Chapter 155: Patrick's Training

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August 17, 2022- 2 minutes read- 345 words

“Ha!” Patrick


“Sweet!” Wayne


“Tsk!” Patrick

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“That’s what happens when you pull back!” Wayne


“Oof.. Well, I’ll feel that…” Patrick

“Pat, no Lieutenant Colonel Snake, are you not good at speed?” Wayne

“I’m well aware of that issue without you reminding me. You’re a really strong fighter to be honest. Any plans on renouncing your humanity and becoming a demon?” Patrick

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“Haha, funny joke. There are plenty of people at my level in the army.” Wayne

“Seriously? Fine then, I’ve decided I won’t fight strong opponents!” Patrick

“Do you really think that will work on a battlefield?” Wayne

“On the battlefield? I’ll go for surprise attacks, underhanded attacks, whatever lets me win!” Patrick

“Ah, if you’re already resorting to that, I don’t think you’re going to win…” Wayne

“That’s why if I’m caught in a fair fight, I’ll sneak away while my subordinates handle it!” Patrick

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“I feel sorry for your men…” Wayne

We’re in the middle of a joint training exercise between the Eighth Army and the Second Army. At the moment, Lieutenant General Simon is the general of record for both armies, so there’s a bunch of joint exercises happening these days.

The primary purpose is to increase the strength of the military. My responsibilities are to improve the physical endurance of the troops, while Wanye is responsible for combat skills. Yeah, Wayne is the strongest individual fighter between the Eighth and Second armies. It’s become a common sight to see the two of us sparring during these exercises.

“Alright, let’s move the last activity for today! Grab your gear and get ready to run!” Patrick_

“Oh, can we do a short run today?” Wayne replies with disgust

“Wayne wants to see you get plenty of training today. At his request, we’re running all out for three hours!” Patrick

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“Ah!” Soldiers

“Lieutenant Colonel, some soldiers might faint…” Mirko shouts

“Direct your complaints to Wayne!” Patrick

Wayne got a lot of dirty looks at this point.

“I should have kept my dumb mouth shut…” Wayne says as he hangs his head

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