050: Bloody Black Hair

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May 9, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 218 words

I leave my sword stuck in the first guard’s back and jump back to avoid his wild swing.

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I pull the dagger from my right hip with my right hand and get back into range of the guard. Once a swing misses me, I thrust my dagger into the guard’s throat. My right shoulder is now splashed with blood, but I ignore the stain and twist the dagger to ensure the guard dies quickly and quietly.

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I remove the sword from the guard’s back and put it in the scabbard on my left hip. I pick up the dropped candles and start to sprinkle the oil I brought onto the sacks of wheat. I then throw a candle on top to start a blaze. Once I saw the fire had caught, I left the warehouse.

I sneak into more warehouses and start more fires. Before long, the smoke is noticed by the guards and the fortress wakes up.

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The soldiers of the fort are all running to put out the fires. Even the gate guards have rushed over to the fire, leaving only a single guard behind. The soldiers that aren’t fighting the fire are transfixed by the sight of it all.

Nobody notices a man with bloody black hair sneaking in the background.

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Then another guard collapses.

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