Little did he know that while Jian Songyi stood on the rostrum to read the review, the sugar disappeared already that night. 

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He liked it, but he made up his mind that this had nothing to do with Bai Huai. 

After reading the review with an expressionless face, he still has a somewhat dark aura around him as if telling others to not come near him, especially those who are not personally invited. This revealed how unhappy Jian Songyi still is.

But this did not affect the enthusiastic applause of the audience.

Handsome, Jian Songyi is f*cking handsome. Even if he is dead scary serious, he will still be the death of many teenage girls and Omega. Many have been dying to see him that after just a glance, some even swoon and fainted. 

Peng Minghong was disappointed with how it turned out. Jian Songyi was supposed to be punished, not praised. But here they are. He was heartbroken and therefore had chosen to correct the school’s spirit and motto.

After the review from Jian Songyi, Peng Minghong ordered him to stand by.

He took the microphone and said in a very stern and ferocious voice. “Today, I asked Jian Songyi to make a speech in order to show all of you an example of a bad student. In this new semester, everyone should behave themselves, and I will be very strict about it. You should all avoid trouble and devote every piece of yourselves towards studying! What’s the use of being handsome? What’s the use of playing games? Can you go to Baicheng or Hauqing with that? No! Therefore, I hope that all of you here will take this as a warning and not disregard discipline on the school premises, unlike Jian Songyi. “

With that, he handed the microphone to Lao Bai and sat next to the rostrum like a demon, which was quite intimidating.

Meanwhile, Lao Bai, who was feeling a little bit mischievous as he wanted to back his students up spoke to the microphone and smiled. “First of all, I would like to announce a piece of good news to all of you. In the last joint examination, two third-year students from our school achieved very outstanding results. The first and second places are in our school. They are Bai Huai and Jian Songyi from Class one. I hope you can learn more from them! “

Comrade Peng Minghong, who had just sat down and was ready to have a drink of water to moisten his throat: “…..”

The crowd snickered low, and a bold boy directly raised his voice and asked, “So teacher, should we learn from Jian Songyi or not?”

Lao Bai is really going to protect his student from his shortcomings, so he asked Jian Songyi. “So Jian Songyi, do you have any experience that you want to talk to your younger brothers and sisters?”

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Jian Songyi snickered. “I just want to say that if you are handsome, you can really go to Huaqing or Beicheng.”


A pent-up laugh broke out in the crowd.

Peng Minghong felt that the water today was really choking, so he took out a bottle of Jingxin oral liquid and drank it.

After speaking solemnly, Jian Songyi continued to look from the stage solemnly. He looked over at Peng Minghong and then his eyes accidentally glanced over at Bai Huai. 

He is wearing the same blue and white school uniform as others, but he looks different from them somehow. 

Jian Songyi felt that the man was really eye-catching and annoying to resurface and stand out like that from the crowd.

Not knowing if he sensed something, Bai Huai suddenly raised his eyelids and looked on the stage.

The line of sight just crossed two thousand people and collided in the air.

At the moment of the collision, Jian Songyi suddenly thought about who was the first and who was the second this time.

‘It’s supposed to be me, right? Or do I really want to be called Bai Huai’s father? Then I might as well die.’ This is Jian Songyi’s line of thinking.

“Bai Huai, in particular, won the championship when he took part in the examination for the first time. I hereby commend him!”

Jian Songyi: “……”

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‘Heh. You got to be kidding me.’

The students near the rostrum suddenly felt that it was getting cold.

By the time he returned to the classroom, Jian Songyi’s face could be described as ice and snow in defeat.

Unaware of it, Xu Jiaxing bravely took out his mobile phone from his sleeve and, handed it to Jian Songyi. “Brother Song, look at the post, the result of the school’s most handsome evaluation has come out.”

The screen’s small is small but it is still enough to show the row of words imprinted upon it.

[The First Nanwai Most Handsome Evaluation has come to a successful conclusion. Let’s congratulate third-year, Class One’s Bai Huai!]

Jian Songyi: “…..”

Fearing that he would be unhappy, Xu Jiaxing hastened to explain, “Brother Song, this vote is not fair at all. In the middle of this poll, many people from Beicheng, where Bai Huai came from, came blindly to join the fun and cast gratitude votes indiscriminately. As you know, there are a thousand students in Beicheng compared to our school. In fact, in terms of the number of votes in our school, you really haven’t lost. “

Jian Songyi couldn’t listen to this word now. He frowned and said in a bad tone, “What does it mean to lose? How did I lose? “

Xu Jiaxing thought that violence might break out if this topic went on, so he had an idea and changed the topic: “Oh, this time Bai Huai actually won the first place in five schools, which is very impressive. Look at Peng Minghong’s embarrassed face. To think that he portrayed you and Bai Huai as a bad example and then you’d both nab the first and second place.”


Everyone sent an elegiac couplet for Xu Jiaxing in their hearts.

Jian Songyi took out a book from under his table and slammed it against it. It was so powerful that the pen rolled off the floor.

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Bai Huai bent down to pick up the pen and said, “Why are you getting mad with the book?”

Jian Songyi flipped through the book and ignored him.

Bai Huai raised an eyebrow upwards and said, “What? Are you planning to renege, or are you too embarrassed to say it?”

Jian Songyi crumpled the paper from the book that he was reading so tightly that his knuckles started turning white. Three seconds later, he regained his composure and faced him “So long as you’d listen, then I’ll say it. Do not worry. I’ll do what I’ve promised next time.” 

Bai Huai nodded. He sat on his chair and placed his hand behind his ear as if motioning to him that he is waiting for what is it he is bound to say. 

It’s not over yet.

Jian Songyi is a man who is bold and true to his word. 

He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath as if he is gathering the courage. His lips moved and only a sound of ‘s’ was heard from his lips several times.

From Bai Huai’s point of view, he can clearly see the blue veins on his forehead beating vaguely, and his ears are red with blood.

If he continued teasing him, then it will be hard to coax him in forgiving him later.

Thus, Bai Huai stopped as soon as he was ready. He placed Jian Songyi’s pen in front of him before saying lightly, “Forget it. You let me borrow your uniform. Because of that, I’ll let you off the hook this time.” 

Xu Jiaxing only seemed to get everything just now. He lets out a sigh of relief after hearing this. He then turned around and pretended like nothing of it happened. 

Onlookers followed the suit.

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It’s a quiet place yet again. At least for now.

Jian Songyi was thinking about how the animal Bai Huai had suddenly become so kind, but then he leaned over and cleared his throat. He even let out a soft chuckle against his ear. “Just this once. Next time, you need to call for me. I’ll pick the time and place.  “

The warm air between his lips and teeth swept slowly across Bai Huai’s ear and neck. His skin was being provoked to lie down right there.

The temperature intensified Jian Song Yi’s emotions and he was furious for a moment.


Bare and Naked provocation!

He has the nerve to stir Jian Songyi’s emotions. ‘How dare he?!’ He thought.

Look at this smelly rascal pretending to be a rogue with unlimited gold glasses. He is a dressed beast!

Next time?

There can’t be another time.

He will never lose to Bai Huai for the second time.

Absolutely not.

Out of his high pride and ego, but also out of nature of men fighting to win, Jian Songyi with the perception of being repeatedly provoked, he finally could not resist and sneered out a statement he may or may not regret for the rest of his life. 

“The first Alpha in the south, right? I will not be worth becoming an Alpha if I don’t let you leave the South without a convincing hard loss. There is no room for two Alphas in one mountain.”

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