When I Returned From Another World I Was A Silver Haired Shrine Maiden: Chapter 32

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Wizard’s Soil(turn 02)


※ It’s time for card games. You won’t have any problems understanding the story if you skip this chapter.


When the game was over and Hashimoto-san settled down, Souta was silently shuffling his deck.


「How long has it been since you started playing Wiso?」


I talk to the dejected Hashimoto-san.


「… Around half a year.」


「Souta! Why are you going against a beginner with a control deck!?」


A control deck is a deck that is dedicated to disrupting the other players actions, generally, it’s not recommended when playing against beginners.

It’s extremely frustrating for beginners to constantly be blocked from doing what they want to do, it makes them feel that playing the game isn’t any fun.


「I did it because she told me she wanted to get better at Wiso, she can only get better if she goes against an opponent that takes it seriously…」


「Even so, it’s impossible for beginners to beat such a serious deck… Won’t they break before they get stronger if you don’t allow them to gain experience properly?」


「I, I only want to use control decks…」


So that’s it. He’s just an innocent control idiot.


「I’m also toning down my decks. I’m only using 3 rares, 9 uncommons and the rest are all common cards.」


「Why only limit it that much.」


「Because I don’t expect to keep winning if I limit the deck any further.」


「No, limit it more. Why are you only thinking about having a complete victory with a practice deck!?」


「A deck where you can not win isn’t a deck…」


It’s useless, even if he has talent in playing a deck, he doesn’t have the talent to teach people anything.


「If you’re saying such a thing, then shouldn’t you have the confidence to beat it? Let’s have a match.」


「Sorry, I didn’t bring a deck so we can’t play.」


「Is that so…」

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Souta seemed a little disappointed.


「Umm… Would it be fine if I lent you my deck?」


Seeing Souta like that, Hashimoto-san offered her deck.

I honestly appreciated her offer because I really wanted to play some Wiso after watching it.


「Well then, I will accept your offer. Can you show me your deck?」


「Yes, here it is.」


I receive the deck from her.

I open it up in a fan shape while I scan through the cards with my thumb.

Her deck is a green and red creature based deck, it has a straightforward composition that is mostly occupied by creatures living in the forest and dragons living in the mountains.

… Honestly, this deck’s match-up against Souta’s is really bad.


「You can change the deck however you want, the spare cards are over here.」


Saying that she hands me two binders, inside are red and green cards arranged respectively.


「This is… Amazing, isn’t it?」


「My butler prepared it.」


She just casually mentions a butler, I’m astounded at her superiority. The binders contain a complete collection of cards, including 4 copies of cards that would cost thousands of yen each. Of note is that 4 copies is the upper limit of a single card you can have in a deck.

Anyhow, there are cards that came out in the last couple of years while I was inactive, I check the card text one by one while flipping through the pages, adding markers to the cards that I will use in the deck.


After going through all the cards, I arrange the cards I will be substituting into the deck based on card type and cost, I then exchange the cards while explaining my intentions to Hashimoto-san.

As a result of me wanting to try out various cards, I eventually replaced around a third of her deck.

After that, I swap the protective sleeves for the cards I replaced. As for what she was using, it was a flashy crimson rose sleeve… It’s definitely custom made.


「Sorry for the wait.」


I turn to Souta, who was waiting alone at a different desk so to not be spoiled by the completed deck.

I walk over and sit down at the desk facing Souta, we then each shuffle our cards.

However, because my hands are smaller it doesn’t go well, I spill the cards several times while shuffling.


「… Are you okay? Was I wrong to have high expectations of you?」


Souta then takes out two dice and shakes them in his hands. He then rolls the dice. The combined value is 7.


「Because the last time I played was a long time ago, I just couldn’t remember how I used to shuffle the cards. However, I think I will exceed your expectations.」

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I pick up and roll the dice. The combined value is 11.


「It seems I’ll be going first.」


I finish shuffling the deck while still struggling, I then placed it in the center of the table, Souta also did the same with his deck.

We then each shuffle the others deck before returning it, we then each drew 7 cards.


— Duel start!


Well, it’s been around 2 years since I’ve played Wiso.

I confirm the cards in my hand then declare the beginning of the game.


「My turn, I summon 『Pouncing Leopard』 then end my turn.」


「Hou, so you made an aggro deck… I end my turn.」


Souta accurately reads how I adjusted the deck.

As each turn passes in Wiso, the amount of mana you have each turn increases, thus allowing more costly cards to be played.

A control deck is a deck that does its best to survive the early game then wins by playing higher cost cards in the late game. In that case, the best way to beat them is to get damage done in the early game when they can’t use their hand effectively.


「I attack with『Pouncing Leopard』! It does 2 damage reducing your life to 18. I then summon 『Muscle Bear』 and end my turn.


「I draw and end my turn.」


Souta continues to place Soil which is the source of mana.


「I attack with my 2 creatures!」


「I play 『Decree of Justice』, this forces you to choose an attacking creature and sacrifice it.」


「I will sacrifice『Pouncing Leopard』. I then deal 2 more damage reducing you to 16. In addition, I summon another『Muscle Bear』 and end my turn.」


「I draw and end my turn.」


「I attack with my 2 『Muscle Bear』. It deals 4 damage, reducing you to 12. I then summon 『Starved Wolf』… I end my turn if there is nothing from your end.」


… Hmm, he isn’t going to make a move? Does this mean he has something big this turn?


「My turn, I play『Holy War』. All creatures on the field are destroyed.」


Uwa, he played a rare board clear card.

That isn’t something that you play against a beginner… He was looking at me with a smug face.

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… However, it’s painful to have 3 creatures removed with a single card.

But, it was well within what I assumed he would play. Because Souta used all of his mana to play Holy War, he won’t be able to interrupt me the following turn.


「I spend 5 mana to summon『Whirlwind Wyvern』. As it has haste, it can attack this turn!」


「… I only have 9 life left. I play『Holy War』and end my turn.」


A second one!?

However, it’s strange for him to use a board clear to remove my Wyvern alone.

I will continue to attack.


「My turn, I summon『Muscle Bear』 and 『Starving Wolf』.」


「My turn, I play『Holy War』.」


「So all 3 of your rares are 『Holy War』!? How is that fair!?」


「… Are you salty?」


You’re wrong.

It’s truly a serious deck that you built. I feel sorry for Hashimoto-san who had to play against it over and over. I want to take the time to break this control idiot.

However, I’m down to only 1 card in my hand. It’s going to be pretty hard to beat him, who has 3. But, the chances of him having another creature removal card is low unless he draws another.


「I summon 『Blade Wyvern』.」


「I stop it with『Denial of Existence』.」


He still had enough mana left even after playing『Holy War』to play a denial card. Yeah… This is bad.


「My turn, I draw and end my turn.」


The typical style of a control deck is to only move during your opponent’s turn while simply drawing a card and ending your own turn, hence why they are called that.


「My turn, I draw… I end my turn.」


The card I drew wasn’t one that can be used alone, my attacking finally stops.


「My turn, I draw and end my turn.」


At first glance, we seem to be balanced. However, my deck only contains low cost and low effect cards, Souta’s deck is composed of heavy cost cards. I was definitely getting closer to losing under this condition.


「My turn, I draw… This is!」

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The card I drew was Hashimoto-san’s favorite card, 『Vermilion Ancient Dragon, Arugerante』. I had intended to remove it from the deck because of its high cost, but when I saw Hashimoto-san’s expression I decided to keep it in.

I have exactly the mana needed to play it. However, I hesitate playing it against Souta while he still has mana.

Yet, either way I’m in a bad state, so there is no choice but to play it.

With determination, I decided to either live or die with this card.


「I play 『Arugerante』… Will you interrupt it!?」


『… Ikuto-san, you forgot to say the full name.』


「… I’ll let you play it.」


I managed to play it. But, there is still the possibility it will be removed on his turn–


「My turn, I use 『Subjection magic』. I now have control of 『Arugerante』.」


— I lose control.


「Somehow, it seems like I’ve won this game. I end my turn.」


「… Not yet, the match still isn’t over.」


I lightly tap the deck with the back of my right hand.

… There is no particular meaning, it’s merely a wish. (TN: Believe in the heart of the cards Yugi!)

I straighten my finger and place it on top of the deck before vigorously drawing the card.


… The card I pulled was the same one I wished for.

I check once again to make sure there is no mistake in my calculation. The only card on Souta’s side is the stolen 『Arugerante』. Souta also used all of his mana casting 『Subjection magic』and no negation spells are set. His life is at 9.


「I play『Word of Confusion』.」


「That card…!」


『Word of Confusion』 gives me control of one of my opponents creatures for a single turn.

Unlike 『Subjection magic』 which permanently gives you control, you only gain control temporarily, however the creature gains the ability to attack that turn.


「I attack with 『Arugerante』!」


「Kuh… that leaves me with 3 life… are you done with your turn?」


「No, this game is over. I play 『Spear of Lightning』. It allows me to deal 3 damage to my chosen target. My target is you!」


With that, Souta’s life hits zero and the game ended with my victory.

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