013: New Command

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April 17, 2022 - 1 minutes read - 190 words

A month after the troll subjugation incident, I was resting behind a tree at the edge of the training ground. This particular tree has a wonderful breeze.

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“Second Lieutenant Patrick! The Army captain wants to see you.” Wayne

“Wants to see me? What did I do?” Pat

“I was not informed, I was told to locate you and give you the order.” Wayne

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“Second Lieutenant Patrick! The Colonel wishes for you to appear immediately.” Corporal Mirko

“The captain is aware that you’re difficult to find, so he sent two messengers, just in case.” Wayne quips while Corporal Mirko sniggers

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“I wasn’t trying to hide” Pat retorts as he gets up

“If he doesn’t mean to hide, why was he behind a tree?” Corporal Mirko

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“If he actually tried to hide, I don’t think I could find him.” Wayne mutters

“So we are clearing the road?” Pat

“Yes! Ten days from now, His Royal Highness (the Prince) will be visiting the Marquis of Dixon to the south. Before that, we must clean up the dangerous bandits and monsters. This is an order.” Colonel Reedon commands as he hands me some paper

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