033: Cavalry

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April 26, 2022 - 1 minutes read - 196 words

As Wayne and the company were eliminating the archers, smoke rose from the back of the fort.

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“Be careful! I hear Cavalry!” Wayne shouts

Cavalry, or soldiers in metal armor on a horse. Infantry generally has leather armor, since it’s difficult to move quickly with metal armor. Metal armor is used when the wearer isn’t required to move quickly, like when riding a horse.

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Wayne manages to avoid the cavalryman with a spear. The horse can’t run overly fast due to the weight of the armor. Wayne slashes the horse as it runs by, so it bucks before running off and the rider is knocked to the ground.

The rider attempts to stand up, but Wayne stabs him through a gap in the armor before the rider can regain his feet. In order to move with armor, the armor must have gaps for joints. You can’t move without them.

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“Oof” the Rider cries as he collapses to the ground

Not every soldier is as skilled as Wayne. Many Kingdom solders fall prey to the cavalry.

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“Don’t falter! Secure a position to defend!” Wayne orders

“Just a little more, Kingdom cavalry should be here soon! Endure!” Wayne

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