126: Busy Messengers

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July 6, 2022 - 3 minutes read - 508 words

Three horses gallop towards the Royal Capital, carrying soldiers of the Seventh Army of the Kingdom.

“We’re Northern Army messengers! Open the gate!” Messenger

The gatekeeper quickly confirms the cavalryman’s affiliation before unlocking and opening the gate. The three soldiers gallop to the military command post to report to General Andretti.

“Thank you! I will report this to His Majesty, please go and rest!” General Andretti

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“I see, I’m pleased with the Third, Eighth, and Seventh armies. I suspected the tribals had the backing of the Empire. That’s dirty of them. What’s our next move? What do you think, Prime Minister?” King

“Hm, if we leave the North as is, I can see a future where we get attacked from the West and North simultaneously. I think it would be better to annex the North into our Kingdom and prepare to defend against the Empire from the Northern areas. Our country has an abundance of food, so it should be fine to subsidize the mountain tribes.” Prime Minister

“What do you think, Andretti?” King

“I agree with the idea to hold the mountainous North. If the tribes become further indebted to the Empire, we will continue to have issues.” General Andretti

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“We should keep the deaths to a minimum, that’s a recipe for trouble in a few years. Send them food support to bring most over, subdue any who refuse to take the deal! Good” King

“Your will!” Prime Minister & General Andretti

“It seems Patrick is continuing to blow away expectations.” King

“Reading the report, he’s an monster in some ways. I beg your pardon. I guess he is marrying a Princess.” General Andretti

“Don’t worry about it, he is skilled at overturning normal expectations. To be honest, he’s unsuited for one-on-one combat that typifies knightly combat. Obviously that’s more than compensated with using his other skills.” King

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“Enemies find him impossible to find, nobody is better suited to disrupting enemy armies.” General Andretti

“What do you think, Prime Minister Bendrick?” King

“It’s not in my wheelhouse, but he did us a great service by uncovering the incompetence of the Newgarden family.” Prime Minister

“Well, I’m glad I was able to pair a child to a good partner, but I’m not sure for the other four children. Anybody have any good children who need a betrothal?” King

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“Your Majesty, are you seriously asking that? You’ve got to be careful to ensure the aristocratic balance is preserved.” Prime Minister

“Should I send one to a noble that is looking rebellious? Why should I send one of my beloved children to a family that is so ungrateful?” King

“A civil war now would be amazing for the Empire.” Prime Minister

“I understand. That doesn’t mean I’m going to jump into infuriating choices. Well, I’ll take my time and consider things carefully. Quickly handle the Northern tribe annexation!” King

“Yes sir!” Prime Minister & General Andretti

The three army messengers head back North, accompanied by the Second Army’s supply unit. They’re coming along to deliver more food, weapons, and medicine.

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