(Lucia’s 1st person pov)

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“It’s annoying, Mother.”

The surrounding atmosphere subsided as if cold water had just been poured.

Mrs. Mercel looked blankly as if she had been hit on the head. However, she quickly regained her consciousness at the sight of her son smiling brightly.

She then let out an awkward laugh.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Belsy. I’ll take the blame. As your mother, I was only trying to help you…”

“You didn’t help me at all. On the contrary, it bothered me quite a bit. You should apologize to Lucia, not me.”

“Yes, I will! Lucia, are you feeling alright? I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

I wasn’t very happy with the apology.

I don’t really like Mrs. Mercel.

I didn’t like her shameless way of thinking that everything she said was true, as well as her obvert judgment towards others and other nonsensical chatter.

It was extremely annoying to be forcefully entered into a matchmaking session, even though I clearly said no.

But more than that, I hated Belsy.

“Go away, Mother.”

“Oh, yes. It’s already time. Then, Belsy, come with me…”


When Belsy cut her off at once, Mrs. Mercel left with an awkward smile once again.

If I was her, I would have slapped him on the back of his head. How much do you love your son to spoil him like that?

When Mrs. Mercel disappeared, Belsy turned to look at me and then, he smiled.

“Long time no see, beautiful.”

“Don’t call me like that in such a disgusting manner.”

How can you be so despicable when you call me by only an adjective?

This guy, who I hadn’t seen in two years, had changed so drastically.

Grayish brown hair and eyes. He had grown taller, and looked good at first glance, so he must have been quite popular with the girls in town lately.

Mrs. Mersel said that she was busy boasting about her son everywhere she went, to the point where her mouth became dry, so I thought it was worth checking him out.

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He seemed to have grown in every way, except for his damn filthy personality. The worse I felt, the more a smile bloomed on Belsy’s face.

“What do you want me to call you, then? How about I call you Lucia?”

“You’re bad luck. Don’t you dare say my name because you’ll defile it.”

“Okay, Lucia. Where are you going, Lucia?”


I’m done talking to you.

I walked away, leaving Belsy behind.

I walked fast to get away from him, but Belsy walked faster. His distance from my side didn’t increase, even though he was chattering away. Is this a mother-in-law war?

Mrs. Mercel had a lot of work to do, so if I don’t deal with her, she’ll disappear. But Belsy, on the other hand, would’ve chased me all day.

‘I have to hallucinate and kick him out of here.’

I turned around and walked towards the dark and complex alleyway.

I kept thinking about doing it, but I had no choice but to spare him because I was afraid that it would’ve sparked a big incident.

“Lucia, did you hear about the recent news?”

I’m going to make a loud noise because of you.

I pretended that I didn’t hear him so I didn’t answer. But Belsy kept talking to himself, with or without waiting for a reply.

“In the capital these days, the Warrior has been the talk of the town.”


“I heard that there’s talk of marriage between him and the Princess. Did you know about that?”


“Poor Lucia, you’ve been abandoned. That’s why I said you would regret it. You and the Warrior were never going to… oops!”

“Shut up.”

As soon as I checked that there was no one around, I grabbed him by the collar with one of my hands.

Belsy’s expression, drawn by my unexpected force, was distorted.

My body looks weak on the outside, but it was the body of the Devil King. It was laughable holding and shaking such an ordinary, weak human being.

“…I thought you were just a pretty face, but you’re stronger than I thought.”

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“Why are you acting up without knowing the whole subject? Huh?”

I whispered softly into his ear.

“I warned you. Go and be a good son to your mother, and live quietly.”

“I’m already a good son to my mother. What? Are you already worried about your future mother-in-law?”

“I want to sew your mouth so that you can’t talk anymore.”

I put more force into my hand that grabbed his collar. It wasn’t common for the taller person to be grabbed by the collar by someone smaller than him.

“I’m not going to let you out of my sight because I’m afraid you’ll go create trouble and add even more annoyances.”

I recited my words clearly.

“If I find you more troublesome than that, I’ll kill you right away, Belsy.”

With every word I said, Belsy’s throat tingled.

Was he threatened by my words? Or is he holding back his laughter?

I blinked for a moment and looked at him, then I let go of the collar I was holding, as if to throw him away.

Belsy coughed and stumbled slightly. But even during that moment, he was smiling softly.

“Great, I don’t mind a woman this powerful.”

“You crazy bastard.”

Lastly, I flicked my middle finger at him and gradually moved away from him.

I felt no regret in my steps.

Belsy no longer followed me.

Seeing that I was alone in a dark alleyway, I hurried my steps.


“Hey, you there! Who the heck are you!”

Some ferocious-looking men walked to Belsy, who had been left behind.

Belsy, the son of a well-known merchant in this town, was wearing neat and expensive clothes, so they looked at him glaringly.

“This is our territory, if you come in recklessly, you’ll have to pay the price.”

The man in front of Belsy revealed a small weapon in his hand.

However, Belsy’s eyes were still glued to the area where Lucia disappeared.

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“This bastard…can’t you hear us?!”

The man reached for Belsy’s collar.

In less than a second, the sound of something falling could be heard.


The man looked blankly at Belsy, unable to grasp the situation.

Blinking his eyes, the man continued to stare at him blankly before screaming loudly.

“Akkk! My hand, my wrist!”

“Oh shoot, brother, are you alright?!”

Those behind the man rushed towards him. A while ago, the man had a wrist, but now he doesn’t.

“Fuck! I hate this! Save me!”

“You bastard! What have you done to my brother?!”

Each of the men took out their clubs and weapons and rushed at Belsy.

Belsy’s eyes wandered towards the end of the alleyway, where Lucia had disappeared, and then glanced back at the men, who rushed at him.

His brown eyes flashed red for a second.

Then, some time passed.


A small sigh spread through the air.

He trudged over and sat down in a corner of the alleyway.

‘If I find you more troublesome than that, I’ll kill you right away, Belsy.’

The last words she left seemed to be ringing in his ears.

“How can you…”

In front of him were a number of fallen men. He looked at them with unimpressed eyes.

For some reason, his mouth felt cramped as if he had been chewing sand.

“Next time, I’ll tell you what I want to really say.”

‘Fake Devil.’

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He smiled with a chuckle as if he could not wait for that day.

“This is so fun, so next time we meet, I hope you’ll hate me more.”


I stretched my hand upwards.

In the cold and dark water, towards the only direction where light enters.

A sinking sensation. As I felt that hazy feeling, something suddenly swung my ankle down.


I was dragged down helplessly as if caught by a water ghost.

Deep down on the floor, black vines grabbed me endlessly. First, one of my ankles was taken. Then, my wrist, calves, shoulders, and finally, my neck.

I twisted my body momentarily as I felt my neck tighten up like crazy.

Hah…hah…I’m out of breath…

I knew this wasn’t real, but the pain felt so vivid and realistic.

I hastily tried to reach the vine wrapped around my neck.

However, it was impossible because the vine restrained not only my wrist but my entire body.

I felt like a small insect stuck in a spider’s web. I had no choice but to struggle alone with futile resistance.

I clenched my teeth hard.

For at least a few hundred times, I had been submerged into this unconsciousness.

I’ve been coming here almost every day lately, but it’s not like I can give you my strength….

As if the vine didn’t like my words, the vines around my neck began to wrap around me even more tightly.

It didn’t hurt as much as it did when I gained the power of pain, but I felt stiff and numb everywhere. Every time I struggled with the vines, more wounds were added.

In addition, the vines would drag me down heavily.

My body, which had been desperately resisting, loosened up for a moment.

Why am I doing this?

Gradually, such questions filled my dazed mind. The feeling of helplessness weighing down on my body was more painful than the physical pain.

I slowly lowered my head as I felt my eyes flicker black.

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