134: Edict

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July 14, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 360 words

The Minister of Justice soon enters the room. He’s a slender man with gray hair and blue eyes, around 60 years old. Baron Keselowski showed up a little later.

The Baron is the father of Kyle Keselowski, who I had worked with during the Agriculture Minister investigation. I’d say he looks like Kyle, wait, no, Kyle takes after his father.

“Justice Minister Gibbs, read this and tell me what you think!” King

The Minister of Justice takes the documents and begins to read, you can him getting angry as he moves through the pages.

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Oh my god!

You blithering idiots!” Minister of Justice

The Minister of Justice hands off each page to Baron Keselowski as he works his way through the report.

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“Huh, so absurd… Have they really gone this far?” Baron Keselowski

The two look up at the King after they’re done.and didn’t leave any chance of discussion

“Your Majesty, if even half of this is true, it’s high treason, but we don’t have any evidence at the moment. It all depends on whether this document is true.” Minister of Justice

“I’m sorry we can’t confirm or refute this document, the Intelligence Department has historically only overseen court aristocrats! I will submit a proposal to add in territorial aristocrats tomorrow morning!” Baron Keselowski

“We’ll need to gather evidence, but once you have it, Minister, I don’t think I need to say anything, right?” King says while staring at Patrick

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“Of course, my lord.” Minister of Justice

“Keselowski, go ahead and bring on more people to investigate this Anti-Royalist faction!” King

“Yes, sir!” Baron Keselowski

“Good! Well, here’s what I’d like to see. Patrick and Count Abbot, I charge you two to assist the Kingdom Intelligence Department with gathering evidence against the traitors! You two should be plenty to make sure the evidence appears!

Prime Minister Bendrick! Order the King’s Guard to increase the guards on Sonaris!

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Minister of Justice Gibbs! Make sure all crimes discovered by the investigation are properly prosecuted!” King

“Your will!” Everyone

“Patrick, make sure to visit Sona before you leave. She’s in a bad mood.” King sighs

“Acknowledged.” Patrick says with a bitter smile

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