Although the two were temporarily separated, the progress bar did not move again for the next month. Shi Yin could understand this, after all, for students of this age, the college entrance exam is still the most important thing, especially for a clear-headed person like the female lead. Only after the college entrance examination will she have the mind to think about these emotional issues.

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     So Shi Yin was not in a hurry about it. Once the college entrance examination was over and Xia Lan Shan was busy with her university life, Chi Ying’s existence would naturally fade away from her memory.

     What's more, after her task is completed, she can no longer stay in the current world. She cannot be passive nor sabotage her work under the system’s supervision. With this reasonable reason, she would be able to “live” longer which Shi Yin is happy with.

     As for Chi Ying, it should be said that he is worthy of being the male lead. After spending the first few days in a soulless state, he cheered up and tried to retain Xia Lan Shan. Although there wasn’t much progress with the method, his courage was commendable.

     One has to know, most men and women of this age tend not to choose to retain the other party after breaking up because of their inner pride, especially Chi Ying’s type, who don’t even if there’s regret in their hearts. Although Shi Yin won’t give the other party this opportunity, this kind of behavior, if the two parties really have mutual feelings, is actually quite easy to reconcile.

     It's a pity that Xia Lan Shan didn't have any feelings for Chi Ying at this time, so this kind of behavior naturally didn't go well. After all, when a person has a negative impression of another person, no matter what this person does, one will think of it in a bad direction. Moreover, Shi Yin even made an excuse to let Xia Lan Shan stay over at her house just in case.

     Previously Shi Yin used the excuse that there was no one at home and her grandparents would come over in a few days. Yet now she directly said that because the elders favored boys over girls, they refused to come to take care of her. In reality, the original body's grandparents passed away long ago. If they really came over, then that would be quite the scare!

     Xia Lan Shan didn't know the specific situation of Shi Yin's family, so she believed in what she said. Therefore, she was successfully lured by Shi Yin to her home, which completely dispelled Chi Ying's thoughts of contacting Xia Lan Shan in private.

     In fact, Chi Ying probably knew the general area Xia Lan Shan lived in, but he had never been there because of his pride and Xia Lan Shan's attitude. However, now he may not consider that much. Unfortunately, due to Shi Yin's strict defense, it was impossible for Chi Ying to meet Xia Lan Shan alone after school.

     As for the punk, who caused Chi Ying and Xia Lan Shan to meet again and delayed her college entrance examination, Shi Yin simply spent money to hire a private detective to watch them and report if anything happens.

     After all, there’s no need to say what kind of person they are that they can think of kidnapping and threatening people. The parents might not care, but the school will always take care of it if reported. If that doesn’t work, there’s always the police. Although it will only be lecturing and reforming, it should be enough to keep them safe for a while. If they were really restless, she would just have to spend a little more money during those few days to hire several people to watch over them.

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     Shi Yin didn't dare to underestimate the inertia of the original plot. Though, even if it's the plot, there has to be some logic, right? She didn't believe if she had someone to watch over that side and also specially look for bodyguards on Xia Lan Shan and hers’ side, they could still be taken away by the punk?

     Of course, the original body's allowance was not enough to do these things. Although she is from a good family, it was impossible to give that much money to the children. Her monthly allowance was only a few thousand. Whereas if Shi Yin wanted to achieve her goal, any less than ten thousand yuan was enough. This is where the all-mighty system came in.

     Shi Yin didn't know how the system obtained the money. Anyway, the day after she asked the system for help, the money was sent. This enthusiastic attitude made Shi Yin wonder if it had any deep hatred with the female and male lead. Otherwise, why was it so eager to break them up?

     However, this plane of conflict had nothing to do with her as just a tool person, so Shi Yin didn't get too caught up. Only after confirming the system had plenty of money, she arranged more people as a precaution.

     Even so, Xia Lan Shan almost had an accident the day before the college entrance exam.

     But this time it was not the group of punks that appeared in the plot, but another group. Their purpose was also not to kidnap Xia Lan Shan. Instead, after they learned that Chi Ying likes Xia Lan Shan but failed to court her, they plan to turn Xia Lan Shan into their woman to anger Chi Ying. In the end, before the group of people could approach her, they were held down by the bodyguards. Xia Lan Shan didn't realize the chaotic scene was caused by her and only thought it was those punks that provoked some rich second generation.

     Shi Yin also found out why these people were at odds with Chi Ying. It was entirely because Chi Ying fell in a bad mood after being rejected by Xia Lan Shan and caused trouble outside the school, which resulted in a revenge attack.

     When Shi Yin learned this, she felt speechless. What kind of bad luck did Xia Lan Shan have? She just had to be entangled with this type of male lead. If he caused trouble, Xia Lan Shan would be the unlucky one. Is it that difficult to find the rightful person to take revenge?

     Fortunately, these things were prevented before anything happened, letting Xia Lan Shan's high school career come to a successful conclusion and be admitted to the university she had planned.

     Naturally, Shi Yin also followed her. She used to have decent grades in school, and now she has the memory of this original body as a foundation, she’ll pass after some tutoring. However, she didn't have the chance to choose her major like Xia Lan Shan and had to choose a major that would essentially become unemployed the moment she graduated. This didn’t bother Shi Yin as she didn't need to think about the original body’s future. The life of the original body has already ended when she committed suicide. Therefore once Shi Yin leaves this world, the body will also pass away soon, such as a terminal illness, car accident or maybe a flower pot falling from the sky and crushing her to death. Anything was possible.

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     Thus, the only thing troubling Shi Yin was that Chi Ying didn't repeat his studies this time. Instead, he directly used money to go to a garbage university in the same city as Xia Lan Shan. Obviously, he was planning to spend the next four years of university to drag it out with Xia Lan Shan.

     Xia Lan Shan couldn't understand why Chi Ying was so persistent. After all, the two of them weren’t that familiar with each other. Before becoming a fake couple, they had little to none interactions. During the period of acting as a couple, she only hung out with his underlings for a couple of meals. Other than that, there hasn’t been much communication. So Xia Lan Shan didn't understand why Chi Ying was like this.

     Fortunately, she also didn’t delve into it. After graduating high school, she directly blocked Chi Ying's contact information. After all, once the college entrance examination was over, each went their own way. Therefore, even if she tore down the pretense, she didn't have to worry about causing any trouble. This move seemed to really impact Chi Ying. At the beginning of the university semester, Xia Lan Shan didn’t have to worry about Chi Ying lying in wait for her. After that, there was even less trace of him, making Xia Lan Shan almost forget about this person.

     However, Shi Yin was puzzled. Despite this, the progress bar did not increase any more. At first, Shi Yin thought Chi Ying was still planning something. Yet, after investigation, she found that Chi Ying had directly inherited the family business and even found a new girlfriend. It seemed like he had completely given up.

     After reviewing some president webnovels, Shi Yin suspected the two might meet again in the workplace. Thus, she urged Xia Lan Shan to take the postgraduate entrance examination for further study and develop in the academic direction.

     After all, Xia Lan Shan doesn't have much desire for money. She has only worked part-time because she needed to support herself, but she also had something she was interested in, such as— studying.

     Of course, it's more like a habit rather than interest. However, since this habit is not annoying, it was okay to continue it.

     With her social circle turning in the direction of scientific research, naturally there was no chance to meet the male lead who was busy in the business circle.

     Though what puzzled Shi Yin was that even though she had kept the two of them away from each other, the progress bar was still stuck at the progress achieved during high school.

     Shi Yin truly couldn't think of any other way to separate the two, so she could only summon the system that hasn’t been online for a while.

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     The system was silent for a while, as if it was investigating, and then replied: "There is a plotline called destiny between the protagonists."

     Shi Yin: "...?"

     System: "When you dragged Xia Lan Shan to the restaurant for dinner the day before yesterday, Chi Ying was at the restaurant next door. If you hadn't wasted time by touching up your makeup, the two would have bumped into each other by coincidence; when you went to the night market with Xia Lan Shan a month ago, Chi Ying was preparing to exit the hotel not far away; when you were traveling on vacation three months ago, Chi Ying happened to be on the same plane… …"

     Shi Yin: "!!!"

     "That is to say, there’s always going to be one day that they will still interact again because of such coincidences and develop feelings due to various accidents."

     "Is there no way to stop it?" Shi Yin felt it would be too difficult for her to stare at Xia Lan Shan for the rest of her life. After all, this body is still alive and kicking because of her own life being used. When she signed the contract with the system, this was all discussed beforehand. In order to prevent her from being passive, the lifespan consumed by the body used in the mission will be made up with her own lifespan. Thus, every time the male and female leads were successfully separated and after deducting the consumption in the mission world, what’s left would be her resurrection lifespan.

     "There’s not," the system cruelly broke Shi Yin's fantasy: "No matter how you stop it, the destiny between them will never be cut off. You have to either let her never fall in love for the rest of her life, or let her fall in love with someone other than the male lead and guarantee their unchanging loyalty. That way even if they meet again, there will be no chance for them to be together again."

     Shi Yin: "... …"

     Xia Lan Shan did not have a bachelorette view. Although she had an unfortunate childhood, she does not object to having her own family and has a relatively positive view on love. Shi Yin feels it would be too difficult for her not to fall in love for the rest of her life. Moreover, even if there’s no emotional needs, there are always physical needs, right? Therefore, it is obviously unrealistic not to find a partner for a lifetime.

     Yet, the second method, Shi Yin felt was even more unrealistic. She isn’t a matchmaker; where can she find someone who can make Xia Lan Shan's heart flutter, who’s also good-looking and has no flaws?

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     Although Shi Yin did everything for her own sake, she didn't want to hurt Xia Lan Shan as long as it didn't harm her own interests. After all, she didn't do anything wrong. As for herself, just casually finding a man and scheme for Xia Lan Shan to fall in love with the other party, Shi Yin felt her conscience would ache.

     So after thinking about it, Shi Yin simply asked the system to scan for qualified as well as single outstanding men.

     System: "I do have a good candidate."

     Shi Yin: "Who?"


     "I'm a female!" Shi Yin's pupils shook.

     "Why won’t females do?" The system calmly responded, "Don't you humans always say true love has no borders, skin color or gender? What's more, in Xia Lan Shan's interpersonal relationship, you are closest to her. Isn't this more convenient than starting from scratch?"

     Shi Yin was speechless: "That’s different."

     "Where is it different?" The system was puzzled, "Is it because of the lack of offspring? If you guys want children, I can help. In the future, artificial intervention in childbirth has been possible long ago."

     Shi Yin: "Ah, this… …"

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