Chapter 153: End of Turmoil

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The next day, my forces left the Raven territory to deliver the captured Raven family members to the Royal Capital.

On the way, we ran into reinforcements that had intended to back up Marquis Raven’s forces.

“Someone ran out of luck today” Patrick

Wonder who I’m referring to? The Eighth Army or my opponents?

For the moment, I called for them to surrender, but they ignored me.

I order the Eighth Army and the Viper militia to push through the rain of arrows from their archers and charge into the enemy’s center. Although my forces just wrapped up a fight against Marquis Raven’s militia, it seems they’re having no problems defeating the reinforcements.

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Only an hour later, the battle is over.

“That was an easy win.” Soldier A

“They were weaker than the Raven militia.” Soldier B

“If only they were all this weak, I could do it every day.” Soldier C

Viscount Hippo’s army was devestated when they were caught attempting to reinforce Marquis Raven. We took a minor detour on our way to the Royal Capital so we could grab the Hippo family on the way back. Now we have even more annoying nobles to deliver.

Soon, we reached the Royal Capital and delivered our detainees to the Royal Castle.

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“Your Majesty, we have captured the Raven family, as well as the Hippo family that was allying with them.” Patrick

“Thank you! We can handle the rest.” King

“Yes! I’ll visit with Her Highness Sonaris before I leave. I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed after all this time.” Patrick

“I’m sorry for calling on you so often.” King

“Your Highness, I’ve returned.” Patrick

“Patrick!” Sonaris

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“I’m really tired today, so I don’t want to stay long. I’ll come back tomorrow and stay longer.” Patrick

“Oh, I see, yes, you’ve been busy. I’m so happy to see you’re safe, now go and get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sonaris replies with a little sadness under her smile

“Yes, see you tomorrow!” Patrick

Then I left the castle for my house…

“Ah, I like his tired face… oh! I want to make a lap pillow for him and massage his tired face! I want to watch him fall asleep, then do this and that…” Sonaris

“Your Highness! Your inner monologue is leaking! Please refrain from those impulses for now!” Amelia

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Amelia is the beautiful personal maid of Sonaris, she has waist-length blue hair and is tall for a woman.

“Oh, you heard me? Amelia, eavedropping is a bad habit!” Sonaris

“I wasn’t intending to listen, it was easy to hear you. Please don’t suggest that I’m eavesdropping.” Amelia

“But, wasn’t it great? That lazy look on his face! Oh, I just want to push him down!” Sonaris

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this from Your Highness.” Amelia

“It’s all right! Soon I’ll be a countess!” Sonaris

“Even when you become a countess, that’s…” Amelia

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