076: Dining Room Discussion

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May 21, 2022 - 2 minutes read - 223 words

I walk through the opened door and enter the dining room.

“Welcome, Patrick! No, Viscount Snake!” Baron Canaan

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“Uncle Trolla, don’t get so formal, I’m just Patrick to you. Is your guard on vacation?” Pat

“I can’t, Dekose said it’s better to call you a Viscount. My normal bodyguard is off on vacation this month.” Baron Canaan

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“Well, you’re a Viscount and a Major in the Army, so I wasn’t sure if we were still close enough to be casual in the place. In public, we’ll stay formal, but I’m fine with being casual in private.” Dekose

“Patrick, it’s been so long, please regale us with your escapades.” Brose

Brose is the younger brother of Dekose, about five years younger. He’s clearly a son of the Canaan family with his brown hair and muscular figure. He’s currently the head of the Canaan militia.

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“Cousins, it’s been so long! Well, I got into a few messes, but I did my best to clean them up!” Pat

Brose is a little older than me, but we were trained together under Dekose.

“Cousin Pat! Tell me about the battle!” Allen

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Allen is the third son of Baron Canaan, he’s younger than Aisha but taller than me.

“Allen, you’re growing up so strong.” Pat

I sat down in a chair and we talked until dinner was served.

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