075: Head Maid and Butler

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May 21, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 325 words

I was invited into the mansion and led to the drawing room, where I was served tea by a familir maid.

“I’m glad to see you’re doing well, Elinda.” Pat

I called out to the older blonde woman, Head Maid Elinda.

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“Mr. Patrick, you’re looking good yourself.” Elinda

“Well, this and that happened, but I’m doing the best I can.” Pat

“The Master will be happy to hear that.” Elinda

At this point, there was a knock at the door. Elinda opens the door and Paul, the butler for the Canaan family enters as Elinda exits.

“It’s been a long time, Mr. Patrick.” Paul says as he bows

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Paul is a slender old man with white hair, he’s dressed up in nice black suit.

“Paul, it has been a long time. You look good.” Pat

“No, I’ve gotten weaker. Recently, I’ve started losing more often to Dekose in sword practice.” Paul with narrowed blue eyes

No, no, no, it’s amazing that he can fight on par and even win against a swordsman like Dekose at Paul’s age.

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“Hmm, Dekose told me you’re still doing pretty well? Even though he got a very nice new two-handed sword, he still has to be in good physical condition to win against Paul. At least, that’s what he’s told me…” Pat

“Dekose is working hard, but you shouldn’t take it easy even during sword practice.” Paul retorts with a grin

“Oh, I missed talking with you so much I’m letting the time run away. The Baron is waiting in the dining room.” Paul

“Ok, let’s not keep him waiting.” Pat

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I remember exactly how to get to the dining room, but I’ll walk after Paul for politeness. Paul stops in front of the proper door and knocks.

“I have brought the Viscount Snake.” Paul

“Send him in.” Baron Canaan

Viscount, heh. He wants to let me in, heheh.

I’m being careful not to laugh at this overly proper introduction.

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