Chapter 62 – Roundhouse Kick, and then a Confession

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After calling Urushibara-san and telling her that I was going to meet her now, I put on my jacket and ran out of the room, when I received a message from Urushibara-san, instructing me to ask Mama-san where the dojo was.

Furthermore, when I was about to send a message to Mama-san, I received a call directly from her…

“Hello? Moriyama-kun?”

“Mama-san, sorry to bother you at your busy time! Could you tell me the address of Urushibara-san’s dojo?”

“About that, I’m going to pick you up in a car now and we’ll go together.”

“What? Are you sure?”

“It’s okay. I was originally going to pick you up anyway, and that way, we can cheer for her together, Moriyama-kun.”

“I’m sorry, but I have to take your word for it.”

“I’ll be there in about 10 minutes, I’ll call you when I get there.”

I waited in the house, and 10 minutes later I received a call from Mama-san saying “I’ve arrived.”

As I hurried out the front door, I saw a white domestic luxury car parked there.

The window came down, Mama-san said, “Moriyama-kun! Get in, get in!” I hurriedly got into the passenger seat and the car started to drive away.

“From here, I think it takes about 20 minutes to get there.”

“I’m sorry to rush you when you’re so busy.”

“It’s okay. It’s Himeka-chan’s big day.”

“Is it an important day?”

“Oh my, Moriyama-kun, you haven’t heard?”

“No, Urushibara-san didn’t say anything. I have something more important to tell her…”

“I see, well, you’ll understand when you get there. Moriyama-kun, let’s cheer together.”

“I don’t really understand, but I would be happy to support Urushibara-san in any way that I can.”

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When I arrived at the karate dojo, I could hear the cheers and enthusiasm from inside the building.

Mama-san walked into the dojo and I followed behind her.

Inside, there were about 30-40 students in sportswear, but I could spot Urushibara-san immediately.

Urushibara-san was in the middle of a spar in the center.

People around were shouting at the two sparring players, and everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats.

When I look at Urushibara-san, she appears to be suffering from exhaustion.

She was breathing heavily on her shoulders and sweating an unusual amount.

“That’s it!” The referee stopped them, and they both bowed.

I wondered if the spar was over. Urushibara-san was still breathing with her hands on her knees, and when she looked up and bowed again, the referee said, “Ninety-two! Begin!” The spar began again with the referee’s call.

“Mama-san, what does this mean?”

“Himeka-chan is in the middle of a rough training. Have you ever heard of the Hyakunin Kumite?”

“I’ve heard of this…but why is she doing this again?”

“You’ll have to hear that from her.”


Urushibara-san, while on the defensive, showed tremendous spirit.

She’s been sparring with 92 people so far.

Although her body is probably battered and bruised, her expression is full of fighting spirit, and she even looks like she’s ready to kill.

I thought this is the real Urushibara-san.

I felt that it was cooler, more beautiful and more precious to see her fighting in front of me now than to see her behaving like an honor student at school.

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The others around naturally started cheering for her.

“Himeka-san! Come on! Fight!”

I cheered so loudly and so desperately that I lost my voice.

Before I knew it, the spar with the 100th men had begun…

The cheering students around said, “It’s the last one! Himeka, you’ve got to be strong!” and “Don’t let your guard down until the end!”

Urushibara-san seemed to have difficulty raising her arms and holding herself up, almost like standing on sticks.

The moment her opponent stepped forward to close the distance, Urushibara-san’s body rotated beautifully…

It was a familiar sight.

Yeah, I’ve had that kick in the face too.

Urushibara-san’s roundhouse kick hit her opponent in the neck area and her opponent got knocked out.

Urushibara-san landed beautifully and immediately took a stance.

“Ippon!” (T/N: A full point in karate/judo matches, or the like)

The students cheered in unison as soon as the referee called that out.

I wasn’t fighting, but tears spontaneously started to flow.

After Urushibara-san made a final bow, she collapsed to the ground.

I could see Urushihara-san collapsing in slow motion.

I ran out and caught the falling Urushibara-san without paying attention to the surrounding people.

Urushibara-san was sweating profusely, her breathing was very ragged and her eyes were unfocused.

“Excuse me! We need oxygen!” When I shouted, one of the students hurriedly brought a spray-type oxygen inhaler and I put the inhaler to her mouth and said, “Himeka-san! Can you hear me? Breathe slowly!” 

After about five minutes, Urushibara-san’s breathing began to calm down.

“Thank you for coming, Moriyama-kun. Hah…hah…”

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“No, sorry for barging in on such an important training day.”

We’re finally able to have a conversation, albeit a little bit.

Then, a man who looked like a dojo teacher approached me.

“Why don’t you talk in the back, where everyone can’t see you?”

“Thank you…very much, Sensei. I will do…just that. Hah…hah…”

Urushibara-san tried to stand up, so I lent her my shoulder and put my hand around her waist to help her stand.

Urushibara-san, who managed to stand up with my assistance, said, “Thank you all for coming out today! We were able to accomplish this without a hitch, thanks to all of you who stuck with me through all of the practice!” She thanked everyone.

Then, all the students applauded and said, “Himeka! Well done!” “Congratulations! Urushibara!” and cheers of congratulations.

I check in with Urushibara-san, who is responding to the cheers of the audience.

“Can you walk, Himeka-san?”

I’m lending her my shoulder and my face is so close to hers that our faces almost stick together.

Urushibara-san’s face turned red.


“Okay. Then I’ll carry you out.”

After she said she couldn’t walk, I let Urushibara-san’s left hand grab my neck and lift her up with both hands.

It’s called ‘The Princess Carry.’

“T-T-T-This is!?”

“Ufufu, it’s a princess carry. Reserved only for Himeka-san.”

“What!? Moriyama-kun made a joke!?”

“Is that the part that surprises you?”

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“No, um… You’re calling me by my name…”

“I was cheering for you so hard, and before I knew it, I was calling you that. If you don’t like it, I can change it back.”

“I don’t hate it! Keep it up! I want you to keep calling me Himeka!”

“Ufufu, I understand.”

Walking with Urushibara-san in a princess carry position amidst the cheers of the students…

I was a bit embarrassed and I couldn’t see Urushibara-san’s face up close, so I turned my gaze to the front and spoke to her.

“I have one more thing to say to you. Please listen to what I have to say.”


“I love you, Himeka-san. I love you so much.”


“A troublesome man like me may not be the right man for you, Himeka-san, but my love for you is real.”


“From now on, please let me stay by your side like this for a long time to come.”

We arrived at the changing room and I lowered Urushibara-san onto a bench.

When I let go of the hands that were supporting Urushibara-san and tried to raise myself up, she grabbed me by the neck with both hands and pulled me to her. With that momentum, I fell down to embrace Urushibara-san.

“I wuv you too, huu~~! Aww this time~ Huu~”

Urushibara-san replied to my confession with tears in her eyes.

She’s crying so hard that I’m a little bit taken back.

When I was about to say thank you, she shut my mouth.

In front of me is Urushibara-san’s face. It’s a mouth-to-mouth kiss.

Urushibara-san is kissing me excitedly, with a different kind of breathing than when she was sparring.

Hah…hah… Heavy breathing

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