Chapter 146: Time of Turmoil 8: Nomination

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July 26, 2022 - 4 minutes read - 700 words

“The Eighth Army should defeat and capture the Marquis’s militia and any soldiers assisting them. If they refuse to surrender, feel free to kill them! I’ll handle any complaints! Go!” Patrick

After that, I raced to the back of the castle. I saw fallen soldiers as I went, I tried to ask the ones that were still breathing which way to find the King.

One of them gave me a grave warning…

“The leader of the Royal Guard, Reaper, is fighting for the rebels, take care Lieutenant Colonel…” Dying Soldier

Then I arrived at the castle’s audience chamber. I see Royal Guard commander Reaper attacking my cousin Trolla. Trolla had lost his left arm and had been forced to a kneeling position.

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I run straight at tremendous speed at commander Reaper, knocking him away with my body.

“You’re out of your mind! Reaper, commander of the Royal Guard! How have you fallen so far that the commander of the Royal Guard is fighting the King?” Patrick

I’ve just handed a potion to Trolla. I can spot the King, Crown Prince William, and Sonaris in the background, all look uninjured.

“Damn you Snake! How dare you! All I needed was one more swing to end the life of that detestable Canaan! All this time, I’ve been called the false commander of the Royal Guard! None of my subordinates respect me, they all go to Canaan first! They all say I got my position by using my noble rank, those fools!” Reaper

“Why do you care what your subordinates think? Aren’t you the actual fool?” Patrick

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“Troublemaker! What would an upstart like you know? Aristocrats are born to be respected! Commoners should have a better sense of propriety and quietly listen to their betters! But they all mock me behind by back!” Reaper

“If you want to be respected, make yourself someone to be respected! If you can’t even do that, what is the point of your life?” Patrick

“Nonsense, His Highness Henry, no His Majesty Henry has promised to make me a Duke and a General of his Kingdom’s Army. That will grant me the reward I deserve! Then the fools will respect me! I will now prove my worth today!” Reaper

“If you wanted to prove your strength, where were you when the Empire attacked? Your attempt today proves nothing!” Patrick

At this point, my Eighth Army and my Viper militia finally arrived.

“All the rebel soldiers and the Raven militia have been captured! This is the only remaining resistance!” Mirko

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“Great work! You made it in time to see the end of the traitor Royal Guard commander and the idiot aristocrats behind him!” Patrick grins

“Do any of you want to prove something? I’m unlikely to win if I fight one-on-one, since I know the limit of one person.

Armies work because they aggregate the fighting strength of many. Eighth Army, Viper militia, move to safeguard the royal family.

We don’t need that stupid Royal Guard commander anymore. Any Eighth Army soldier who manages to defeat the commander will become a Knight of the Snake family. Does anyone want to take the challenge?” Patrick

I made a sudden suggestion. I seem to have stunned them, they’re all looking around with blank stares.

A Knight is the first step into nobility. It’s the first step for many commoners who later rose into a full aristocratic family.

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I know that I’m not strong enough to defeat the Royal Guard commander. I can’t win in a straight fight. I don’t have to be the one to win.

“Don’t be stupid! I’m the Royal Guard commander! I’ve trained for years, what soldier from the hurriedly created Eighth Army could take me down?” Reaper

“I think there’s a big difference between a leader who has gotten fat and lazy and my Eighth Army soldier who has passed rigorous training. Plus, they’re still in the prime of their life. They’ve got different physical strength than you. Besides, I never promised a one-on-one duel with you.” Patrick grins wider

“Van Pelt, Wiley, why don’t you two take him down? I’d like to see you two as Knights.” Patrick

I have no issue with nominating two Knights.

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