But, no matter how she interpreted her silence, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony had a smile on her face.

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“It seems like you don’t care at all about your parents, your family… It’s rather sad.”

“Can you tell me exactly what you want?”

“I’m talking about taking care of your little brother.”

Ah, in the end, did she bother her like this just to say that?

Anriche’s ridicule grew a little darker. The Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony somehow tried to roast her.

“The money you’ve been sending me, without it, your brother is going to have a very hard time.”


“Were you a good girl until now? So, I hope you don’t disappoint me.”


Though she didn’t answer.

To be exact, she was astounded that she couldn’t answer. The voice of the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony began to grow increasingly anxious.

“Anriche, why don’t you answer me? Are you ignoring me now?”

“I’m not ignoring you. Though I also needed a little bit of time.”


“Yes. How can I tell it without offending my mother? I need time for me to ponder.”

At those words, the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony opened her eyes wide, while Anriche shrugged her shoulders as she sighed deeply.

“Does my brother have no hands or feet? Or, is it because he’s weak in mind and body, he has no ability to take proper responsibility for his actions?”

“Oh, Anriche! How could you say such a thing to the Head of Saxony…!”

“Even if that were the case, the family responsible for my brother, in that case, would be Saxony, not Valois.”

Hearing that, the face of the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony was distorted.

‘No, how did she change like that? She was always the kid who would obediently answer ‘yes’!’

However, now, Anriche’s face was just calm.

“Then, your business and mine are all over, aren’t they?”

Anriche, who asked that question, pointed to the door with an elegant gaze.

“I’m too busy with work right now, so the maids will take care of seeing you off.”

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She imitated Alexei when he drove out Baron Londini and his wife the other day, and it seems she did it pretty similarly. Seeing that, the eyes of the Grand Madam of the Marquisate of Saxony hardened in shock like that.

“Well then, goodbye.”

She then ended the conversation by giving a smirk.




That evening, Anriche told Liliana that she had found a tutor.

“Really? Can I study now?”

Liliana asked in a very excited voice.

Because of that, Anriche gazed at her with sad eyes.

‘Normal children don’t like to study, but she is so happy…’ Even Elliot just wanted to skip classes every time. However, Liliana’s eyes were twinkling like stars.

‘Well, Liliana hasn’t had a chance to study until now.’

Anriche tried to hide the complicated feelings. The Baron Londini couple only taught their daughter with a good teacher, but Liliana was left unattended.

“Really… Is a teacher just for me coming?”

“Of course.”

As an answer, Anriche nodded her head broadly.

Liliana pressed her hand to her pounding chest.

‘Seriously, it’s like a dream…’

She remembers the time when she was at the Londini Orphanage. The only thing Liliana could do at that time was to envy her older sister, who studied with a teacher.

‘What kind of study was she doing?’

That voice that came back afterward was still good in her ears. She thought it was just yesterday that she was scolded for trying to listen to one of the teacher’s classes…

“I’ll study really hard.”

“Yes, but don’t overdo it.”

Anriche, who answered in a friendly voice, hugged Liliana tightly.


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And after a few days.

The day Viscountess Ivan decided to visit.

Liliana stood in front of the mirror with a tense look on her face, waiting for the teacher. Time and time again, she combed her hair and smoothed the ribbon around her waist.

Then, she looked at Anriche nervously.

“Well, is there anything strange?”

“Our Liliana is always cute.”

Anriche nodded her head with a smile during the day.

Meanwhile, Elliot was squinting his eyes at Liliana. The appearance of the reddish cheeks seemed to fall in love with Liliana’s lovely appearance once again.

‘Wow, this too.’

Anriche was barely holding back the laughter that was about to burst out. Meanwhile, Liliana came in front of her with staggering steps.

“If I study diligently, will the teacher like me?”

Anriche gazed intently into the child’s innocent eyes—the twinkling gaze, full of anticipation for the teacher she will soon see. She didn’t want to turn off that light somehow.

‘Yes, Viscountess Ivan… At least, she won’t be harsh on Liliana.

She determined her heart like that.

All she has to do is be careful not to spoil the child’s character. That part is for Anriche to observe while observing the class in person.


‘Haven’t I already given you a warning?’

If she doesn’t catch Anriche’s eye, she’ll fire Viscountess Ivan right away.

‘So, it’ll be fine.’

Thinking so, she stroked Liliana’s hair with a soft smile.

“Yes, of course, she’ll like you.”

In response to that, Liliana smiled broadly. At that time, Elliot, who had been doing his share of homework without sincerity, gave Liliana a scolding.

“Liliana, do you like studying so much? I’m dying of boredom.”

“Yes, I do.”


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“I was very envious of other kids studying.”


Hearing so, Elliot was the one who was rather quiet in response to that simplistic answer.

‘No, why has Liliana been unable to do so much?!’

After hesitating for a while, he took the pudding and gently pushed it in front of Liliana.

“Do you like pudding?”

“Huh? Yes, but…”

“Then, you eat this.”

With those words, Liliana widened her eyes.

“Though Elliot also likes pudding, right?”

“Well, uh, I’m fine today.”

Elliot couldn’t hide his regretful look at the pudding, but Liliana inevitably held the pudding in her hand. Looking at the scene in front of her, Anriche’s eyes became happy. The way Elliot tried to comfort Liliana was peculiar.

Finally, Jane came to them.

“Viscountess Ivan has come.”

“Ye, yes!”

Excited Liliana jumped up from her seat.

Elliot then turned to Liliana, giving her a bright smile.

“Good luck.”

“Oh, yes! I will!”

Liliana walked timidly to where Viscountess Ivan was as Anriche followed after her lightly.


Viscountess Ivan sat in front of Liliana with a gentle expression on her face. She sticks her words out in a stern voice.

“Instead of a full-fledged class today, I’m going to see how far Miss Liliana can follow the class.”

“Yes, teacher,” Liliana replied calmly.

Viscountess Ivan opened the book and set it down in front of the little girl.

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“Read page thirty-six.”

“It was a festive night. Scarlet sparks soared over the black sky, and people danced beneath it. And…”

Although her voice trembled a bit due to the tension, Liliana read the book clearly. At the same time, Anriche, seated a little further away from her, listened to Liliana reading, covering her mouth with both her hands.

‘Our Liliana really, her voice is like rolling jade beads on a silver tray, doesn’t it?’

She had to work very hard not to shake her head.

However, Viscountess Ivan doesn’t seem to have been very pleased with it. She frowned slightly that only Liliana could see.

‘What should I do, I must have disappointed the teacher…’

Liliana peered into her eyes involuntarily.

“Oh my, Miss Liliana must have been too nervous.”

“Oh, ah. That’s…”

“Her posture is not straight, and her eyes look weak.”

That dazed tone sounded like she was really worried about Liliana. “Besides, miss. If you’re shrugging her shoulders like that, isn’t it uncomfortable?”

Liliana, startled at that question, spread her shoulders.

“A lady of the nobility should always be elegant. Elegance starts with an upright posture.”

“That’s right. You’re right.”

“Besides, when you read the book earlier, your voice was too shaky…”

Viscountess Ivan muffled her words.

At the voice, Anriche narrowed her brow slightly. Of course, there was nothing wrong with what Viscountess Ivan said—


“Miss Liliana has never had an opportunity to receive an education, has she?”

Even so, Viscountess Ivan held Liliana to the same standards as the noble ladies she had taught. Even though she knew Liliana’s special situation very well.

‘Well, as a teacher, it’s something she can say, but…’

Anyway, isn’t it a bit unfair to point out only Liliana’s shortcomings one by one…?

Even more so, she’s still a kid…

“Still, our Liliana, didn’t she read the book without stuttering even once?”

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