The virus set by the system is not the kind that crosses the ages, so half an hour later Xia Lan Shan successfully solved the demonic virus that made people blush and heart pound, only she was also sweating from the heat.

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     After solving this matter, Xia Lan Shan didn't dare to stay any longer and hurriedly left Shi Yin's room.

     Shi Yin looked at her leaving back thoughtfully, this kind of reaction… …

     Although she has never been in a relationship, Shi Yin was extremely sensitive to people's emotional changes. She just wanted to give Xia Lan Shan an opening to let her first realize homosexuality was a thing, but Xia Lan Shan's reaction just now was quite different from what she imagined. It was like she had been aware of homosexuality for a long time.

     But one has to know that Xia Lan Shan hardly touches the Internet except for her study needs. She doesn't play games or watch variety shows. At most, she follows her late grandma's habit of occasionally watching news broadcasts. Whenever Shi Yin speaks to her using the viral trends, she doesn't get it. It was strange that she would know about this kind of thing.

     Moreover, her subconscious behavior of dodging her just now was also very strange. Shi Yin once watched pornographic movies with her "good friends" in her previous life. They would be shy, but they wouldn’t have this kind of reaction at all.

     Tsk, she didn’t know, it turns out Xia Lan Shan has long been confused about her own sexuality.

     This was so much fun!

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     On the other side, Xia Lan Shan sat in front of the thesis paper she had just written and reached out her hand to lightly touch her forehead.

     It was just an accident, but Xia Lan Shan couldn't control her chaotic thoughts. For a while, the white scene she saw just now floated in her mind, then the scene of Shi Yin appearing carelessly wrapped in a bath towel after a power outage. This made her unable to even deceive herself.

     In reality, during the third year of high school, Xia Lan Shan had doubts about her throbbing heartbeats with Shi Yin. Yet, at that time she attributed it to "friendship". After all, she hasn’t had any close friends like that and just naturally classified it as such.

     Later, she felt this kind of emotional sustenance was like when Shi Yin's parents divorced, she was the first to lend a helping hand to her. It was similar to how a baby bird imprints itself to the first thing or person it sees as ever since then Shi Yin began to rely on her. Xia Lan Shan felt it was the same for herself. After her grandma passed away, she didn’t have a home anymore. Paired with how Shi Yin brought her a sense of warmth again, she also transferred the similar feelings towards her grandma to Shi Yin.

     It wasn’t until after the bath towel incident that Xia Lan Shan kept dreaming of similar scenes when she was sleeping. Sometimes the bath towel would suddenly fall off while she was walking, other times Shi Yin would look at her with her moist eyes and say something like; Jie Jie, I’m so hot. Can you help me take off my clothes?

     These dreams once troubled Xia Lan Shan, so she tried to seek help online and went to see a doctor secretly. They all said these were normal problems that occur in adolescent children. Xia Lan Shan believed it, but since then, she has found a reason to move out nor did she sleep with Shi Yin much after that.

     Xia Lan Shan didn't want to face these problems. Thus, she subconsciously chose to avoid them. After all, they might become strangers if she was discovered, but if she stayed a good friend, they might still be good friends all the way to the end.

     Grandma didn't teach her how to deal with this kind of thing, so Xia Lan Shan naturally chose the one she thought was more beneficial and less error-prone.

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     However, self-deception was self-deception. Xia Lan Shan knew she had failed her grandma's expectations. She had always expected her to be an upright and good person, but she had a guilty conscience.

     She clearly has other intentions in her heart, yet she still pretends to be normal and enjoys the playfulness between friends in Shi Yin's eyes. If there was no accident, she may continue to pretend like this.

     What Xia Lan Shan didn't know was that Shi Yin noticed something unusual about her behavior just now. With her hiding things, no matter how she recalled her actions, it felt like she had given herself away.

     She massaged her temples hard. Ha, she was really possessed. What was she thinking? It was but an accident and Shi Yin has always been careless, how could she notice such details?

     Xia Lan Shan kept saying this to herself until she seemed to have calmed down. Then, she read her thesis from the beginning and continued writing.

     It's just that there are some things one can’t really pretend nothing happened even if one pretended. At night, Shi Yin called Xia Lan Shan to eat dinner and Xia Lan Shan subconsciously made an excuse that she hadn't finished her work. Only after Shi Yin returned to her room did she come out to eat, so as to avoid communicating with Shi Yin.

     When in fact, Xia Lan Shan had already made a draft for her thesis and finished it long ago, but she just kept staring at the screen in a daze.

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     Shi Yin more or less guessed Xia Lan Shan's psychology. People always have a mentality of delaying for as long as possible when facing things they want to avoid. Of course, this may also be because she feels too good about herself. Maybe she was really busy, but Shi Yin has a system to cheat, so it was easy to know the truth.

     When it was Xia Lan Shan's rest time at night and she still hadn't left the study, Shi Yin went to the study to knock on the door: "Jie Jie, it's time for bed."

     Xia Lan Shan's work and rest schedules were quite routine most of the time, but occasionally when she wanted to finish writing a thesis immediately or suddenly came up with inspiration to solve a certain formula, she would stay up late. At this time, she needs Shi Yin to remind her. If one wants to enjoy other people's care with peace of mind and without making the other party suspicious, you will have to pay something in order to make the other party feel they are "valued". Although if they analyze it with a clear mind, they will realize the other party has been freeloading. However, emotions are a useful paralyzing agent.

     Since the two weren’t on guard with each other, Shi Yin immediately opened the door after her “warning”. Xia Lan Shan didn’t lock the door at any other times except when she was taking a shower, so Shi Yin directly came in.

     Xia Lan Shan was startled as she shut the computer abruptly and “En” lightly. Looking up at Shi Yin, she only felt a muffled thunder in her ears while her eyes widened: "Why are you dressed like this?!"

     "Ah?" Shi Yin looked down at herself in confusion and even twirled around, "Aren't my new pajamas pretty?"

     The pajamas were indeed newly bought. Shi Yin was a shopaholic. On the premise of not lacking money, she can't control her hands when she sees novelty, good-looking and interesting things. Even half of Xia Lan Shan's own wardrobe was occupied by her. However, her aesthetics were indeed outstanding. Most of them suited her with some that are gorgeous but not suitable for wearing out.

     The current pajamas on Shi Yin's body weren’t that revealing. It was more of a historical style with a textile-like material and the various layers made it appear fairy-like, not revealing. Only as everyone knows, most textile-like clothes are quite transparent under the light. Therefore, flashing people was inevitable. Moreover, Shi Yin's hair was even wet. So when she spun around, with the swing of her hair, her looming skin also followed.

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     Xia Lan Shan felt like a wretched pervert. She should be ashamed, but she just couldn't look away.

     Accident, it’s just an accident.

     Xia Lan Shan warned herself as she slightly shifted her gaze, furrowing her brows: "You'll catch a cold like this."

     Shi Yin: "Then Jie Jie, come help blow dry it. My hands get sore from holding the hair dryer."

     "... … I'm sleepy, do it yourself." After a moment of silence, Xia Lan Shan chose to refuse. She was afraid if she approached Shi Yin in this situation, her mind would go wild. Rather, if she has the time to do these things, it's better to just sleep earlier.

     When she wakes up, she’ll forget about today's events and everything returns to normal.

     Shi Yin blinked, "Oh, then rest earlier."

     Xia Lan Shan “En,” then walked back to the room at a decent speed. Soon, the sound of water flowed in the bathroom. Under the impact of the water flow, her confused thoughts seemed to be sorted out. Thus, Xia Lan Shan comforted herself; just now was really just a momentary madness. See, it was the right thing to go to bed early.

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