When I Returned From Another World I Was A Silver Haired Shrine Maiden: Chapter 31

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Wizard’s Soil (turn 01)


After school the next day, I was walking alone down a corridor in the old school building.


「It should be that room up ahead.」


I confirm the location of the classroom on the printout I received.


There is a reason why I came here.

Looking at the extracurricular activities printout in my hand, there was a club that wasn’t around last year, it caught my interest because of its name.

That name was 『Wizard’s Soil Association』.

Wizard’s Soil (alias Wiso) is a famous trading card game that is played all over the world, I was addicted to it when I was a junior high school student. Though I was interrupted by the exam period when getting into senior high, I had always talked about getting get back into it with Souta when I was a high school student. When I was here as Ikutari, I had checked to see if there was a club for it and was disappointed that there wasn’t one at the time.

Therefore, once I learned that a club had formed this year, I was immediately interested, so I came to the old school building where the club room is located.

Yuna isn’t with me today. After all, Yuna has no interest in Wiso, apparently she’s amazed that I want to play a card game that tends to be played by kids.

On top of that,


「… Yuna also needs some time away from her imouto, right?」


Ever since I became Alice, Yuna has always been with me to help me out. However, the person inside Alice is her older brother. I am capable of doing things by myself, so it’s fine even if I don’t force her to accompany me.

The classroom was located at the very back of the old school building. On the old sliding door of the classroom 『Wizard’s Soil Association』was written on a piece of paper with black marker.




I open the door while giving a greeting. The inside of the room was around 6 tatami mats worth of space, in the center of the room a boy and girl were playing a game.

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The two people who noticed my entrance stopped the game and faced me.


「… You, have you become my stalker?」


The first thing that is said upon entering the room, was that horrible comment from Souta.


「That’s quite rude of you, why would I ever do something like that.」


「This isn’t a place where an ordinary girl would come.」


What a disgusting thing to say when the person sitting across from you is a girl.


「So, is there something I can do for you?」


「I don’t really have any business with Souta, you were playing Wiso right? May I watch?」


「You… are here for Wiso?」


「I used to play it a long time ago. So, when I saw there was a club for it I became interested.」


「You really are a strange person…」


「Can you stop calling me “you” already… I already told you my name is Alice.」

(TN: Okay, I’m going to need to take a moment to explain this. In Japanese people tend to call others in the 3rd person instead of using “you” like we do in English. For example, instead of saying “You look great today” when directly talking to someone they would say “(person’s name) looks great today”. In fact, it is often considered rude to use “you” when talking to someone instead of using their name. This is why Alice keeps telling him to call her Alice.)

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「Yes yes, I understand, Alice.」


「Umm… Souta-san, who is this person?」


The schoolgirl who was playing the game with Souta asks suspiciously. Her appearance is that of jou-sama with winding twin tails held up with colorful decorations and a small face with sharp looking features. (TN: Jou-sama = young lady.)

In addition, her appearance is also outstanding and her curves are intense, especially her chest which asserts itself to the point where I involuntarily glance at it. There was a red ribbon on her chest indicating that she was a second year student.


『What is this, this… isn’t this a cheat. Her appearance is a cheat, right!?』


To that, Alicia mutters something you’d often hear in fiction. I feel like Alicia’s behavior and speech has been poisoned by anime.

For the time being, it would be rude of me to not greet her.


「I am a first year student, Kisaragi Alice. Souta… Senpai is childhood friends with my  older sister, I hope we get along.」


「I am Hashimoto Ryouka. I am part of the Wiso association along with Souta-san. Please feel free to watch.」


… I’m at a loss for what to say. Just like her appearance, it seems that her personality is equally as impressive.


「So, I am the chairman of this club, Souta. Even if I say that, there are currently only two members. Well then, let’s continue the game.」


「Y, yes!」


The gaze of both people returns to the table in front of them.

I stand next to the table as I watch them play.

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Hashimoto-san currently has the most life and creatures on the board. Based on that, it seems that Hashimoto’s victory is certain if she attacks during her turn.


「I’ll be the one who wins this time. I attack with 『Hungry Wolf』 and 『Muscle Bear』!」


「Before you attack, I cast『Depression』, causing your two creatures to become exhausted and unable to attack, I also draw 1 card.」


「Kuh… I end my turn!」


「Well then, it’s my turn, I draw a card… and end my turn.」


「My turn! I draw, then I attack with my 2 creatures!」


「That activates my spell『Hunter’s Trap』, which destroys your two attacking creatures.」


「Kuh… After combat ends I summon 『Ancient worm』.」


「I’ll stop you with 『Denial of Summons』.」


「… I end my turn.」


Hashimoto-san’s eyes have started to tear up… how harsh. Even though she has the advantage in terms of life, her hand size is smaller, and there are no longer any creatures on the board.


「My turn, I draw. I summon a guardian angel and end my turn.」


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「My turn, I draw… I pulled it! Answer my summons, the king of eternal destruction,『Vermillion Ancient Dragon, Arugerante』!!!」


『This game looks so cool!』


… No, you shouldn’t play a game like this, Alicia.


「Well then, my turn, I draw. I play『Subjugation Magic』, giving me control of your Arugerante.」


「Ahhhhh, my Arugerante…」


Hashimoto-san’s eyes are completely watery. I’m starting to feel sorry for her for some reason.


「Well then, I attack with my guardian angel.」


The guardian angel has the ability to give any damage dealt as healing to your hero.  With the life recovered in this attack, Souta’s life value is now in a safe place.


「My turn, I draw! … I summon 『Blade Wyvern』.」


「I stop it with『Denial of Existence』.」


Souta shuts down Hashimoto’s resistance without even a moment of hesitation.


「… I end my turn.」


The following turn, her life dropped to zero as she was attacked by both Souta’s guardian angel and her Arugerante.

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