014: Cleanup Strategy

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April 17, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 380 words

Maintaining Order: A highly important responsibility of military personnel

Since Patrick is now a Second Lieutenant, he was assigned a company. Three platoons of 10 soldiers each were gathered together to form his company. When you include the ten person logistics unit, Patrick’s company reaches 40 people, plus Patrick himself for 41.

“Where do you think we would encounter issues when cleaning up the main road?” Pat

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The platoon leaders are currently meeting with Patrick.

“What do you think, Wayne?” Pat

“Our biggest issue would be that bandit group, assuming there aren’t any abnormal monsters.” Wayne

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Bandits are outlaws who stake out the roads to attack the carriages of merchants and rob them. Women and children are kidnapped while the men are killed in the attacks. Recently, there’s supposedly a large group of more than 50 bandits that has been raiding not just merchants but even aristocratic carriages.

In those cases, they captured aristocrats are held for ransom. The aristocratic houses try to keep the situation secret, since, given the chance, the kingdom would take control of the exchange in the hopes of capturing the bandits. Recently, a baron’s son was kidnapped, and when the baron didn’t have the ransom money, he asked for assistance from the kingdom.

When the bandits went to the ransom spot, they discovered the trap and escaped. The next morning, the baron’s son’s head was sitting in the royal capital’s square. Since then, the military has been attempting various operations to root out and eliminate the bandit group, but it has all been for naught.

“What has the military done to investigate?” Pat

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“It seems they will send a company to patrol along the road, so the bandits make sure to stay hidden those days.” Wayne

“So they aren’t foolish.” Pat

“Why would they take on the Kingdom’s Army on when there is nothing to steal that’s worth the cost?” Wayne

“Even if they take the weapons, it wouldn’t make up for the trouble.” Pat

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We continue discussing the situation for a while.

“Then we will be carrying out this operation. Tomorrow we’ll prepare our supplies, then we’ll leave early the next day. Make sure to get yourselves ready!” Pat

With those words, I ended the meeting. Each platoon leader starts on their assigned preparations.

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