133: Two People are Heading

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July 13, 2022 - 3 minutes read - 609 words

That afternoon, Count Abbott and I visited the royal castle to meet with the King.

“Your Majesty, Count Snake and Count Abbott are seeking an audience. Do you wish to see them?” Prime Minister

“That’s an unusual combination. Did Abbott mess with Patrick?” King

“I haven’t heard of any feuds between the two, not that they have any interests in common in the first place. Their territories are nowhere near each other and they didn’t fight together during the recent tribal invasion.” Prime Minister

“Well, send them in.” King

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Prime Minister

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“Your Majesty, I hope you’re having a good day.” Pat

“Thank you for seeing us.” Count Abbott

“Oh, hmm? What brings the two of you together here today? Is one of you in trouble with the other?” King

“No, we have no complaints with the other. Count Abbott, can you give His Majesty the documents?” Pat

Count Abbott hands the documents to Prime Minister Bendrick, who skims them before handing them to the King. The King started to read through the documents.

“Really? Hmm… What is this!” King

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“Your Majesty, what did you see?” Prime Minister asks as he moves to the throne.

“Read this part!” King

He hands a few pages to the Prime Minister before looking to Count Abbott and me.

“Is this all true?” King

“Yes, my men came upon this information very recently. Since it was related to Count Snake, I chose to discuss it with him before coming here.” Count Abbott

“This is what I don’t understand, you could have just given me this information, but instead you went to consult with Count Snake first?” King

“We have formed an alliance that includes exchanging information that involves each other between our two families.” Pat interrupted

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“An alliance?” King

“Yes, Your Majesty. I formed an alliance involving trade rights and information exchange with Count Snake.” Count Abbott

“Well, I’m not sure how this came about, but you’re allowed to do that. There’s a bigger issue here at the moment! Patrick! What are you going to do in the face of this information?” King

“Your Majesty, since the subversive elements are not only targeting me, but also my fiancée Princess Sonaris, they’re engaging in something akin to rebellion against the Royal Family. I’ve already been attacked by an agent that revealed he had been hired by Viscount Hunterly under interrogation.

Wasn’t the Hunterly family a branch family of the Newgarden house?” Pat

“Ugh! Those twits forget the grace that passed them by!” King shouts as he clenches his fist

“Well, it seems their main target is me, but it’s outrageous that they’re looking to target Her Highness Sonaris simply because we became engaged. Well, the intelligence suggests it was primarily Count Busch who organized the attempt to kidnap Princess Sonaris. Apparently, he’s been known to proclaim that he thinks the Princess should have become his wife.” Pat

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The King looked like he bit down on something sour.

“Yes, he did ask me. I considered him much too old, plus Sonaris immediately rejected the idea when I mentioned it. I chose to refuse him with prejudice. Even then, he continued on thinking he had a chance?” King

“It seems that Count Busch is refusing to abide by Your Majesty’s wishes, tantamount to rebellion. What does Your Majesty wish for him?” Pat

“What are you thinking for the other houses?” King

“Well, I’m planning to crush them, if given permission.” Pat

“Bendrick, are all of the houses mentioned part of the Anti-Royal faction?” King

“Yes, that’s right. It’s not entirely surprising.” Prime Minister

“Call in the Minister of Justice and Baron Keselowski!” King orders

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