Shi Yin realized for the first time that the system and human beings were two completely different creatures. In the moral views that most people are used to, a man and woman couple is the only right way. Many parents can be liberated enough to support their children to study in majors where employment is difficult and accept being unmarried or infertile, but they are always dead-set on the gender issue.

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     Moreover, many people, no matter if they are straight or bent, their orientation can only be straight due to external factors such as society and family.

     Shi Yin is not among this vast majority of people. She has been selfish since she was a child and the word selfish is a word that frequently appears in her parents' quarrels with her. However, Shi Yin has never even considered dating the opposite sex, let alone the same sex.

     She doesn't really have any idea about her sexuality, because Shi Yin has yet to encounter that heart-pounding sensation. Her wicked personality made her like to toy with others, such as making her father mistakenly think that his mistress was only with him to be with her mother, letting her mother mistakenly think that her husband married her to cover up the unrequited love between the other party and his brother along with teasing the company's new intern, making her mistakenly think that the company's employees were all ghosts… …

     In short, Shi Yin feels happy when she sees other people being unhappy, though this is not because of a personality distortion due to trauma caused by something she experienced in childhood, nor is it because they had any conflicts with herself. It is purely her liking to do twisted things like this.

     In her younger brother's words, a person like her should be living in a mental hospital and strictly guarded.

     Shi Yin felt she was normal, only that her hobbies were different from the general public.

     After all, strictly speaking, no one's personal safety isn’t guaranteed because of her. Yet, judging from her behavior, one can know that it’ll be strange if she truly likes someone.

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     However, Shi Yin herself is not the kind of person who regards romance as sacred. Besides, she has already tricked the female several times. So, if she deceives her feelings, Shi Yin felt it shouldn't be that big a deal, right?

     The only problem at present is that Shi Yin has only seen other people fall in love, but she is still a blank canvas in this area — as such, this was truly the first time she really didn't know where to start.

     Yet, thinking about it, it should be no different from causing trouble. They’re both about deceiving other people's feelings and making them believe a ridiculous thing. Generally speaking, it shouldn't be difficult, right?

     Then again, the problem is, the vast majority of women already have frequent physical contact and close relationships with their besties and friends. How can she make her realize that she is actually not straight but bent?

     For those who have never been exposed to certain types of things, they need a "mentor" or a stepping stone to help them open the door to a new world.

     The strategy Shi Yin thought of was simple and crude. Originally, she planned to directly insert a virus pop-up window into Xia Lan Shan's webpage. But considering that Xia Lan Shan hadn't installed any messy things in her notebook, there was no room for viruses to survive. Thus, she had the virus installed on her computer instead.

     After all, Shi Yin’s been curious about everything in this strange world. Therefore, everything from games, videos, to music exists on her computer. In this case, wouldn't it be reasonable to accidentally download a virus?

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     So, one day when Xia Lan Shan was at home, Shi Yin took action.

     She first put on realistic colored contact lenses for herself, so that when she was 'excited' later, her eyes would look good. She also put a small amount of blush on her cheeks to make her “bashfulness” more realistic and then let the browser stop on a game downloading interface, before stopping it on the screen to let the system implant the virus into it. After that, she rubbed her face vigorously and knocked on the door of the study.

     Because she was afraid of disturbing Shi Yin's game play, Xia Lan Shan usually went to the study alone when she was writing a thesis and processing materials. As long as she didn’t have a fleeing enlightenment, Xia Lan Shan would usually come over as soon as Shi Yin knocked on the door.

     The same was true this time.

     "What's wrong?" Xia Lan Shan glanced at her watch and asked in confusion, "You’re finished the snacks in the refrigerator?"

     Shi Yin shook her head with a red face, looking a little embarrassed, and coyly said: "Jie Jie, my computer has a virus."

     "Let me see." Xia Lan Shan noticed that Shi Yin was blushing, but didn't think much about it. She only thought she felt embarrassed to disturb her, so she walked out of the study and went to Shi Yin’s room.

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     Although the two lived together, they don't live in the same bedroom. After all, everyone needs to have a private space, not to mention that they have different schedules.

     "Ah— Jie Jie is amazing—"

     Xia Lan Shan: "... …?"

     As soon as she opened the door of Shi Yin's bedroom, Xia Lan Shan was stunned by the voice coming from inside. She stiffly turned her head to look at Shi Yin. Shi Yin had an innocent face: "Jie Jie, it’s this! I just downloaded a game and this popped out when I clicked it open. It can’t even be turned off, restarting it is useless too!”

     Xia Lan Shan: "... …" She took a hard breath, "Let me check it out."

     Since the internet was the rising trend, Xia Lan Shan had planned to develop in the direction of programmers after graduation. Therefore, the major she chose at university was related to computers, but this doesn’t mean she was able to repair computers. It can only be said that she can basically handle most of the simple computer problems.

     Shi Yin had placed the computer on the bed. With the sunlight illuminating through the pink curtains, it created an ambiguous light, especially when the computer was still on the bed and making strange noises, which made people can’t help but have some kind of strange association.

     However, this kind of thinking itself was wrong, so Xia Lan Shan tried her best to restrain her excessively rich imagination and climbed onto the bed to start to fiddle with the computer.

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     Shi Yin also climbed up, resting her chin on her shoulder. When Xia Lan Shan helped Shi Yin with computer problems before, she also did but this never made Xia Lan Shan feel more uncomfortable than now. Therefore, she shrugged her shoulders to make Shi Yin not lean on her.

     Since the sound of the computer wasn’t low, Xia Lan Shan turned off the sound first before continuing her fiddling.Yet, after the sound was turned off, the computer screen was still playing scenes which made Xia Lan Shan feel even more restless as her back became sweating.

     The code of this virus was quite advanced, making Xia Lan Shan unable to solve it for the time being. She could only watch the scenes of various poses bouncing on the computer. Instead, because there was no sound, this silent mime made people hear the sound of breathing in the room more clearly and created a strange, ambiguous atmosphere.

     "Jie Jie, are you feeling hot?"

     "... … A little bit." Xia Lan Shan tried hard to restrain her voice that seemed to be out of tune as she stared at the cherry blossom keyboard film Shi Yin had put on the keyboard.

     "Then I'll turn down the air conditioner." Shi Yin fluttered her eyes and pounced towards the AC remote control on the other side. The nightgown she was wearing wasn’t long, so it would flip up as long as her movements were a little big. However, she obviously didn't have this consciousness. After getting the remote control, she adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner at the end of the bed in a duck sitting position. Her black hair hung down on her fair calves, making people even more unable to resist moving their eyes to the view blocked... …

     Shocked, Xia Lan Shan withdrew her gaze. She sat straight up and looked at the computer again. Yet, because her thoughts were too chaotic, she even forgot what was on the computer at this moment, which only made her even more distracted.

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