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     【Dismantling progress increased, current progress: 40%】

     As Chi Ying finished speaking, Shi Yin's progress suddenly increased. The unexpected increase made Shi Yin even suspect that Chi Ying was an undercover agent sent by the system.

     Xia Lan Shan couldn't bear it anymore: "That's enough Chi Ying. I don't think there is anything wrong with Shi Yin. I can understand that you don't like Shi Yin, everyone has someone who they might not like, but you can't just slander without reason, even using such an outrageous reason as a vixen. That’s too much!”

     Xia Lan Shan's defense of Shi Yin made Chi Ying even sorer and laughed out of anger: "Is it? Ever since this vixen started pestering you, how long have you not looked for me?"

     "... … This was my negligence, Chi Ying, I think we should end it, I..." Xia Lan Shan was silent for a while before she made up her mind.

     Seeing this, Chi Ying immediately panicked. He wanted Xia Lan Shan to sever her relationship with Shi Yin, not him!

     "Wait, I didn't mean that, I..."

     "You guys, stop arguing!" Noticing Chi Ying was backing down and Xia Lan Shan would probably be persuaded otherwise, Shi Yin immediately jumped out, crying as she apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that Classmate Chi hated me all this time. I-I didn't pester Class Monitor on purpose, I, I only... … Woo, I will keep a distance from Class Monitor, I’m sorry woo woo..."

     "As long as you know!"

     "Chi Ying!" Xia Lan Shan angrily stopped him. By the time she glanced back, she saw Shi Yin had already run away crying, which made her a little anxious.

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     She took a breath, then looked at Chi Ying and said: "It's my fault for failing to fulfill the agreement. I’ll refund the money to you. Chi Ying, you should find another person to pretend to be your girlfriend."

     After Xia Lan Shan finished speaking, she turned around and went to look for Shi Yin.


     It's a pity that Xia Lan Shan turned a deaf ear to his words, so Chi Ying kicked the tree next to him and cursed in a low voice.

     The interactions between Xia Lan Shan and Chi Ying were completely accidental. She was an abandoned baby picked up by an old lady. At that time, everything in the country was not yet developed, let alone the orphanage system. After the old lady went to check out the orphanage, she decided to raise her herself. It's just that her children didn't agree, so the old lady rented a house outside to raise her.

     However, the old lady was old after all. Thus, naturally there will be a day when she will die. The old lady's family has long been dissatisfied with her using her pension money to support Xia Lan Shan. Supporting a baby through high school requires an envious amount of money for a poor family, so after the elder’s death, Xia Lan Shan was naturally kicked out.

     Xia Lan Shan could understand this, only she had given the old lady all the money she earned from part-time jobs without reservation. Therefore, at that time she had no money except for the five thousand yuan given by the other party. Once she re-rented another apartment, it was hard enough to make ends meet, let alone to still pay for tuition and living expenses.

     At that time, Chi Ying found her and asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend. Xia Lan Shan didn't know the reason, but she didn't want to ask someone to borrow money at that time and agreed immediately after asking about the conditions. After all, a service transaction made her feel more secure than owing someone something.

     After going through that most difficult period, Xia Lan Shan actually wanted to bring up this matter. Ashamedly, she did covet that amount of money, so she kept struggling about this. Yet, this matter of Shi Yin instead allowed her to make up her mind.

     She meant, even if she was pretending, she was indeed incompetent, making her not at ease with taking the money.

     Shi Yin saw this scene through the live broadcast of the system and couldn't help but immediately whistle. In fact, if the original plot was followed, this would be a relatively big contradiction between the two people's relationship. Because in Chi Ying's eyes, this kind of behavior from Xia Lan Shan was proof that she will do anything with enough money. Thus, after Xia Lan Shan was admitted to university and the two moved to different places, Chi Ying was always worried that Xia Lan Shan would run away with others due to their money. After this misunderstanding is resolved,  Chi Ying’s feelings for Xia Lan Shan will naturally become deeper and firmer due to guilt and heartache.

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     Shi Yin found that in many novels of this type, the male lead seems to like to misunderstand the female lead as a gold digger woman. Yet, those were basically stories with a president. Having it was outrageous for a campus-setting story. After all, both have been classmates. Wouldn't one understand the character of the other party?

     Of course, her with her pretense doesn't count.

     Due to Xia Lan Shan's decision, the progress bar rose to 60% in an instant, but then stopped moving, making Shi Yin admit that their relationship was pretty solid.

     However, judging from Xia Lan Shan's performance, she has not developed any love-like feelings for Chi Ying at present and may even have a bad impression of him now. So the reason why the progress bar is not moving should be on Chi Ying's side.

     In the end, although most of these plots are told from the perspective of the female lead, the real protagonist has always been the hero, who looks handsome and has a good family background that will always become a respected figure no matter how laid back he was while young. Whereas no matter how excellent the female lead is, when the male lead starts to put in efforts, he will instantly be able to catch up. With just a little effort, he can surpass the female lead’s efforts to obtain the first place, showing others what is called extraordinary talent.

     At present, it seems that the plot of this world did not deviate from this pattern.

     Yet, Shi Yin didn't intend to change her target. After all, as long as Xia Lan Shan's conviction was firm, Chi Ying would never be able to be with Xia Lan Shan again. Moreover, based on her understanding of Xia Lan Shan, she is not the type who would go back on her word once she made up her mind. As long as she stabilizes her, the relationship line will almost completely collapse.

     Thinking of this, Shi Yin stopped and squatted on the ground to begin to cry, waiting for Xia Lan Shan to chase up to her.

     Shi Yin didn't run too fast, so it wasn't too difficult for Xia Lan Shan to catch up. It wasn't the first time she saw Shi Yin cry, but there was no other time that she felt more flustered and guilty than now.

     Clearly the other party didn't do anything, but because of her, she had to carry the blame out of nowhere. Her mood has only just improved recently, but if her depression was aggravated because of this incident, Xia Lan Shan didn't know what else to do to pull her back.

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     "Shi Yin..." Xia Lan Shan squatted beside her. She didn’t know if it was because the incident happened too suddenly that Xia Lan Shan felt her thoughts were a little chaotic and couldn't organize her words very well. This was just like that lost state she felt when she learned about her grandmother’s death, where she didn't know what to do next: "Don't worry about what Chi Ying said, he has no relationship with me, nor has any right to control who I want to hang out with. Shi Yin, don’t cry... ..."

     Shi Yin: "I don't even know what I did wrong, why does he keep targeting me like this... Waaaaa… …"

     "That's because he's crazy, so no need to worry about him," Xia Lan Shan actually had some vague guesses about why Chi Ying did this. Although they said at the beginning that they were just pretending, Chi Ying seemed to have taken it seriously. This was actually one of the reasons why Xia Lan Shan wanted to end it. She gently reached out and touched Shi Yin's back, "Don't cry, let's go back to the classroom, okay?"

     Shi Yin sniffed and nodded as she continued: "I didn't approach you on purpose, I just feel that staying with you, Class Monitor, feels like 'home', as if I have an extra Jie Jie, so I kept sticking to you. I'm sorry, I didn't know it would trouble you… …"

     She looked really sad, but Xia Lan Shan felt that her thoughts were a little confused. When the other party spoke, she got a little close, causing a faint milky fragrance to keep getting into her nostrils. It was to the point that Xia Lan Shan felt everything around her seemed to be far away from her, even what Shi Yin was saying didn't seem to be heard clearly.

     Even if they shared the same bed before, the two of them have never been this close, because there was one blanket for each person. After all, if the two people use the same blanket and one of them turns over, it will be easy for the wind to pass in. While if each person has their own blanket, there would be no such problem.

     Xia Lan Shan held her breath lightly. She felt that if she didn't control herself, she might show strange emotions now, so she restrained herself: "No trouble." She slightly lowered her gaze. It fell on her delicate earlobes, making herself seem like she was looking directly at her. Then she paused and continued, "I also like you very much… …"

     When Shi Yin heard her words, her brows slowly relaxed as she peered at her anxiously: "Th-then, can I call you Jie Jie?"

     Xia Lan Shan felt that this title seemed to have magical powers. She tightly clenched her fists, not daring to cast her gaze on her anymore, and answered tensely: "Y-yes."

     Shi Yin looked at her with moist eyes: "Jie Jie."

     It was but a simple word, yet it was similar to a lover whispering in one’s ear, like a fairy bewitching people's hearts. She responded softly with a red face.

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     She doesn't quite understand what this feeling was. Could it be because although she has shown that she doesn't care about family since she was a child, she actually longs to have it?


     【Dismantling progress increased, current progress: 70%】

     Shi Yin: "... …?"

     She blinked and felt that the increase in progress was inexplicable. Could it be that now Xia Lan Shan thought she was one of her own people, so she felt Chi Ying's actions were even more hateful?

     Shi Yin felt puzzled, but it was a good thing anyway, so she didn't bother thinking too much.  She stretched out her hand to grab Xia Lan Shan, who seemed a little dazed: "Jie Jie, the starting class bell is ringing."

     Shi Yin always did things like quickly adjusting to the situation and pushing for more without the awareness that Xia Lan Shan was younger than herself. To which, Xia Lan Shan nodded as her eyes wandered a bit: "Let's go."

     Xia Lan Shan was not a person who liked to keep things in her heart. In the past, she would always ask her grandma when she encountered something confusing, but now she can only ponder the answer by herself. But this was destined to be a long process, because she has no leads at all.

     She couldn't resist looking sideways at Shi Yin. At this moment, she didn't seem to have any negative emotions. She couldn't see the sadness from just now, how truly simple-minded. However, Xia Lan Shan thought this was pretty good. It also makes people feel better when they look at her.

     She didn’t know, Shi Yin was simply feeling that the progress was so fast that she would be able to leave this world soon. Thus, her reason for being unable to control her emotions.

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