127: To Fight or To Surrender

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July 7, 2022 - 4 minutes read - 687 words

The messengers returned to the Northern fortress, and they brought a large amount of food.

“This is His Majesty’s order! You must conquer the mountain tribes and annex them into the Kingdom!” Messenger

Lieutenant General Simon read the full order then passed it to the Major General and I.

“So how will this go? Can the Seventh Army providing logistical support while the other armies do the legwork?” Major General Fisher

“Yes, that sounds good. I’ll take food to the tribal villages and have the energized Third Army negotiate with the leaders. What about the Eighth Army?” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Hmm, I can take care of the recalcitrant settlements. If they’re not willing to negotiate with the Third Army, we’ll deal with them. We’ll be working together, somewhat.” Pat

“Are you fine with it? That’s a dirty job.” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Two of my primary responsibilities are behind-enemy-lines disturbances and assassination, right?” Pat

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“Well, but, do the soldiers agree?” Lieutenant General Ganache

“My soldiers are trained to be ready to carry out those orders.” Pat

“That’s true.” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Well, I’ll just do it by my lonesome if there’s an issue.” Pat

“That’s a bit worrying…” Lieutenant General Ganache

“We’re in a war? Haven’t we been invaded? If we had lost, I doubt we’d be getting the same consideration. We’re giving them better terms than they deserve.” Pat

The Kingdom’s annexation of the mountainous tribes proceeded apace. Many settlements immediately surrendered when they were offered food subsidies and citizenship in the Kingdom. So many of them were starving…

However, there were a few villages that chose to refuse the offer. The Third Army simply departed those villages. Of course, there were a few villages that chose to fight to the last person standing, those were mercilessly struck down.

In one village that had refused the offer, their leaders were discussing the village’s future.

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“Can we rob them to get food?” Tribal Chief

“When they carry supplies to other settlements, that’s when we attack, right?” Tribal Leader A

“Will that work?” Tribal Chief

“The place to attack is here! We should attack the supply wagons when they pass through this area! We can attack from the cliffs!” Tribal Leader B

“Chief? What’s your take? What’s going on?” Tribal Leader A

One of the leaders was suspicious, he looked over to the tribal chief. He saw just the body of the chief, the chief’s head was missing.

“Augh!” Tribal Leader A

“No! Aaaaahhhhh!” Tribal Leader B

Well, that’s annoying. Pat

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“Hey! Let’s get out of here!” Tribal Leader A

“Ugh” Tribal Leader B

“Oof” Tribal Leader A

When they moaned, that was when I separated their heads.

“Hey, it’s over!” Pat

The door to the hut is opened by Mirko, one of my subordinates.

“Lieutenant Colonel, that’s wonderful. What are you going to do with the heads?” Mirko

“I’m not sure, probably going to have you put them somewhere important in the village. After they’re noticed, I’ll lead the Eighth Army to surround the village for a second round of negotiations.” Pat

“Wait, I’m the one to place the heads? Won’t I get found out and attacked?” Mirko

“How long have you been training to stay hidden? And if they find you, just run away. If you can’t outrun a bunch of starving tribals, I’ll have to retrain you when we get back.” Pat

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“Uhh, if I can’t escape, how will I survive to be retrained?” Mirko

“Just go!” Pat

“Fine, sir!” Mirko

He wraps up the three heads in a cloth towel and leaves the hut.

We leave the village a short while later when Mirko finished his task.

The next day, my Eighth Army surrounded the village.

“You have one hour to decide your fate! If you choose to surrender, I’ll let you off with the three executions from yesterday! If you choose to fight, you need to be ready for a tough battle!” Pat

My commands are relayed by Private First Class Dave, who has a particularly loud voice.

An hour later, the men of the village appear with a white flag and empty hands.

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