…No. She even said, ‘give me a little time to consider.’ So, what in the world is it rushed like this?

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Anriche stared at the two ladies seated in front of her with a tired face.

“Why did you come here, Mother?”

The middle-aged lady with her back upright smiled gracefully as she put a sip of tea in her mouth.

“Why, can’t I even see my daughter’s face as I please?”

“I think that in order to maintain a close relationship with each other, we have to respect the minimum courtesy.”

The face of the Grand Madam of the Marquis of Saxony hardened slightly at the shocking answer. Still, Anriche spoke in a calm voice.

“I am my mother’s daughter, but I am also the Mistress of Valois.”


“If the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony is visiting the Duchess of Valois, shouldn’t she have contacted me in advance?”

Anriche inquired in that way and gave a gentle glance to the lady sitting next to the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony.

“Especially, when you are going to visit with another lady like this.”

That lady was the Viscountess Ivan.

Perhaps she was trying to make something out of the chilly atmosphere, Viscountess Ivan trembled with her words.

“Lady Anriche, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. I’m glad.”

“First of all, the title is wrong. I’m not ‘Lady Anriche’, but ‘Duchess of Valois’.”

At those words, Viscountess Ivan shrugged her shoulders.

Anriche pushed up the tip of her lips. She had a smile as sharp as a knife.

“Of course, it’s nice to meet you, if you haven’t come to visit me so suddenly.”

“Du, Duchess. That…”

“So, the reason you came to see me so suddenly… is it because of Liliana?”

As if she didn’t want to hear their excuses, she cut off the Viscountess’ words with a soft voice. Viscountess Ivan gave her a stern look.

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At the same time, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony interrupted the conversation again.

“Yes, I asked her to come with me.”

“I must have already replied to you. I need time to think.”

Anriche narrowed her eyes before continuing her words, “It’s not about anyone else, it’s about finding a tutor for the child.”

“So, didn’t I bring Viscountess Ivan here to ease your troubles?”

“No. Aside from the parents and nanny, the tutor is the person who spends the most time with the child.”

She shook her head and spoke firmly.

“Even if you come to visit me like this, it’s still difficult to make up my mind right now.”

“Honestly, what do you need to worry about?”


“You know that no one is more adept at teaching a Lady than Viscountess Ivan, right?”

Saying so, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony twitched her tongue. It’s like watching a child who doesn’t know anything, lash out for nothing.

“Rather, to be able to have Viscountess Ivan as a teacher is an opportunity for the daughter of Count Aberyt.”

The Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony tilted her torso, making eye contact with Anriche.

Her eyes were like snakes in front of delicious food.

“Think. How many ladies Viscountess Ivan raised?”


“If the Young Lady of Count Aberyt becomes a disciple of Viscountess Ivan…”

A soft voice tapped Anriche’s ear.

“Won’t the other ladies who had previously studied under the Viscountess also pay attention to the Count of Aberyt?”

“I know that, too. But…”

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“The connections the Viscountess Ivan had will be of great help when the Count’s Young Lady makes her social debut in the future.”

And so, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony concluded with a relaxed smile. The words themselves were reasonable, so her expression deepened.

In fact, it was the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony that Anriche really didn’t like.

From the gossip about the engagement to Liliana, to that attitude of meddling with Liliana’s tutor. Because Anriche could clearly see the intention of having the Duchy of Valois in her hand and wielding it as she pleased.


‘If Viscountess Ivan’s network really helps Liliana’

Although she is personally reluctant to have Viscountess Ivan, she should put Liliana first. In fact, she objectively said that Viscountess Ivan was an excellent teacher.

‘It is said that most of the ladies who dominate the current social circle were raised by Viscountess Ivan.’ So much so that Anriche even wonders if Viscountess Ivan’s nickname is ‘the best tactician to lead into high society.’

As many ladies lined up to receive education from Viscountess Ivan, undoubtedly, her heart had to be shaken.

‘…Besides, the face of Mother who came all the way here.’

Anriche let out her brief sigh.

“All right.”

“Yes, well thought!”

“But, if I think she is a bad teacher, I will cut it off right away.”

As she added her words, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony furrowed her eyebrows. “I think you used to be obedient, but it seems a lot has changed.”

“Right? I like this a lot more.”

She greeted her words with a graceful smile.

In response to the unexpected reaction, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony frowned as if she had been hit in the back of the head. ‘What? If I usually scare her this much, she would immediately lower her tail…’

However, Anriche didn’t care at all about her mother’s confusion. Instead, she only added a word in a relaxed voice.

“Also, when Liliana does her classes, I will always be there.”

“Yeah? But, Duchess of Valois…”

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In an instant, the exasperated Viscountess Ivan opened her mouth involuntarily and contracted, “As the Duchess is well aware, classes are usually conducted face-to-face. You have to respect me for this part…”

“Of course, my actions may be considered a bit unusual.”

Anriche, softly but resolutely, cut off the words of Viscountess Ivan.

“But, it’s the heart of a guardian, isn’t it?”

“Duchess, that is…”

“Liliana is a child with many scars and she has never had a formal education.”

Seeing that Viscountess Ivan was still arguing, Anriche let out a brief sigh. “It’s hard for me to leave such a child alone with an unfamiliar teacher.”

From the point of view of Viscountess Ivan, there was certainly room for Anriche’s words to be felt like an infringement of the teaching rights. Regardless, she couldn’t even say she felt that way.

Anriche said that Liliana was most important to her, so she wanted to put Liliana’s position as her top priority.

“I am sure you will understand.”

“…Now Duchess, are you saying that you don’t trust me?”

“Rather than that, I’m asking you to consider Liliana’s special situation.”

Liliana had grown up being abused in the past by the Baron Londini couple. Since she had not yet healed all of her heart’s wounds, Anriche thought of avoiding situations where the child could feel overbearing.

For Liliana, meeting strangers in itself might cause stress.


‘I’m a villainess, anyway.’

If they say, I’m selfish, what to say about it?

The tip of her lips slanted upwards.

“Of course, even if you think I don’t trust the Viscountess, I don’t care.”

At those words, Viscountess Ivan’s expression turned into a frown as Anriche declared in a delicate manner.

“If these conditions are not accepted, then the hiring of Viscountess Ivan will be unheard of.”

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“I know Viscountess Ivan is a great teacher, but you’re not the only tutor in the world.”

Viscountess Ivan thought for a long time that her head wanted to explode, though Anriche was in control anyway. In the end, she had no choice but to nod her head reluctantly.

“I-I see.”


Securing the victory, Anriche smiled at her slyly.

On the other hand, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony looked at her daughter with a strange feeling, who was casually playing with her opponent.

She has always been a docile daughter.

[ Anriche, you’re my daughter. ]
[ You’re not going to disappoint this mother and brother? ]

A few sweet words and threats to mention ‘family.’ If only those two are used properly, her daughter has always been a good listener.

Though somehow, today doesn’t seem like it’s going to go smoothly.

So, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony decided to change her strategy. ‘Let’s try to stimulate Anriche’s sympathy.’

“More than that, Anriche. Aren’t you being too hard with your brother lately?”

‘What kind of nonsense is this all of a sudden?’

Anriche, who was gazing at her mother with sullen eyes, asked a question.

“Well, what part are you talking about?”

“You seem to be doing a pretty good job of serving as the mistress of Valois, which makes me happy, of course.”

The Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony, who seemed to pick her up for a moment, spoke her words in a relaxed tone. “Anyway, don’t you know that a daughter is the breadwinner?”

…Wow, she never thought she would actually hear those words with her own ears.

Anriche had to do her best to hide her pitiful expression.

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