032: Improvised Shields

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April 25, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 338 words

The Kingdom Army is fighting under the command of Lieutenant General Simon, but they’re struggling against the Westin Army’s fort. Even though it was made of logs covered with boards, it was quite effective. Arrows flew like rain from the fort, so it was difficult to approach.

The Kingdom’s Army fires back, but nearly all their arrows are stopped by the fort’s walls. Under the barrage, the Kingdom Army was taking losses.

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“Dismantle the carriages to make shields! It’s enough to stop the arrows!” Lieutenant General Simon

“Can you really consider this a shield?” Wayne

The shield he was handed was a board from the carriage with a small handle attached.

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“I guess it’s better than nothing?” Wayne

He holds the shabby shield like an umbrella to stop the arrows from falling down on him. It can’t stop all the arrows on the sides though.

As the army gets closer to the fort, the Westin army starts to take aimed shots, where they aren’t saturating an area, but shooting at a specific person. The army changes the placement of the shield to more of a diagonal space relative to the fort. Some arrows pierce through the makeshift shield kill the soldier on the spot.

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Finally, a few soldiers reached the fort.

Wayne inserts his two-handed sword into the fortifications and pries the board loose. He and the other soldiers find that there are no foot soldiers around, just archers.

“I can fight like this!” Wayne grins as he jumps into the fort

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The archers are felled by Wayne and the other soldiers one after another. Archers take time to line up each arrow, and the archers were not issued shortswords to defend themselves. It’s difficult to line up an arrow when a swordsman is coming straight for you.

As the archers were disrupted, the Kingdom Army outside the fort saw the arrow rain lose most of its strength, meaning more of the Kingdom Army could approach and enter the fort.

Soon, the Kingdom Army is inside the fort.

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