049: A Candlelight Fight

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May 8, 2022 - 3 minutes read - 446 words

I walk through the fortress, pulling a cart with a sack of wheat in it. I’m walking casually while noting the locations of supplies, armories, barracks, etc. Occasionally I would make conversation with soldiers, pretending to be a merchant who had just arrived and gotten lost.

Once I had enough information, I arrived at the food storage area, handed in the wheat I was carrying and took the receipt I was handed. I walk off, then find a place to hide the cart and myself in a shadowy area.

I wait until the sun sets and the hallways and streets are less crowded. There are soldiers patrolling inside the fort, but they’re awfully casual. I listen in to two nearby guards for information.

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“Kingdom troops are massed at the back gate of the fort.” Guard A

“Well, I doubt they’re going to just assault with a suicide attack. They got here yesterday, so maybe they’re working on some siege weapons?” Guard B

“Then, the battle might start tomorrow?” Guard A

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“Maybe, I wouldn’t want to be on the gate or ramparts. We lucked into just doing guard duty on the night shift.” Guard B

So, the Kingdom Army has arrived. I’ll need to burn the supplies and do something about the gate.

I snuck into the food warehouse a few hours after the sun had set. I made sure to check that there was no lock earlier when I brought the wheat. I also confirmed that there were only two officers around during the day, so there was likely the same number or less at night.

I gently open the door, but there’s a slight squeak.

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The guard noticed the sound, and when he looked at the door, saw a black figure in the moonlight.

“Who is it!” Food Warehouse Guard A

Another guard pulls out his sword in response to the first guard. The two people approach the door holding candles. The second guard looks around for anything, but the warehouse is pitch black and he only has a candle.

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He think he spots something moving near a pillar, but then red liquid starts to gush from this neck.

“Ugee!” Food Warehouse Guard B

The first guard drops his candle to draw his sword. The two candles haven’t gone out, but their light can only illuminate a little bit and visibility is terrible.

The first guard hears a noise behind him and when he looks back to the second guard, the sword the second guard was holding was now lying on the ground. He starts to check on the second guard when he feels a hot shock on his back. He swings his sword reflexively.

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