Jian Songyi kicked his blanket to the ground, revealing the way he curled into a ball at the edge of his bed. Another turn from him, and he’d eventually fall off the bed without a doubt.

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Bai Huai walked over to check his forehead. It was still a little hot.


With that gesture, Jian Songyi didn’t wake up. And instead of his usual arrogant remark, his face only softens as he frowns slightly. When Jian Songyi felt the coolness on his forehead, he rubbed his forehead twice like a child scratching his skin gently.


He looks pathetic and lovely, Bai Huai thought.


With that, he could not help but sigh. Bai Huai lifted Jian Songyi’s body and laid it over on the other side of the bed to refrain him from falling. After leaving enough space, he then blocked the edge of the bed with his long leg. As if it wasn’t thoughtful enough, he wrapped an arm around Jian Songyi as he tries to pass the coolness of his body to him.


Jian Songyi was quick to turn himself over and bury his face against Bai Huai enough to directly expose his glands to him yet again. He continued to turn and snuggle in for quite a while as he took his time to find the most comfortable position.


Bai Huai felt that he smelled a voluptuous scent of wild roses even after injecting the best blockers into Jian Songyi.


He bowed his head and stole a wisp of sweetness from the petals of the little rose that had just recently removed its thorns.


He then felt that his actions were indeed starting to be shameful, that he took the situation to his advantage and risked danger for the two of them. But it is only natural. He had been enduring and turning a blind eye all this time. It’s about time he at least gets something for himself in exchange. 


It’s just that he had underestimated Jian Songyi’s heat, but if he is going to be completely honest, he had him weak on his knees too.


Bai Huai took a deep breath before ever so slowly letting go of Jian Songyi. He then turned sideways to face the other wall as if he is avoiding touching him again. He then closed his eyes as his lips form a small smile he could not suppress.


Maybe the feelings- the love I’ve hidden all this time when I was young is just like this, He thought.

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It is all indulgence and restraint.



When the alarm clock rang, the sky outside the window was a glimmer of blue.


Jian Songyi turned over and buried himself against the blanket. “It’s not even dawn yet, what’s the point of getting up? Who the fuck set this shitty time?”


If Jian Songyi is a morning person, then Mrs. Tang wouldn’t have had to negotiate with the school administration so that he wouldn’t have to take the everyday morning self-study.


On the other hand, there is Bai Huai who was already dressed and sitting cross-legged at the edge of his bed. He has his elbow resting on Jian Songyi’s legs as his head sits against his fist. “Get up. I seem to have a fever. Can you accompany me down the hill to the hospital?” He asked listlessly.


He has this strong nasal and hoarse voice.


Jian Songyi slowly lifted his blanket. He sat up and leaned forward to check Bai Huai’s forehead with the palm of his hand.


It’s amazingly hot.


“Damn it, why is it burning like this?” He scolded him with a low voice.


Then even though Bai Huai was still inside the room, he immediately change his clothes and return to Bai Huai: “Let’s go. I’ll take you to the infirmary.”


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Bai Huai pushed him away. “It’s okay. You don’t need to carry me out yet. First, you need to go find Mr. Lao Bai. Tell him that I have a fever. I need to go down the mountain for an infusion. Also, tell him that you have been infected and are feeling your head ache. You want to go with me to take some medicine and to take care of me.”


Jian Songyi put his arm around his shoulder compulsorily. “Isn’t this nonsense? Can I not fucking go with you without all that crap?”


Bai Huai removed his arm around him and shook his head. “He won’t let have others follow and have a free pass from the training.”


Bai Huai paused for a while before continuing again: “You only have two inhibitors, which is not enough. I’m an underage Alpha. The hospital won’t sell it to me. You have to get it yourself.”


“…..” Jian Songyi paused for a moment before taking a breath. “Okay. You must seat down first. I’m going to look for Lao Bai.”


As soon as he opened the door, he happened to see Yang Yue coming out after a shower. Jian Songyi immediately called her. “Yang yue, where is Lao Bai?”

“Mr. Lao Bai is on duty on the first floor. What’s wrong?” She answered sleepily.


“Bai Huai has a high fever. I am taking him to the hospital.”


“What?” Yang Yue woke up in an instant. “Bai Huai has a fever? I told you before that it’s better to take a hot bath with everyone. Did you listen to me? No. He has to take a cold bath alone in the middle of the night.”


“Alone in the middle of the night?”


“Yes, last night. It was around 2 o’clock. I got up because I have to pee and saw him. I was so scared at the time. Oh my god. I almost thought that it was haunted.”  


Jian Songyi didn’t listen to Yang Yue’s bullshit anymore and her whole face suddenly cooled down. She clenched her teeth along with her fist before taking a deep breath. She said nothing and quickly walked down the stairs to find Lao Bai.

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Lao Bai came up to look at Bai Huai’s situation, and it turns out, he really needed to go to the hospital. In addition, Jian Songyi and Bai Huai both tricked him so easily, thanks to their mesmerizing convincing eyes and lying skills. They then called their parents to explain their situation and asked for advice. They agreed to their request for medical treatment.


After all, Peng Minghong had no time to check on them since he is the one in charge of all the students in their year level. He couldn’t really get away from his tasks. Besides, the two of them are already responsible for themselves so there’s no need to make too much of a fuss about it.


Just for convenience, he made the base send a car to take them there.


Along the way, the two were relatively silent. Jian Songyi’s lips had been pursed in displease as he is vaguely suppressing his anger. This repressed anger even made him forget about the discomfort he felt due to his binding heat.


Jian Songyi accompanied Bai Huai with a straight face. They went to register Bai Huai, see a doctor, draw the blood, give the necessary fluids, queue up for medicines, take various lists, and run back and forth in a straight line.


Bai Huai felt that the young master had never before come to such a small health station all his life, so he could understand if he is a bit embarrassed having himself here. 


Jian Songyi has been waiting for Bai Huai to settle in. The nurse took her time hanging up the dextrose and making sure it is hanging right. Jian Songyi then entrusted the nurse with a few words before he left.


After ten minutes, he came back with the inhibitors and tapped in front of Bai Huai. “Are you satisfied now?” He questioned with an aggravated tone.


Bai Huai could only lower his head and stare at the needle sticking on the back of his hand as he said nothing.


Bai Huai’s silence made Jian Songyi angrier. “Bai Huai, do you know what’s interesting? It’s the fact that you’ve already taken a shower at night and then proceeded to take another cold shower just to catch a fever, come down from the mountain all the way to the hospital just to get suppressants for me?”


Bai Huai slowly lifted his head. The indifference is evident in his expression and tone: “or what? Do you think that on the first day of your fever, you can do intensive physical training with a large group of Alphas in the absence of blockers?”

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“Am I fucking scared of that?”


“I know you’re going to say that you’re okay and you can handle it, then you can physically hold up, but have you ever thought that you don’t exactly know how to be an Omega at all? What if your pheromones get out of control? Bai Huai’s voice becomes calmer and more gentle as he knows that Jian Songyi is aware that he is right.


Seeing that Jian Songyi is silent, he could not help but crack a smile. “But don’t be moved too much. This is only Little Bai’s job as an instructor. After all, you have called me Brother Huai for so many years. Can I not protect you? Besides, If everyone will learn that you are an Omega then whatever the outcome of our bet, whether you or I win, they will classify me as a big bully.”


Bai Huai has been very skilled with Jian Songyi. He has a way to persuade him to relax and cheer him up. It is also his way of hiding what he is truly thinking in shattered glass. He rarely fails. 


This time, however, Jian Songyi didn’t shoot back.


He just stood in front of Bai Huai and lowered his gaze. With a dry tone, he bugs to speak: “How can you say that you’re a bad person? You have been angry with me since we were children, but does it mean that I couldn’t see the things you’ve done for me now?”


Jian Songyi paused.


“Bai Huai, I am not a heartless fool either. I can tell who treats me well.”




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