothing to lose? What’s the reason why you don’t want this marriage?”

Shiana shows a bewildered face as if she didn’t understand his reason. Haron thought deeply and finally answered with a smile.

“My house is a bit strict.”


(Lucia’s POV)

“Come on Lucia, listen to this lady okay?”

“Yes, I am listening.”

‘Forced to listen.’

Lucia thought as she walked down the street as fast as she could, but the chattery Mrs. Mercel clung to her and babbled continuously.

“Listen, Tina is eighteen now. It would be hard for her to find a good man if she would be late to find him. I’m just telling you what this lady has been through. When I was at that age…”

“Oh, yes.”

Although she answered annoyingly, Mrs. Mercel wouldn’t budge and still continued with her story.

‘Why does a person who is good at business have no sense in this kind of thing? Or are you just pushing it even though you already noticed it?’

“I’m sorry, but Tina doesn’t want to date your son.”

“I’ll tell you again, I’m not telling you to have them date. I’m just asking you if you could let them meet and talk, okay?”

“I’m sorry but I don’t agree with that.”

‘I’m not sure how many times I’ve repeated this to her.’

Whenever Mrs. Mercel saw Lucia at the village, she would always pester her, and asked the same thing.

Since Tina started attending the academy, she didn’t appear in the village often, that’s why she seemed to be more impatient.

No matter what she said, Lucia had no intention of tying up Belsy and Tina.

‘Somehow, I don’t feel like going out anymore.’

‘It was a pity that I couldn’t avoid the feeling that heaven had given me. I shouldn’t have said that I’d go shopping alone.’

However, she wanted to avoid the unfortunate situation of not being able to cook just because there were no ingredients rather than there’s no talented chef.

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“Ugh, Tina was really kind and sweet. You wouldn’t really understand.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say.”

Lucia doesn’t have the confidence on winning this conversation that she’s having with Mrs. Mercel, since they always repeat the same topic over and over again.

“Maybe because you don’t have any lover, Lucia, but please don’t be mean to your sister.”


Lucia felt goosebumps all over her body, as she rubbed her arms continuously.

‘How in the hell would she think of that?’

Unlike Lucia who was shocked as if she was hit in the head, Mrs. Mercel narrowed her eyes as she grabbed her arms and pulled her.

A triumphant smile appeared on the woman’s face.

“If that’s the case, why didn’t you just tell me earlier without being rude?

“I told you I wasn’t going to meet anyone.”

“Why are you always so stubborn? That might be the reason why no one even tried to approach you.”

Mrs. Mercel suddenly clicked her tongue as if she was sad for Lucia. And it seems like she had heard something that she wanted to hear.

She pulled out a small notebook from her arms.

“Wait, let me see. I’ve met a lot of people lately, because of the deals that I had with the other merchants. Among them, there’s this one man who’s on the same level as you, but a little bit more decent….”


Before she could say anything, someone grabbed her wrist.

Mrs. Mercel, who was a little bit annoyed, turned 180 degrees as soon as she saw the face of her son

“Oh, my son!”

There was a flash of life in her eyes. As if all the irritation that she felt has completely blown away.

It doesn’t seem like one person, since the other side almost dies with annoyance, but another person shows up.

Mrs. Mercel stopped paying attention to Lucia as soon as Belsy appeared, and fixed her gaze only to him, who is two spans taller than Lucia.

Belsy smiled gently at her mother.

“What are you doing in the middle of the town?”

“Oh, it’s nothing, I was just… I was just having a little chat with Lucia.”

“You must have said something useless again. I told you not to do it because It was annoying.”

There was a strange coolness in Belsy’s tone of voice.

Belsy seemed embarrassed about it and he smiled once again at Mrs. Mercel, and said.

“It’s annoying.”

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