Chapter 61 – Hyakunin Kumite

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It has been about a month since I resumed karate training.

I’m back as sharp as I used to be, and I’m overcoming my fear when I face my opponents.

I have concerns about my stamina, but as a woman, I would need a lot of time to build up my fitness any further.

It was the day before Christmas Eve when I asked the dojo teacher to arrange a schedule for me.

Sensei called out to many of his students, including seniors and juniors, and on the day of the event, more than 30 students were able to gather.

The challenge I am taking on is the “Hyakunin Kumite.”

As the name suggests, it is a form of spar with a hundred people.

Since our dojo alone does not have 100 students, each student will have to take turns to fight 3 rounds of kumite.

I, on the other hand, am alone, and with almost no break, will challenge 100 people.

Why am I trying to take on such a hard, rough challenge?

In short, to change myself.

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I’m not worthy of Moriyama-kun right now.

But I can’t give up my feelings for Moriyama-kun.

Then there is only one answer.

All I can do is become the kind of person who can say “I love you” to Moriyama-kun with pride.

As a martial artist, I was wrong when I said that a woman’s love is a battle. This love was a battle against myself from the start.


23 December, in the evening.

Even though it was a weekday, many students gathered at the dojo. There are men and women, students like me and working adults.

I greeted my colleagues who have gathered here, “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule! I look forward to working with you today!” and then got into the changing room.

Alone in the changing room, quietly calming myself down, I heard the ringtone of “Enter the Dragon” from my phone in my sports bag.

When I took out my phone, it showed “Ichiro Moriyama.”

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I’d like to take his call…

But I’d like to refrain from doing it before the Hyakunin Kumite…

What should I do?


Eventually, I answered the phone.


“Urushibara-san! Thank God you answered the phone! You’re at the dojo, right? I’m sorry to interrupt your practice! I really need to tell you something, so I’m going to the dojo! Please give me a few minutes of your time after today’s practice. Good luck with practice then!”

Beep, beep, beep.

Moriyama-kun…just said what he wanted to say and hung up.

Does he know where the dojo is?

And what!? He’s coming right now!?

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But I’m doing the Hyakunin Kumite…

Oh, no!

I can’t be weak!

Maybe it’s even a good opportunity.

It’s a good opportunity for him to see me differently, a changed me.

Besides, if I think that Moriyama-kun is watching me, I will be able to suppress my weakness.

On my smartphone, I said, “Do you know where the dojo is? If you don’t know, just ask Mama. I’m going to start practicing now, I’m sorry. When you get to the dojo, please go inside. I’ll let them know that a visitor is coming.” I also sent a message to Mama.

When it was time, a junior girl came to call me.

I put away my phone, stood up and slapped myself in the face with both hands!

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There was an explanation of the rules by the teacher before the start.

Time limit of one minute per person.

Once one run is taken, the opponent is replaced.

Opponents are prohibited from using footwork.

The teacher will decide whether the challenger can continue the match.

Once the briefing was over, we started immediately.

I faced the first opponent and bowed.

He confronts me with a serious expression on his face.

Behind the opponent, other opponents are looking at me with serious expressions.


Unable to suppress my passion, I just attacked aggressively from the first match.

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