After his statement, Jian Songyi put on his headphones before taking out his Chinese reading training book that he had never touched and took all of his focus unto it, leaving Bai Huai to fend for himself with his cold and serious face.

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Bai Huai continued watching him. With his dazzling cold eyes and long lashes, no one would even doubt that he is the silent type, not like he minds, but as he looks over at what seems like a pouting Jian Songyi, there’s a hint of affection. A little bit tad of affection.

But in a blink of an eye, his cold eyes suddenly turned to displeasure. Not towards Jian Songyi, though. He is aware that the situation that they are now in is his fault.

Bai Huai knows he had been pestering the young master Jian Songyi for the past couple of days, which made him a little embarrassed and annoyed at him. He just wanted to tease him a little, but his popularity turned the situation into the worst outcome possible.

He is most definitely not going to leave Nanwai, so between the two of them, Jian Songyi should not be the Alpha that he aspires to be. His words are cruel, but it can only be expected for a person that holds grudges. This will be a fight until death, he reckoned.

Bai Huai pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Forget it. He has held a grudge against himself for more than a decade.

In the end, the road is blocked and long.

After class, Bai Huai didn’t say a word and left the classroom.

Jian Songyi naturally wanted him to be as far away as possible from him. He doesn’t even want to see Bai Huai. But he was not sure why, as soon as Bai Huai left, he suddenly felt physical discomfort all over his whole well-being.

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His whole body became sore and weak. His head suddenly became swollen and he felt dizzy because of it. And don’t let him start with his spine and neck. They feel like burning like every other of his internal organs.

Is the reaction to differentiation so strong?

It seems that the saying is true that the later the differentiation, the greater the reaction will be and restrain to the body. It was too much that Jian Songyi could not handle it anymore. He better ask to leave.

Counting the days, it’s time for Mrs. Tang to come back. Even if he wants to get out in this state, Mrs. Tang won’t let him go. 

Thinking about this, Jian Songyi had no other choice but to send a WeChat report to his mother. But as soon as he touched his trouser pocket, he remembered that his phone has been confiscated and his spare phone was not with him. The last resort was his tablet, but its battery was already dead since he had been using it for a while for listening to music. 

All of a sudden, his heart became even more congested.

‘Why is today not going well? What kind of unluck is this?” He thought to himself. 

Jian Songyi placed his head against his table, making his bent arms as a pillow as he closes his eyes. His other hand runs through his hair in hopes to ease the pain in his head. 

After lying down for a while, he suddenly felt movement next to him. A hand made its way under his table through the gap between him and the desk itself. The movement from the hand was careful not to touch him as if it’s avoiding waking him up.

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This man is a thief!

Jian Songyi quickly grabbed the person angrily. He sat up straight and glared at this thief. He only wants to know what is it he is taking, and sure enough the stolen good is within his grasp. But when he took a closer look, what he found was his confiscated cellphone.

Jian Songyi was stunned in confusion as to how did it get there. When he looked up, he saw that it was Bai Huai. He was confused even more.

Bai Huai, being caught red-handed, bent over against the table and snickered a little. He even straightened Jian Songyi’s hair before speaking. “You’re not asleep, are you?”


He waved the phone in front of Jian Songyi. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“Here. I know you want it back. Don’t be angry with me now, okay?”


Peng Minghong is a notorious devil teacher. He is very hard to deal with. Thus, it should’ve taken a lot of breath and effort to get his phone back from him. Bai Huai even pulled out some dirty transactions just to be able to negotiate with him, but who knows. 

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Jian Songyi felt that this man’s human nature and empathy haven’t died out yet.

Jian Songyi loosened his hand and took his phone to hide it back under his table. “Let’s talk about it.”

Bai Huai smiled instantly. “Sure. Let’s talk about it.” He whispered before leaning closer to reach out to Jian Songyi’s loose strands of hair against his forehead. He hummed and pushed it all back. 

After that, he quickly placed the thermos cup against Jian Songyi’s desk and sat back on his seat beside him as he already did what he had to do.

It all came naturally, so naturally that Jian Songyi didn’t realize that he had been rubbed on his head. But the audience inside the room noticed instantly.

Yang Yue had seen the whole thing which led her to go and tug Xu Jiaxing’s sleeve. “Do you think when Bai Huai spoke to Brother Song just now, he was making up with him? Did you even see what he did? He spoke with such a gentle tone as if he is coaxing a child.”

Xu Jiaxing looked at the two demons at the back suspiciously, and then immediately shivered from the aura that was enveloping them. It was like the cold atmosphere from the South Pole and Noth Pole in a great combination.

“Maybe he poisoned the cup but is in doubt whether to give it to Brother Song or not. So to feel less guilty, he ought to give Brother Song last care before he dies.”

Yang Yue thought for a moment, “I think you have a point.”

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At the end of the school this evening, Bai Huai received news from his new sister, the president of the support club [Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi].

She was angry.

[BB, do you think these people are blind? Why do you think Bai Huai’s paralyzed face is more handsome than my cub?]

Bai Huai: “…..” He’d like to think that he has a rich expression.

But he could not defend himself in front of Jian Songyi’s fan support president, so he calmly replied. [Yes. I think Jian Songyi looks better too, but why do you call him cub?]

Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [ Because I am the mother bear! Of course, the mother bear’s little one is called a cub.]

Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Wait, you’re not a girlfriend fan, are you?]

Bingo! Bai Huai felt stuck on what to reply.

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