128: Rumors of Black Troops

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July 8, 2022 - 3 minutes read - 598 words

In a month, the mountain tribe annexation operation has been nearly completed. There’s only a single remaining village, which sits right next to the Empire’s border.

In the village, the chief and Lieutenant General Ganache are negotiating.

“If we surrender to the Kingdom, we’ll be killed once the Empire decides to invade.” Tribe Chief

“This location makes sense to be a fortress location, that will protect your tribe from the Empire. If your tribe will cooperate, some of your men can become paid soldiers for the Kingdom. That would provide enough money to buy food for the entire village. It’s not a bad trade, right? I’ll intercede with His Majesty to ensure you’re treated well.” Lieutenant General Ganache

“How can I trust you?” Tribe Chief

“I can only ask you to trust me, but let’s look at the bigger picture. If this settlement refuses, we’ve got another place picked out that would work about as well. To the Kingdom, your village isn’t especially important.” Lieutenant General Ganache

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“What if we refuse?” Tribe Chief

“The Third Army is leaving today, deal or no deal. The Kingdom is sending in the Eighth Army, you call them the Blackcoats, to see if they can convince you. After that point, the Kingdom is going to give up.” Lieutenant General Ganache

“The cruel unit!” Tribe Chief

“The leader is relentless, isn’t he? I guess you’ve heard the rumors about them.” Lieutenant General Ganache

The Lieutenant General Ganache smiles as he sees a path to conclude the negotiations.

“It seems they start with popping off the heads of leaders then push the rest of the tribe to surrender… If the tribe doesn’t surrender, they proceed to a battle.” Lieutenant General Ganache

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“I can’t prevent him from taking action, but if you choose annexation, things might look good for you?” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Do you really think I’m so easily cowed?” Tribe Chief

“By the time you realize the Eighth Army is here, your head will be rolling on the floor. What’s your final answer?!” Lieutenant General Ganache

“You fool! I refuse! Leave immediately!” __Tribe Chief

“Well, I’m sorry, but I’m leaving now. See you later…

Probably not, though. I guess I’ll see you in the afterlife!” Lieutenant General Ganache

The chief followed the Lieutenant General out of the hut and watched the Third Army begin to depart the village.

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“It’s War! Ready your weapons!” Tribe Chief

Right as the warriors began to move, the chief suddenly had blood spurt from his neck, then he collapsed to the dusty ground.

“Oh, it’s over. They had already arrived, I guess. So what about the rest of you? Are you going to join your chief bleeding out on the ground? Or are you willing to surrender?” Lieutenant General Ganache

The warriors were stunned into silence, not sure whether to fight or run.

“I’m asking again, for the last time! Do you want to die? Or will you surrender? I’m not asking again!” Lieutenant General Ganache

It seems my execution was a little too astounding, I’m going to prod the crowd a bit.

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“Oh, I surrender! I don’t want to die!” Pat

“Oh, me too!” Tribe Member A

“Yeah, give me a minute to tell the rest to surrender! I’m not sure who won’t, but give me a minute! I know I can convince them! Don’t kill me too!” Tribe Member B

“That’s fine. Can you guess what will happen if you run?” Lieutenant General Ganache

“Of course!” Tribe Member B

I watched the tribe members run around in fear.

“I finally get to go home.” Pat mutters

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